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61 lines (43 loc) · 1.43 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (43 loc) · 1.43 KB

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Also see chapter 7 "Collections" as soon as available on the Clojure Standard Library book.


  • "changing" the type of a collection
  • follows "conj" semantic
  • merging and nils
  • transducers enabled!
  • metadata handling
  • mutables are not supported
  • Example: keeping the original type
  • Implementation details and performances

At the REPL

(into #{} (range 10))
(into [] (range 10))
(into (sorted-set) (range 10))
(into {} [[:a 1] [:b 2] [:c 3]])

(into '() [1 2 3])
(import 'clojure.lang.PersistentQueue)
(def q (into (PersistentQueue/EMPTY) [1 2 3]))
(peek q)

(into (range 10 20) (range 10))
(into nil #{1 2 3})
(into nil nil)

(into (vector-of :int)
      (comp (map inc) (filter even?))
      (range 10))

(defn sign [c] (with-meta c {:signature (apply str c)}))
(meta (into (sign [1 2 3]) (sign (range 10))))

(into (transient []) (range 10))
(into (int-array []) (range 10))
(import 'java.util.ArrayList) (into (ArrayList.) (range 10))

(defn maintain [fx f coll]
  (into (empty coll) (fx f coll)))

(->> #{1 2 3 4 5} (maintain map inc) (maintain filter odd?))

(->> {:a 1 :b 2 :c 5} (maintain filter (comp odd? last)))

(require '[criterium.core :refer [quick-benchmark]])

(defmacro b [expr]
  `(str (first (:mean (quick-benchmark ~expr {}))) " secs"))

(b (into '() (range 1e6)))
(b (into [] (range 1e6)))