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fogus committed Sep 8, 2011
1 parent 8102c89 commit a34f775
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Showing 20 changed files with 71 additions and 71 deletions.
Empty file modified .gitignore 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified .project 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified .pydevproject 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
142 changes: 71 additions & 71 deletions src/core.lisp 100755 → 100644
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
(label and (lambda (and_x and_y)
(cond (and_x
(cond (and_y t)
(t nil)))
(t nil))))
(cond (and_x
(cond (and_y t)
(t nil)))
(t nil))))

(label not (lambda (not_x)
(cond (not_x nil)
(t t))))
(cond (not_x nil)
(t t))))

(label nand (lambda (nand_x nand_y)
(not (and nand_x nand_y))))
(not (and nand_x nand_y))))

(label or (lambda (or_x or_y)
(nand or_x or_x)
(nand or_y or_y))))
(nand or_x or_x)
(nand or_y or_y))))

(label nor (lambda (nor_x nor_y)
(not (or nor_x nor_y))))
(not (or nor_x nor_y))))

(label xor (lambda (xor_x xor_y)
(and xor_x (not xor_y))
(and (not xor_x) xor_y))))
(and xor_x (not xor_y))
(and (not xor_x) xor_y))))

(label and_ (lambda (x y) (cond (x (cond (y t) (t nil))) (t nil))))
(label not_ (lambda (x) (cond (x nil) (t t))))
Expand All @@ -31,17 +31,17 @@
(label xor_ (lambda (x y) (or_ (and_ x (not_ y)) (and_ (not_ x) y))))

(label list (lambda (x y)
(cons x (cons y (quote ())))))
(cons x (cons y (quote ())))))

(label pair (lambda (x y)
(cond ((and (null x) (null y)) nil)
((and (not (atom x)) (not (atom y)))
(cons (list (car x) (car y))
(pair (cdr x) (cdr y)))))))
(cond ((and (null x) (null y)) nil)
((and (not (atom x)) (not (atom y)))
(cons (list (car x) (car y))
(pair (cdr x) (cdr y)))))))

(label assoc (lambda (x y)
(cond ((eq (car (car y)) x) (car (cdr (car y))))
(t (assoc x (cdr y))))))
(cond ((eq (car (car y)) x) (car (cdr (car y))))
(t (assoc x (cdr y))))))

(label caar (lambda (x) (car (car x))))
(label cadr (lambda (x) (car (cdr x))))
Expand All @@ -50,73 +50,73 @@
(label caddar (lambda (x) (car (cdr (cdr (car x))))))

(label null (lambda (null_x)
(eq null_x nil)))
(eq null_x nil)))

(label mapcar (lambda (mapcar_f mapcar_lst)
((null mapcar_lst) mapcar_lst)
(t (cons
(mapcar_f (car mapcar_lst))
(mapcar mapcar_f (cdr mapcar_lst)))))))
((null mapcar_lst) mapcar_lst)
(t (cons
(mapcar_f (car mapcar_lst))
(mapcar mapcar_f (cdr mapcar_lst)))))))

(label reduce (lambda (reduce_f reduce_lst)
((null reduce_lst) (reduce_f))
(t (reduce_f (car reduce_lst)
(reduce reduce_f (cdr reduce_lst)))))))
((null reduce_lst) (reduce_f))
(t (reduce_f (car reduce_lst)
(reduce reduce_f (cdr reduce_lst)))))))

(label append (lambda (append_x append_y)
(cond ((null append_x) append_y)
(t (cons (car append_x)
(append (cdr append_x) append_y))))))
(cond ((null append_x) append_y)
(t (cons (car append_x)
(append (cdr append_x) append_y))))))

