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General Coding Design Documents

Phil Killewald edited this page Jul 20, 2015 · 3 revisions

The general design philosophy for the Braket-o-Matic code follows this logic:

  1. Teams play in
  2. Games, which are part of a
  3. Tournament.
  4. Users fill out
  5. Brackets consisting of
  6. PredictedGames, which are checked against a
  7. MasterBracket and scored.


  • Expect-o-Matic automatically simulates possible tournament outcomes and records the expected win probabilities and earnings of each User.
  • Excite-o-Matic works in tandem with Expect-o-Matic to determine for each User which teams to root on in active games based on increase in expected earnings.
  • Predict-o-Matic allows users to manually predict or change the tournament outcome and observe the effects on the Leaderboards.
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