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Syntax Cheatsheet

Here is the cheat sheet with some equivalents between JavaScript and Reason syntaxes:


JavaScript Reason
const x = 5; let x = 5;
var x = y; No equivalent
let x = 5; x = x + 1; let x = ref(5); x := x^ + 1;

String & Character

JavaScript Reason
"Hello world!" Same
'Hello world!' Strings must use "
Characters are strings 'a'
"hello " + "world" "hello " ++ "world"


JavaScript Reason
true, false Same
!true Same
&&, <=, >=, <, >, || Same
a === b, a !== b Same
No deep equality (recursive compare) a == b, a != b
a == b No equality with implicit casting


JavaScript Reason
3 Same *
3.1415 Same
3 + 4 Same
3.0 + 4.5 3.0 +. 4.5
5 % 3 5 mod 3

* JavaScript has no distinction between integer and float.


JavaScript Reason
no static types type point = {x: int, mutable y: int}
{x: 30, y: 20} Same
point.x Same
point.y = 30; Same
{...point, x: 30} Same


JavaScript Reason
[1, 2, 3] [|1, 2, 3|]
myArray[1] = 10 Same
[1, "Bob", true] * (1, "Bob", true)
No immutable list [1, 2, 3]

* Tuples can be simulated in JavaScript with arrays, as JavaScript arrays can contain multiple types of elements.


JavaScript Reason
null, undefined None *

* There are no nulls, nor null bugs in OCaml. But it does have an option type for when you actually need nullability.


JavaScript Reason
arg => retVal (arg) => retVal
function named(arg) {...} let named = (arg) => ...
const f = function(arg) {...} let f = (arg) => ...
add(4, add(5, 6)) Same


JavaScript Reason
const myFun = (x, y) => {
  const doubleX = x + x;
  const doubleY = y + y;
  return doubleX + doubleY
let myFun = (x, y) => {
  let doubleX = x + x;
  let doubleY = y + y;
  doubleX + doubleY


JavaScript Reason
let add = a => b => a + b let add = (a, b) => a + b

Both JavaScript and Reason support currying, but Reason currying is built-in and optimized to avoid intermediate function allocation and calls, whenever possible.


JavaScript Reason
if (a) {b} else {c} Same
a ? b : c Same
switch switch but with pattern matching


JavaScript Reason
const {a, b} = data let {a, b} = data
const [a, b] = data let [|a, b|] = data *
const {a: aa, b: bb} = data let {a: aa, b: bb} = data

* This will cause the compiler to warn that not all cases are handled, because data could be of length other than 2. Better switch to pattern-matching instead.


JavaScript Reason
for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {...} for (i in 0 to 10) {...}
for (let i = 10; i >= 0; i--) {...} for (i in 10 downto 0) {...}
while (true) {...} Same


JavaScript Reason
<Foo bar=1 baz="hi" onClick={bla} /> Same
<Foo bar=bar /> <Foo bar /> *
<input checked /> <input checked=true />
No children spread <Foo>...children</Foo>

* Note the argument punning when creating elements.


JavaScript Reason
throw new SomeError(...) raise(SomeError(...))
try {a} catch (Err) {...} finally {...} try (a) { | Err => ...} *

* No finally.


In Reason, "sequence expressions" are created with {} and evaluate to their last statement. In JavaScript, this can be simulated via an immediately-invoked function expression (since function bodies have their own local scope).

JavaScript Reason th>
let res = (function() {
  const x = 23;
  const y = 34;
  return x + y;
let res = {
  let x = 23;
  let y = 34;
  x + y


JavaScript Reason
/* Comment */ Same
// Line comment Same