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Ryan Quan

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Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University
MPH, Public Health Informatics May 2015 Relevant Coursework: Data Mining, Data Visualization, Methods in Biomedical Informatics
University of California, Berkeley
B.S., Microbial Biology Dec 2011


  • Predictive Analytics
    Leveraging computational statistics and machine learning to extract information from data, build useful models, and drive better decisions.
  • Health Domain Knowledge
    Experience in analyzing large, unstructured datasets from insurance claims, electronic health records, genomics, and health policy experiments.
  • Data Storytelling
    Transforming raw numbers into narrative visualizations that communicate technical ideas and insights to non-technical audiences.


  1. Languages: R, Python, SAS, SQL
  2. ML Packages: caret, scikit-learn
  3. Databases: PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  4. Version Control: git
  5. Programs: Excel, ArcGIS, Treeage
  6. Visualization: ggplot2, seaborn, D3.js


Data Scientist
Omada Health - San Francisco, CA June 2015 - present
Research Associate
Columbia University, Dept. of Health Policy - New York, NY Dec 2013 - May 2015 Coordinated statistical analyses of health policy studies in conjunction with stakeholders from NYC Department of Health and the US Census Bureau. Ran robust regression and cost-effectiveness models on high-performance computing cluster to validate a state-level health insurance study.
Graduate Research Assistant
Columbia University, Dept. of Epidemiology - New York, NY Feb 2014 - May 2015 Led R programming unit. Developed interactive R programs to optimize cleaning and analysis of high-throughput epigenomics data. Ran regression analyses of experimental and observational studies relating to obesity and cancer.
Policy and Data Analyst
City Council - New York, NY Jan 2014 - Aug 2014 Directed cost-effectiveness research essential to the introduction of new legislation (Intro 0214-2014). Managed database of over 25,000 voters. Applied supervised machine learning to optimize messaging campaigns. Developed front-facing web application using NationBuilder API. Automated statistical and GIS reports to improve operations and inform policy.
P&T Wealth Management - Cupertino, CA Apr 2013 - Aug 2013 Leveraged CRM to identify opportunities, needs, and gaps for health providers. Cleaned redundancies in database to optimize SQL queries. Led organization of seminars and events averaging 100+ attendees.
Director of Program Development
Asian American Center - San Jose, CA Sep 2012 - Apr 2013 Designed Affordable Care Act curriculum for low-income immigrant population. Created program evaluation framework to assess effectiveness of intervention. Organized community health event for 200+ attendees.
Founder and Chairman
VISION High School Outreach - Berkeley, CA Jan 2012 - present Founded state-wide high school program to address issues in culture and higher education. Created and manage annual scholarship fund for Vietnamese high school students totaling $20,000+.

Ryan Quan —
