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File metadata and controls

267 lines (171 loc) · 9.01 KB


The server is intended to be configured by setting environment variables. Most web hosts that will run a Dockerized application, such as Heroku, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or Azure App Service, have ways to set environment variables in line with the Twelve Factor App.

Environment variables

This lists the commonly configured environment variables. For a complete list, please see config/settings/ for details.

There are a few required environment variables and the server will not start without them:


Set to a unique and secret path to enable the :doc:`administration interface </user-guide/administration>` (a lightly customized Django admin) at that path. For example, if this is set to admin-path then the admin interface will be available at the URL By default, this set to /admin.


The adserver analyzer runs background tasks to analyzer pages where ads are shown. This classifies these pages and stores the results for when an ad decision request is received from that page, the best ad based on content can be used. These tasks can be intensive based on how frequently ads are shown. To disable this background analysis, set ADSERVER_ANALYZER_BACKEND= (to the empty string)

The default is adserver.analyzer.backends.TextacyAnalyzerBackend.


Set this to a comma separated list of strings that are looked for anywhere in the User Agent of an ad request. Any user agents matching any of these will be completely ignored for counting clicks and views for billing purposes.


Set this to a comma separated list of strings that are looked for anywhere in the Referrer of an ad request. Any referrer matching any of these will be completely ignored for counting clicks and views for billing purposes.


Set this to a comma separated list of formats to specify how quickly a single IP can click on multiple ads. Clicks that happen faster than any of these rates will still click-through, but won't count toward billed clicks. By default, this is set to "1/m,3/10m,10/h,25/d" which is:

  • 1 click per minute
  • 3 click per 10 minutes
  • 10 clicks per hour
  • 25 clicks per day


Set this to a comma separated list of formats to specify how quickly a single IP can view ads. Views that happen faster than any of these rates will still allow viewing the ad or clicking through, but won't count toward billed impressions. By default, this is set to "3/5m" which is:

  • 3 views per 5 minutes


Set to a dotted Python path to a decision backend to use for the ad server. Different publishers and ad networks may want different backends based on how different ads should be prioritized. For example, you may want to prioritize ads with the highest CPM/CPC or prioritize the most relevant. Defaults to adserver.decisionengine.backends.ProbabilisticFlightBackend, a backend that chooses ads based on how many more clicks and views are needed.

Set to None to disable all ads from serving. This can be useful during migrations.


If set, this middleware should be used to turn IP addresses into geolocations for the purposes of ad targeting.

If the adserver is deployed behind Cloudflare (recommended), then use adserver.middleware.CloudflareGeoIpMiddleware. You should also enable "Cloudflare IP Geolocation" in the Cloudflare dashboard.

Use adserver.middleware.GeoIpDatabaseMiddleware to use a GeoIP database.


If set, this middleware should be used to get the real IP address for requests. IP addresses are used to get a location for ad targeting. These IPs are not stored in full (the last 2 bytes are zeroed out).

If the adserver is deployed behind Cloudflare (recommended), then use adserver.middleware.CloudflareIpAddressMiddleware. Do not use this middleware if not behind Cloudflare as the real IP address header could be spoofed.

Use adserver.middleware.XForwardedForMiddleware if the x-forwarded-for header can be trusted to have a valid, non-spoofed IP address.


Set to True to enforce some security precautions that are recommended when run over HTTPS:

  • The session and CSRF cookie are marked "secure" (not transmitted over insecure HTTP)
  • HSTS is enabled


Whether to store metadata (a database record) each time an ad is viewed. This is False by default and can result in a bloated database and poor performance. It's True by default in development. This can be overridden on a per publisher basis by setting the Publisher.record_views flag.


Duration in seconds to show the same ad to the same user if multiple ads are requested in short succession. This ad stickiness helps make sure that quick navigation doesn't result in wasted ad views and it ensures that the correct ad view is attributed to a clickthrough if it occurs.

The default in production is 5 seconds.


An email address where support email should go to. By default, it sends to support@ followed by the domain configured on the SITE_ID (usually site #1).


If set, the support form will submit to this external URL instead of sending email. This can be used to connect the support form to an external help desk.


This setting will adjust Django's ALLOWED_HOSTS setting. Set this to the host you are using (eg.,


This will set the address of the database used by the ad server. While any database supported by Django will work, PostgreSQL is preferred (eg. psql://username:password@ See Django's :doc:`database documentation <django:ref/databases>` and the DATABASES setting for details.


This setting will turn on Django's DEBUG mode. It should be off in production (which is the default). Set to True to enable it.


Adjusts Django's DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE setting. Defaults to storages.backends.azure_storage.AzureStorage which can be used to storage uploaded ad images in Azure. See Django's :doc:`storage documentation <django:ref/files/storage>` for details.


If set, all requests to hosts other than this one will be redirected to this host. In production, this is typically


This setting will adjust Django's INTERNAL_IPS setting. This setting has a few additional meanings for the ad server including:

  • All ad impressions and clicks from INTERNAL_IPS are ignored for reporting purposes


A Redis cache is required to operate the ad server. The Redis connection is specified in URL format such as redis://redis:6379/0.


This required setting will be your Django SECRET_KEY. Set this to something random like 50 random alphanumeric characters and keep it a secret. The server will refuse to start without this.

There are a few implications to changing this setting in a production deployment including:

  • All sessions will be invalidated (everyone gets logged out)
  • Password reset tokens are invalidated


Set this to your Sendgrid API key to enable sending email through Sendgrid.


Sets up the Stripe API where advertisers can be connected to a Stripe customer and invoices created directly through the ad server. Invoices are created in the :doc:`admin interface </user-guide/administration>`.

Overriding settings entirely

While most options can be set by tuning environment variables, for a complex setup, you might consider completely overriding the settings.

To completely override the settings, create a new file config/settings/ which should extend from config/settings/ and then you'll need to set the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to config.settings.mysettings (note that the path is separated by dots and there is no file extension).

Once this is done, other :ref:`install/configuration:Environment variables` will be configured in your new rather than with environment variables.