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Thomas Bergwinkl edited this page Jun 8, 2016 · 4 revisions


RDF-Ext provides a JavaScript library for working with RDF & Linked Data. This module contains the core classes to handle RDF Model data. Additional modules may be required to handle data in different formats (Turtle, JSON-LD, RDF/XML) or stores (LDP, SPARQL). The module section lists the most common modules.


In general, consult the API documentation for details about how to interact with the library.


RDF-Ext is available on npm, to install it run:

npm install rdf-ext

In the code, import RDF-Ext:

var rdf = require('rdf-ext');


Just import the RDF-Ext distribution:

<script src="/js/rdf-ext.js"></script>


You can download a prebuilt or custom distribution from the RDF-Ext distribution builder site. The RDF-Ext distribution builder also offers a command line interface to build custom distributions.


If you build your application with Browserify, RDF-Ext can be bundled flawless.


Issues & feature requests should be reported on Github.

Pull requests are very welcome.


See the Modules wiki page for a full list of modules.

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