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README - Dojo Deferred vs Node

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240 lines (215 loc) · 7.04 KB

Node Async vs Dojo's Deferred

#Using Dojo's Deferred - Then

For Single Async Operation using Deferred

  1. Define a Deferred
  2. Call Async Function
  3. Resolve a Deferred
  4. Setup callback when Deferred gets resolved then call next operation

For Multiple Async Operation using Deferred

  1. Define a Deferred - Def1
  2. Call Async Function - Func1
    1. Define a Deferred - Def2 in Function called at Point 2
    2. Call Async Function - Func2
      1. Define a Deferred - Def3 in Function called at Point 2.2
      2. Call Async Function - Func3
      3. Resolve a Deferred
      4. Setup callback when Deferred - Def3 gets resolved then call next operation
    3. Resolve a Deferred
    4. Setup callback when Deferred - Def2 gets resolved then call next operation
  3. Resolve a Deferred
  4. Setup callback when Deferred - Def1 gets resolved then call next operation

#Using Dojo's Deferred - When

For Single Async Operation using Deferred

  1. Define a Deferred
  2. Call Async Function
  3. Resolve a Deferred
  4. Setup callback when Deferred gets resolved

For Multiple Async Operation using Deferred

  1. Define a Deferred - Def1
  2. Define a Deferred - Def2
  3. Define a Deferred - Def3
  4. Call Async Function - Func1
  5. Resolve a Deferred - Def1
  6. Setup callback - call Async Function Func2 using when When Deferred - Def1 gets resolved
  7. Resolve a Deferred - Def2
  8. Setup callback - call Async Function Func3 using when When Deferred - Def2 gets resolved
  9. Resolve a Deferred - Def3
  10. Setup callback - call Async Function Func4 using when When Deferred - Def3 gets resolved
	function(declare, Deferred, fs) {
		return declare('App', null, {
			constructor: function(id) {
				this.defDocToZip = new Deferred();
				this.defUnZip = new Deferred();
				this.defProcess = new Deferred();
				this.defZipFolder = new Deferred();
				this.defRenameZipToDocx = new Deferred();


				Deferred.when(this.defDocToZip, this.unzipFile)
				Deferred.when(this.defUnZip, this.processFile)
				Deferred.when(this.defProcess, this.zipFolder)
				Deferred.when(this.defZipFolder, this.renameZipToDocX)
				Deferred.when(this.defRenameZipToDocx, this.done)
			renameDocToZip: function(myThis) {
				fs.readFile("./server.js", function(err, data) {
					console.log(err, data.toString())
					console.log('I am a test function')
			unzipFile: function(myThis) {
				fs.readFile("./main.js", function(err, data) {
					console.log(err, data.toString())
					console.log('I am a test function 2')
			processFile: function(myThis) {
				var _this = this;
				fs.readFile("./main.js", function(err, data) {
					console.log(err, data.toString())
					console.log('I am a test function 3')
			zipFolder: function(myThis) {
				var _this = this;
				fs.readFile("./main.js", function(err, data) {
					console.log(err, data.toString())
					console.log('I am a test function 4')
			renameZipToDocX: function(myThis) {
				var _this = this;
				fs.readFile("./main.js", function(err, data) {
					console.log(err, data.toString())
					console.log('I am a test function 5')
			done: function() {
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')

#Using Node's Async.js [Demo - Clean Code Structure - Using Dojo and Async.js at BackEnd without using Dojo's Deferred] (

  1. SetUp Async's WaterFall function - async.waterfall

  2. Add First Element to Array - Basic callback Function

    function(callback) {
  3. Add Second Element to Array - Func1 with Async - callback for next function in series

  4. Add Third Element to Array - Func2 with Async - callback for next function in series

  5. Add Fourth Element to Array - Func3 with Async - callback for next function in series

// Hi I am your custom class
	function(declare, Deferred, fs, async) {
		return declare('App', null, {
			constructor: function(id) {
				console.log('I am a constructor')
				//Point to class when this gets changed
				var _this = this;

					function(callback) {
						callback(null, _this);
				], function(err, result) {
					console.log('done ....')
			path: "folder wih all templates",
			fileName: "My Tempate.docx",
			fileNameWithoutExtension: "My Tempate",
			rename: function(path, oldName, newName) {
				var _this = this;
				var _callback = arguments[arguments.lengh - 1]
				fs.rename(path + oldName, path + newName, function(err, data) {
					console.log(err, data.toString())
					console.log('I am a test function')
					 * call next function in series and
					 * provide sufficient input to next function
					_callback(null, _this);
			renameDocxToZip: function(_this, callback) {
				var oldName = _this.fileNameWithoutExtension + ".docx"
				var newName = _this.fileNameWithoutExtension + ".zip"
				callback(null, _this);
			unzipFile: function(_this, callback) {
				fs.readFile("./main.js", function(err, data) {
					console.log(err, data.toString())
					console.log('I am a test function 2')
					callback(null, _this);
			processFile: function(_this, callback) {
				var _this = this;
				fs.readFile("./main.js", function(err, data) {
					console.log(err, data.toString())
					console.log('I am a test function 3')
					callback(null, _this);
			zipFolder: function(_this, callback) {
				var _this = this;
				fs.readFile("./main.js", function(err, data) {
					console.log(err, data.toString())
					console.log('I am a test function 4')
					callback(null, _this);
			renameZipToDocX: function(_this, callback) {
				var _this = this;
				fs.readFile("./main.js", function(err, data) {
					console.log(err, data.toString())
					console.log('I am a test function 5')
					callback(null, _this);
			done: function(_this, callback) {
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')
				console.log('I am done')