(label filter (lambda (filter_f filter_lst)
((null filter_lst) filter_lst)
(t (cond
((filter_f (car filter_lst)) (append
(car filter_lst)
(filter filter_f (cdr filter_lst))))
(t (filter filter_f (cdr filter_lst))))))))
((null filter_lst) filter_lst)
(t (cond
((filter_f (car filter_lst)) (append
(car filter_lst)
(filter filter_f (cdr filter_lst))))
(t (filter filter_f (cdr filter_lst))))))))

(label eval (lambda (expr binds)
((atom expr) (assoc expr binds))
((atom (car expr))
((eq (car expr) (quote quote)) (cadr expr))
((eq (car expr) (quote atom)) (atom (eval (cadr expr) binds)))
((eq (car expr) (quote eq)) (eq (eval (cadr expr) binds)
(eval (caddr expr) binds)))
((eq (car expr) (quote car)) (car (eval (cadr expr) binds)))
((eq (car expr) (quote cdr)) (cdr (eval (cadr expr) binds)))
((eq (car expr) (quote cons)) (cons (eval (cadr expr) binds)
(eval (caddr expr) binds)))
((eq (car expr) (quote cond)) (eval-cond (cdr expr) binds))
(t (eval (cons (assoc (car expr) binds)
(cdr expr))
((eq (caar expr) (quote label))
(eval (cons (caddar expr) (cdr expr))
(cons (list (cadar expr) (car expr)) binds)))
((eq (caar expr) (quote lambda))
(eval (caddar expr)
(append (pair (cadar expr) (eval-args (cdr expr) binds))
(t (assoc expr binds)))))
((atom expr) (assoc expr binds))
((atom (car expr))
((eq (car expr) (quote quote)) (cadr expr))
((eq (car expr) (quote atom)) (atom (eval (cadr expr) binds)))
((eq (car expr) (quote eq)) (eq (eval (cadr expr) binds)
(eval (caddr expr) binds)))
((eq (car expr) (quote car)) (car (eval (cadr expr) binds)))
((eq (car expr) (quote cdr)) (cdr (eval (cadr expr) binds)))
((eq (car expr) (quote cons)) (cons (eval (cadr expr) binds)
(eval (caddr expr) binds)))
((eq (car expr) (quote cond)) (eval-cond (cdr expr) binds))
(t (eval (cons (assoc (car expr) binds)
(cdr expr))
((eq (caar expr) (quote label))
(eval (cons (caddar expr) (cdr expr))
(cons (list (cadar expr) (car expr)) binds)))
((eq (caar expr) (quote lambda))
(eval (caddar expr)
(append (pair (cadar expr) (eval-args (cdr expr) binds))
(t (assoc expr binds)))))

(label eval-cond (lambda (eval-cond_c eval-cond_a)
(cond ((eval (caar eval-cond_c) eval-cond_a)
(eval (cadar eval-cond_c) eval-cond_a))
(t (eval-cond (cdr eval-cond_c) eval-cond_a)))))
(cond ((eval (caar eval-cond_c) eval-cond_a)
(eval (cadar eval-cond_c) eval-cond_a))
(t (eval-cond (cdr eval-cond_c) eval-cond_a)))))

(label eval-args (lambda (eval-args_m eval-args_a)
(cond ((null eval-args_m) nil)
(t (cons (eval (car eval-args_m) eval-args_a)
(eval-args (cdr eval-args_m) eval-args_a))))))
(cond ((null eval-args_m) nil)
(t (cons (eval (car eval-args_m) eval-args_a)
(eval-args (cdr eval-args_m) eval-args_a))))))

(label apply (lambda (apply_name apply_args)
((list apply_name (list (quote quote) apply_args)))))
((list apply_name (list (quote quote) apply_args)))))

(label zero (lambda (s z) z))
Expand Down
Empty file modified src/py/ 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/py/ 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/py/ 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/py/ 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/py/ 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/py/ 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/py/ 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/py/ 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/py/ 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/py/ 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/rb/env.rb 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/rb/fun.rb 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/rb/lisp.rb 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/rb/lithp.rb 100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified src/rb/reader.rb 100755 → 100644
Empty file.

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