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Rosario Carvello edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 35 revisions

WebMVC uses a security model known as RBAC, "Role Based Access Control".
RBAC establishes that:

a) Every user must be authenticated, identified, and assigned to an application role (i.e. admin, user, power user, and so on).
b) Afterward, a user, after logging in, can access only web pages that were designed to have restricted access only to their role.
c) Roles can (or not) restrict user access to web pages. They can also restrict database record operations, like INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE.

WebMVC, lets you implement a),b) and, c) by providing you services for:

  1. Defining the database tables in which to store: users, credentials, roles (access_level), and assignment of a role to users
  2. Implementing a login mechanism for authenticating and identifying users.
  3. Implementing a mechanism to establish that the access for execution of given MVC assemblies is allowed only to an authenticated user and/or who has the appropriate role.
  4. Limiting database record operations depending on user role

Database tables for storing users, credentials, roles, and assignment of a role to users.

You can use the sql\rbac.sql script to automatically create these tables. The generated tables will also contain sample data for users and roles. In the example, data access_level = 100 is for Administrators while 60 is for Managers. User credentials will be given by its email and password and password will be optionally stored by using md5 or password_hash one-way encryption algorithm. In sample data, all md5 passwords are equal to "password".
The figure below shows you the tables diagram:

System Architecture

While tables are used to store the RBAC information regarding users and roles, the framework\User class provides you with all methods and helpers for handling user status every time you need and from everywhere (inside of a controller, model, or view). Specifically, the framework/User.php class will use tables and data for implementing the following methods that you can/must use during the development of your MVC classes for managing user authentication, login, logout, and so on (read comments):

First of all "getter" methods:


     * Gets user ID. The id is the primary key
     * @return int
    public function getId()

     * Gets user email. Used for credential
     * @return string
    public function getEmail()

     * Gets user password. Used for credential
     * @return string (Optionally encrypted by md5 algo)
    public function getPassword()

     * Gets user role
     * @return int The number identifying the user role
    public function getRole()

Here are some useful methods to manage user login and logout:


     * Login user
     * @param string $mail User email
     * @param string $password User password
     * @return bool True if login ok, else false
    public function login($email, $password)

     * Logout user
     * @return bool 
    public function logout()

     * Checks if a user is successfully logged in
     * @return bool True if logged in, else false
    public function isLogged()
     * Checks if a user is logged in. If false it redirects to a custom link used for showing 
     * the login form and requiring authentication. If true it redirects to a custom link.
     * @param null|string $redirect 
     *                The Controller URL for redirecting when the user is not logged in.
     *                If null it automatically redirects to the default login page.
     * @param null|string $returnLink 
     *                The return link to be used for redirecting if the user is successful 
     *                logged in.
     *                If null it (still) will be the default login page
     * @param null|string $LoginWarningMessage  
     *                A custom warning message to show into the login form after 
     *                unsuccessful login
     *                If null it will be the a default message
    public function checkForLogin($redirect=null, $returnLink=null, $LoginWarningMessage=null)

     * Auto-login by using Cookies
     * @uses ChiperService
     * It uses the ChiperService class to decrypt Cookie
    public function autoLoginFromCookies()

If you prefer to define and use your custom tables for storing and managing users and roles you must instruct WebMVC how to find tables for getting information. In this case, it will be necessary to modify the file config/security.config.php (please read comments)


 * security.config.php
 * Main application security configuration parameters.
 * You can change those values according to your security
 * MySQL environment or Chiper preferences

 * Defines the constants for MySQL database User table.
 * Class User uses this information.

 *  Constant for the User MySQL Table

 *  Defines a constant for INT Primary Key field of the User MySQL Table

 *  Defines a constant for the UNIQUE email field of the User MySQL Table
 *  Email is used as credential

 *  Defines a constant for the password field of the User MySQL Table
 *  Password is used as credential

 *  Defines a constant for the role field of the User MySQL Table
 *  User role defines access levels criteria managed by RBAC Engine
define('USER_ROLE', 'id_access_level');

 *  Defines a constant for Administrator role id
define('ADMIN_ROLE_ID', 100);

 *  Defines a constant for the enable field of the User MySQL Table
 *  User enable field can temporarily disable users. 
 *  Leave blank the value for USER_ENABLED if you don't want to manage the enabling/disabling of users.
 *  Note: User enable database field value must be 1 or -1
define('USER_ENABLED', 'enabled');

Using RBAC

You can protect access and execution of a Controller by using RBAC features. To do this the abstract Controller class of WebMVC provides you with the following methods:

     * Restricts on RBAC. User role must have a role contained into RBACL.
     * @param string $redirect The Controller url path to redirecting when access is denied.
     *                         If null it redirects to the default login page.
     * @param null|string $returnLink The return link after logging in with the dafault
     *                    login page
     * @param null|string $LoginWarningMessage A custom warning message to show
     * @return User
    protected function restrictToRBAC($redirect = null, $returnLink = null, $LoginWarningMessage = null)

     * Restricts access only to authenticated users
     * @param string $redirect The Controller URL path to redirecting when the user is not logged in.
     *                         If null it redirects to the default login page.
     * @param null|string $returnLink The return link after logging in with the the
     *                                default login page
     * @param null|string $LoginWarningMessage A custom warning message to show
     * @return User
    protected function restrictToAuthentication($redirect = null, $returnLink = null, $LoginWarningMessage = null)

     * Grants a user role for access
     * @param int $role number
    protected function grantRole($role)
        $role = (int)$role;
        $this->roleBasedACL[] = $role;

So you can restrict access and execution of a Controller only to authenticated users or to users having a specific role.

In controller\examples\cms\InnerBlocks you can find an example of how to implement RBAC. The following code section illustrates how the access restriction can be implemented into the __construct class constructor.

    * Object constructor.
    * @param View $view
    * @param Model $mode
    public function __construct(View $view=null, Model $model=null)
        $this->grantRole(100);  // Administrator
        $this->grantRole(60);   // Manager (see access_level table)
        // Alternatively, you can limit access to only the authenticated user, regardless of role
        // $this->restrictToAuthentication(null,"examples/cms/inner_blocks");

        $this->view = empty($view) ? $this->getView() : $view;
        $this->model = empty($model) ? $this->getModel() : $model;

It means that just by writing the first three lines of code you restricted the execution only to Administrator (role 100) and Manager (60). So if you try to access to: http://localhost/examples/cms/inner_blocks the response will be:

  • If you never logged in before, then you will be redirected to the login Controller/Page to specify your credentials
  • After authentication (or if you are previously authenticated) framework checks your credentials and, then if you have an appropriate role granted into controller\examples\cms\InnerBlocks (defined with the first two lines of code into the constructor)
  • If you successfully match the role then the framework lets you access and execute controller\examples\cms\InnerBlocks, otherwise you will be redirected to the login page and a login warning message will be shown (the message text is an optional parameter of restrictToRBAC and restrictToAuthentication)

Finally, If you just want to restrict access to authenticated users, regardless of role/access_level assigned to each user, you can use restrictToAuthentication method in a similar way described before.

Limiting database record operations depending on user role

To evaluate the user role you can simply use the "getRole" method of "framework\User" and thus determine the correct database operation that you need to implement and that is required by your application. Below is an example of code that you can, arbitrarily, put into a Model (as well as Controller or View) to illustrate how to implement a DB operation depending on the role of the current user logged in

// ...some code before
$user = new framework\User();
$userRole = $user->getRole(); 
if ($userRole == 100) {
 // custom code to allow add or update a record
// custom code to read a record
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