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62 lines (54 loc) · 2.27 KB

File metadata and controls

62 lines (54 loc) · 2.27 KB


This service receives unconfirmed claims from Planetmint which are to be issued from the pop wallet to a beneficiary address on liquid. It returns the transaction hash of the liquid transaction. All received claims are stored and polled from liquid until enough confirmations have been received. Afterwards the confirmed claim is sent to Planetmint to finish the process and notarize the confirmation on chain.

Curl example:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"beneficiary": "plmnt15xuq0yfxtd70l7jzr5hg722sxzcqqdcr8ptpl5", "amount":"10000.00000000", "claim-id":1}' localhost:8080/claim


  • POST /claim
  • GET /claim/:id


    participant Planetmint
    participant Service
    participant Liquid
    Planetmint->>Service: POST claim
    Service->>Liquid: SendToAddress
    Liquid-->>Service: TX hash
    Service-->>Planetmint: TX hash
    loop every n seconds for all unconfirmed claims
        Service->>Liquid:  GetTransaction
        Liquid-->>Service: txDetails{confirmations: n}
        alt if enough confirmations for tx
            Service->>Planetmint: notarize confirmation


The service can be executed via the following go command without having it previously built:

go run cmd/rddl-claim-service/main.go


The service needs to be configured via the ./app.toml file or environment variables. The defaults are

asset = '7add40beb27df701e02ee85089c5bc0021bc813823fedb5f1dcb5debda7f3da9'
certs-path = './certs/'
confirmations = 10
db-path = './data'
log-level = 'debug'
planetmint-address = 'plmnt15xuq0yfxtd70l7jzr5hg722sxzcqqdcr8ptpl5'
planetmint-chain-id = 'planetmint-testnet-1'
rpc-host = ''
rpc-pass = 'password'
rpc-user = 'user'
service-host = 'localhost'
service-port = 8080
shamir-host = 'https://localhost:9091'
wait-period = 10
wallet = 'pop'

Important: The planetmint-address needs to be the ClaimAddress configured on Planetmint in order to pass the AnteHandler check.

Data storage

This service stores all claims in a LevelDB on disk. This is to ensure that no claims are lost in case of failure. These are loaded from disk as soon as the service starts.