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92 lines (71 loc) · 3.87 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (71 loc) · 3.87 KB


0.11.0 / 2017-10-09

  • Add pullToRefresh prop.
  • Remove useZscroller scrollerOptions refreshControl pullUpEnabled pullUpRefreshing pullUpOnRefresh pullUpDistanceToRefresh pullUpRenderer props.
  • Remove ListView.RefreshControl components.

Upgrade tips

Note: 0.11.0 version has very big optimization, if you use useZscroller/ListView.RefreshControl before. You need to follow new usage.

Now useZscroller scrollerOptions refreshControl these props no longer work. Use the web's native scroller instead of zscroller, using the PullToRefresh component instead of the ListView.RefreshControl component.

Upgrade example:

+ import { ListView, PullToRefresh } from 'antd-mobile';
-  refreshControl={<RefreshControl
+  pullToRefresh={<PullToRefresh
-    icon={this.renderCustomIcon()}
+    indicator={{ deactivate: '下拉' }}


Note: we do not recommend using simulated scroller. But you can also use zscroller to simulate the implementation of rolling containers like bofore. You can use 'rmc-list-view/lib/Zscroller'(or archive it yourself) and the complete example is here: zscroller example.

The following props table is in the ListView.RefreshControl before,

Properties Descrition Type Default
icon refresh indicator, include pull and release state react node -
loading loading indicator react node -
distanceToRefresh distance to refresh number 25
onRefresh required, Called when the view starts refreshing. () => void -
refreshing Whether the view should be indicating an active refresh bool false

now just directly attach them in ListView component, and they will still work like before. Upgrade example:

+ import Zscroller from 'rmc-list-view/lib/Zscroller';
-  refreshControl={<RefreshControl
-    refreshing={this.state.refreshing}
-    onRefresh={this.onRefresh}
-    icon={this.renderCustomIcon()}
-  />}
+  renderScrollComponent={props => <Zscroller {...props} />}
+  refreshControl
+  refreshing={this.state.refreshing}
+  onRefresh={this.onRefresh}
+  icon={this.renderCustomIcon()}

The complete example is here: zscroller-pulldown example

0.10.1 / 2017-09-28

  • Rename pullUpDistance prop to pullUpDistanceToRefresh.

0.10.0 / 2017-09-28

  • Remove stickyHeader prop and react-sticky dependency, but you can also use react-sticky and useBodyScroll in listview by your self. (see demo)

    Because this feature is not commonly used and does not contain UI, so it is not suitable for integration.

  • Add renderSectionWrapper prop, for more precise control.

0.9.1 / 2017-09-26

  • Change RefreshControl's inner dom className
    • from ${prefixCls}-ptr to ${prefixCls}-indicator
    • from ${prefixCls}-ptr-icon to ${prefixCls}-indicator-icon-wrapper
    • from ${prefixCls}-ptr-loading to ${prefixCls}-indicator-loading-wrapper
  • Remove Promise.
  • Support pull-up fully.

0.9.0 / 2017-09-21

  • Change ref from string to function.
    • ListView component's refs.listviewscroll change to ListViewRef
    • ScrollView component's refs.ScrollView change to ScrollViewRef
    • ScrollView component's refs.InnerScrollView change to InnerScrollViewRef
    • ScrollView component's refs.refreshControl change to RefreshControlRef