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tripleo-ci ruck|rover cockpit:

This is where the code behind lives. This README will help you setup a development environment for the tripleo-ci ruck|rover cockpit.

Note for Fedora 32+:

Please read through and follow...

Note for Fedora 31:

The Docker package has been removed from Fedora 31. It has been replaced by the upstream package moby-engine, which includes the Docker CLI as well as the Docker Engine. However, we recommend instead that you use Package-x-generic-16.pngpodman, which is a Cgroups v2- compatible container engine whose CLI is compatible with Docker's. Fedora 31 uses Cgroups v2 by default. The moby-engine package does not support Cgroups v2 yet, so if you need to run the moby-engine or run the Docker CE package, then you need to switch the system to using Cgroups v1, by passing the kernel parameter To do this permanently, run sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0" This command reverts the systemd configuration to use cgroup v1. Or if you have a vm running fedora 30 with docker installed use the export DOCKER_HOST export DOCKER_HOST = "tcp://system-IP:custom-port"


The cockpit uses docker containers to run the required services - telegraf, grafana, influxdb and mariadb. To install i. docker ii. docker compose Make sure the user is also added to the docker group and start the docker service to avoid the following permissions error:

+ docker volume create telegraf-volume
Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at
unix:///var/run/docker.sock: Post http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock

Starting the cockpit

There is a simiple script included in this repo that will help start up the required service container with docker-compose - see Running with -s will start up the cockpit:

[m@192 files]$ ./ -s
+ '[' -z -s ']'
+ '[' -s '!=' '' ']'
+ case $1 in
+ shift
+ start
+ docker volume create telegraf-volume
+ docker volume create grafana-volume
+ docker volume create influxdb-volume
+ docker volume create mariadb-volume
+ docker-compose up
Starting nginx    ... done
Starting mariadb  ... done
Starting influxdb        ... done
Starting mariadb-sidecar ... done
Starting telegraf        ... done
Starting grafana         ... done
Starting grafana-sidecar ... done
Attaching to nginx, mariadb, influxdb, mariadb-sidecar, telegraf, grafana, grafana-sidecar

Note it may take a while to load especially on first run. You will see that the containers are being pulled before starting them like:

Pulling mariadb (mariadb:10.4.2-bionic)...
Trying to pull repository ...
sha256:0a6456f1c6cc818f55a2d12a03f85429165235c6676943e2f12e6b36bb67892e: Pulling from
Pulling nginx (nginx:latest)...
Trying to pull repository ...
sha256:eb3320e2f9ca409b7c0aa71aea3cf7ce7d018f03a372564dbdb023646958770b: Pulling from
f5d23c7fed46: Downloading [====>                                              ] 2.514 MB/27.09 MB

Once services start successfully you will begin to see the influxdb queries:

influxdb           | [httpd] - - [26/Jul/2019:13:19:30 +0000] "GET /query?db=telegraf&epoch=s& HTTP/1.1" 200 57 "-" "Grafana" 0066f579-afa8-11e9-83b7-0242ac120002 1632

This is important as it also gives you the local address that is serving the cockpit on port 3000. So in the case above, you can use or http://localhost:8080 in a browser to see the cockpit.

Once you load the page you will have to find "Cockpit" by clicking on Home in the top-left of the loaded page. Note that it will take a while before the various fields of the cockpit are populated.

Developing the ruck|rover cockpit

You can edit the cockpit directly in the browser but you first need to login using the link in the bottom left corner. The default user/pass are "admin"/"admin".

Once you've made any changes you need to click 'save' in the cockpit. However to submit any changes as reviews upstream you first need to export those changes into the cockpit.dashboard.json file. You may notice that after you have made and saved changes, but before exporting them, git will show there have been no changes made to the cockpit.dashboard.json.

Luckily there are scripts included for export and import of the json data. The scripts are in the files/grafana directory.

First create the required key using

./ --key-name foo > grafana.key and

The two scripts and are used to export the cockpit data to json and then import the data back into the local cockpit, respectively. For both you will need to pass the local address that the cockpit is being served on using the --host parameter.

./ --host
./ --host

Create a snapshot

After you've saved and exported your changes into a code review you should also create a shareable snapshot. You can do this via the 'share' button along the top bar, and selecting the Snapshot tab. You can then include a link to this together with your code submission.

Stopping the ruck|rover cockpit

The service containers and services can be stopped with a ctrl-c in the main server window. You will see it try to gracefully shut-down all the things:

^[[6~telegraf           | 2019-07-26T13:25:40Z D! Output [influxdb] buffer fullness: 0 / 10000 metrics.
^CGracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)
Stopping grafana-sidecar ...
Stopping telegraf        ... done
Stopping grafana         ...
Stopping mariadb-sidecar ...
Stopping nginx           ... done
Stopping influxdb        ...
Stopping mariadb         ...

If you want to clear all local data you can use the with the -c (--clean).

Testing and changing telegraf scripts

First install the requirements

> pip install --user -r files/telegraf/requirements.txt

Then you can do a telegraf test on them for example for launchpad

> cd files/telegraf
> PATH=.:$PATH telegraf --test --config telegraf.d/launchpad.conf

The scripts are very standalone so you can directly execute them

> cd files/telegraf
> ./ --tag promotion-blocker

If you see errors with "telegraf --test" like 'Error in plugin [inputs.exec]: metric parse error: expected field at offset 497' It means that there is stuff generatd by the python script at character 497 that telegraf cannot parse

Best way to fix those is dumping with the python script with the options from telegraf to a file and doing with "vim" a ":goto 497" to go to the character from this you can iterate until "telegraf --test" passes.

InfluxDB performance

InfluxDB can have problems with memory consumption. To prevent this it's better to use TSI indexes. If you don't use it right now, it's possible to convert existing data to use it, see these guidelines. Enabled this for TripleoCI dashboard with