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Most of geeks troll on guys who develops with windows OS. But they forget one thing : their customers use windows. Not using it is making them members of an "Elite" that finally cannot understand their customers. Why don't they like windows ?

  • a closed system: but, MacOS is even more closed than Windows
  • no cool console: yes, there is not much choice but there is solution
  • it's Microsoft: because Apple is better thing ?

So here are a list of good practices for windows developers.

Your working computer is using Windows 7 OS, this document should help you to get a good system to develop web applications. To avoid problems related to Windows, special characters and accents must be avoided in filename and folder name.

File tree

Choose a disk partition outside your system partition. We will call it "Z:" Create a folder "dev" in your root : Z:\dev

Then create the following folder tree under "dev". dev |---config software configurations (_vimrc...) |---java |---jdkXXX |---jreXXX |---js your javascript application (SPA or node app) |---nodejs your node installation |---php |---extensions extensions php autres que celles par défaut (xdebug...) |---libraries librairies php (pear, composer...) |---projects when using FastCGI ISAPI, it is where you store your config/log/resources per project |---oneProject |---config php.ini and every config required by your server |---logs log file for apache, php... |---tmp |---src your project file |---versions |---5.3.28 |---last shorcut to the last version (here: 5.3.28) |---python |---27 |---33 |---ruby |---200 |---server |---FileZillaServer |---Zend if you use ZendServer (but run only in FastCgi ISAPI) |---Mysql if you run your own MySQL outside the LAMP stack from EasyPHP/Zend/... |---MongoDb |---OtherServer |---ssl where you store your ssl keys |---tmp because it is always usefull to get a tmp folder in dev |---tools all softwares required for devlopment |---www where you should checkout your project. Each project must have its own sub-folder

Tools guide

All that Tools must be installed under your dev/tools folder

Under this dev/tools folder, you should also put some exe files :

  • kitty.exe: remote shell
  • puttygen.exe: ssl key management
  • wget.exe
  • curl.exe

Add dev/tools to your PATH to allow those exec to be called from everywhere

PHP installation

You can install any PHP version you want Under dev/php/versions. Add dev/php/last to your PATH to allow php to be called anywhere in your shell

install pear tools (because some package aer still under pear, and not packagist)

  • cd Z:\dev\tmp
  • wget && php go-pear.phar
  • choose local and check that number 12 leads to your last php versions
  • choose 1 and change Z:\dev\tmp to Z:\dev\php\libraries\pear
  • type Y to add the pear to your php include_path (only last version will be modified)

Add Z:\dev\php\libraries\pear to your PATH

PHP library install

You can now use composer to install php Library (or anything available on internet) and also the coding standard analyzer from fabien potencier (docs here

  • cd Z:\dev\php\libraries
  • vim composer.json

and fill following lines:

{ "name": "moi/dev-platform", "description": "Environnement de dev", "licence": "proprietary", "require-dev": { "atoumt/atoum": "dev-master", "phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.", "phpunit/phpunit-skeleton-generator": "1.2.", "phpunit/dbunit": "1.3.", "phploc/phploc": "", "pdepend/pdepend" : "1.1.0", "phpmd/phpmd" : "1.4.", "sebastian/phpcpd": "", "sebastian/phpdcd": "", "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "1.", "theseer/phpdox": "*" }, "repositories": [ { "type":"package", "package": { "name": "phpunit/phpunit-skeleton-generator", "version":"1.2.1", "source": { "url":, "type": "git", "reference": "1.2.1" } } }, { "type":"package", "package": { "name": "phpunit/dbunit", "version":"1.3.0", "source": { "url":, "type": "git", "reference": "1.3.0" } } } ] }

Add Z:\dev\php\libraries\vendor\bin to your PATH

Now you have a set of php Tools like :

  • copy paste detector (phpcpd.bat)
  • dead code detector (phpdcd.bat)
  • line of code (phploc.bat)
  • phpunit, if you don't like atoum (phpunit.bat or atoum.bat)
  • php documentation (phpdox.bat)
  • ...

Configure your Console2 :

Don't forget to use Docker, that's great, even under windows.

Install : Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer 11+ to be able to test easily your web app


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