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File metadata and controls

30 lines (18 loc) · 1.77 KB

Setup the application

To set up the application, create a new file config/settings/ in your cloned rdmo-app directory. For the example user with the home /srv/rdmo, this would now be /srv/rdmo/rdmo-app/config/settings/

You can use config/settings/ as template, i.e.:

cp config/settings/ config/settings/    # on Linux or macOS
copy config\settings\ config\settings\  # on Windows

Most of the settings of your RDMO instance are specified in this file. The different settings are explained in detail later in the documentation </configuration/index>. For a minimal configuration, you need to set DEBUG = True to see verbose error messages and serve static files, and SECRET_KEY to a long random string, which you will keep secret. Your database connection is configured using the DATABASES variable. Database configuration is covered later in the documentation </configuration/databases>. If no DATABASE setting is given sqlite3 will be used as database backend.

Then, initialize the database of the application, using:

python migrate                # initializes the database
python create_groups          # creates groups with different permissions
python createsuperuser        # creates the admin user
python download_vendor_files  # dowloads front-end files from the CDN

After these steps, RDMO can be run using Djangos intergrated development server:

python runserver

Then, RDMO is available on in your (local) browser. The different ways RDMO can be deployed are covered in the next chapter.