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Recommendation API - Wiki


Maintenance MIT license made-with-python Docker

This repository provides a REST API that exposes recommendations from a recommender builder. Recommended items can then be consumed by a frontend component to show recommendations.

A personalized recommendation is an item that is derived from a relation. An item is an object a user can interact with, e.g. product, movie, article ... Interaction between users and items lead to evidence which can be used to derive further relations and therefore more (precise) recommendations.

The API also provides services to collect user evidence, i.e. user behavior that is used for analysis and recommendation building.
Furthermore, basic recommendation builder services are also included in the repository.

Note that the project structure is based on ycd/manage-fastapi, tiangolo/full-stack-fastapi-postgresql and markqiu/fastapi-mongodb-realworld-example-app.

Preview: use reco-js frontend framework to consume reco-api!

System Landscape 🔎

The basic recommendation system infrastructure is based on Kim Falk's Practical Recommender Systems (2019). The repository provides services highlighted in red, i.e. evidence collection, recommendation building and recommendation serving. Currently, the repository uses MongoDB 🍃 for persistence.


Fig.1 - Recommender System Landscape - based on Falk (2019)

Installation 🔨

For installation, you need to create a .env file (check .env.sample ) and provide following information (replace with your values respectively).

# Basic Authentification Credentials


# MongoDB Connection Settings

Local (conda) 🐍

For local installation with conda use environment.yml in order to set up the environment and its specific package dependencies. Use conda env create -f environment.yml from project folder to create the respective environment. To update the conda environment use the following commands

conda activate reco-api
conda env update --file environment.yml --prune

To run reco-api on port [PORT] from command line execute

uvicorn main:app --reload --port [PORT]

Debugging | Visual Studio Code 🐜

To debug reco-api from VS Code, simply go to the "Run & Debug" tab from the navigation slider and run "Python: FastAPI". The configuration (e.g. port) is stored inside .vscode/launch.json .

Docker 🐳

Package dependencies are being installed through requirements.txt also contained in the project folder. To create a new image and run a container:

docker build -t reco-api .
docker run -d --name reco-api -p [LOCAL_PORT]:9072 --env-file .env reco-api

To build and run docker containers on a RaspberryPi before executing above commands an update of the OS is necessary.

sudo dpkg -i libseccomp2_2.5.1-1~bpo10+1_armhf.deb

Docker Hub 🐋

The project is also available on Docker Hub. A docker-compose.yml file to set up a recommender system (no repository download needed) is provided in the repository (replace credentials where applicable).

docker-compose up -d

Basic Usage


Demo 💿

Access to a demo version can be found here:

Models 💽





BasicUserKeys (not persisted)


Recommendation Building Methods 👷

The repository provides basic recommendation building methods.

Recommendation entries REs always inherit from BasicRecommendationModel . If a RecommendationBuilder creates new

REs , old REs are kept. Endpoints always return the most recent calculated REs .

  • Frequently Bought Together (tbd)
  • Collaborative Filtering

Routes 🌐

The API provides a swagger UI to view all available routes.

Collection api/v1/col

Collection routes include item, user and evidence services.

Evidence /evidence 📄

Basic GET and PUT methods. Note that PUT route always consumes a List of BasicEvidenceModels .

Item /item 👕

User /user 🙋

Note that the GET method will always return a BasicUserModel given a query parameter cookie_value . The method returns an already persisted user who contains a key list entry with respective cookie value, or it will create a new user and set the cookie value.

Note that this method will be replaced with a probabilistic fetch method. Currently reco-cookie-id is a deterministic key to identify users. In the future various keys will be used to identify a user.

Recommendation api/v1/rec

Recommendation routes include splitting and item services. Different to collection route item services from recommendation route represent personalized and unpersonalized recommendations.

Personalized Recommendations Item /per 🐵

Utilize the recommendations that can be obtained from relations created by the recommendation builders.

Unpersonalized Recommendations Item /unpers 🙈

Utilize the recommendations that can be obtained from the database itself without the user of relations. Available non-personalized methods are:

  • latest items
  • random items

Splitting /split ↔️

Splitting refers to testing different recommendation approaches, e.g. A/B testing. You can run A/B tests to evaluate different recommendation methods. Recommendations retrieved from a splitting setup are called split recommendations.

Splitting is currently only available for users that provide a reco-user-uid in their request header. If reco-user-uid is provided an already existing user will be fetched from DB, a splitting method will be drawn from respective splitting collection entry and assigned as a group entry to the user object, e.g. {split_name: 'cf_ib'} .

To create a simple A/B test you have to provide an instance of a SplittingModel . To create such an object you can call /api/v1/rec/split/conf and provide a path parameter name and request body with a list of recommendation methods methods .

As mentioned it is assumed that a user already exists in DB. User creation from frontend is expected through calling api/v1/col/user .

Error Handling

  • If reco-user-uid is not available in request header, the fallback method will be used, a user is not created.

  • If no user can be found in user collection matching the reco-user-uid from request header, the fallback method will be used

  • If the splitting name from the request query is

    • not found in DB collection, or
    • is found in DB collection but the drawn recommendation method string from the retrieved object is not assigned to a recommendation method,

    the fallback method will be used and this user will be added to the fallback group for this particular splitting

To prevent spillover effects (i.e. users switching groups for a particular splitting), group assignments are not updated even when user was assigned to the fallback group. Once a splitting method is assigned to a user it won't be changed.

Security 🔒

Basic Authentication is provided for specific routes. Username and password need to be provided in .env file under AUTH_USER and AUTH_PASS .

References 📚

Falk, Kim. Practical recommender systems. Simon and Schuster, 2019.


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