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PETS Database

This folder contains all pets for the Windows 10 application and WebSheep script.

Develop another pet?

The sheep and all animations are described in a simple XML file! So everyone can create an animation and publish it here.

What do you need

  • An icon 48x48 px
  • A sprite sheet: a grid (every cell need to have the same size) with all possible images

How to create the animations

If you want, you can download the original XML and modify it.

The entire documentation about the schema is documented here:

But you can also use the online free editor on

How to test the animation

Once you created your animations.xml, you can drag it over your sheep. The pet will automatically use the new XML if it can be loaded successfully.

New: there is a tool to check all animations (not only XML parser):

Add the new created pet on GitHub

  • Create a folder (this is a unique name and can't have special characters) in this directory with at least 2 files:
    • animations.xml
    • *
    • icon.png
  • Update the pets.json file and add your pet informations:
    • folder id
    • author
    • update date

The is your about message. This will be displayed also inside the app. So write whatever you want there about you and your animations.

incon.png will be show in the home page of the application.

The pets.json is the file loaded by the application to see if there are new pets to download. The list of pets will be generated by this file.