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upgraded-config-mang is a config management tool that runs on the remote server to provision a file, install remove packages, start stop services. The tool is controlled by a tasks.json file in which all the action items are defined.

In our challenge we will run the main.go on the host to provision a simple php server. All the necessary files like tasks.json, index.php, are already part of this repo and we are leveraging those files. will clone the repo and run the main.go, for running main.go we will need go to be installed so will take care of installing it. Refer below to check on how to download on the remote server.

Note: This is repo is tested only on 2.Ubuntu-Linux, Also this can support only executions on remote node which are Ubuntu Os-Release

Tasks File

The tool takes a tasks file where we defined all the tasks to be run, there is action key which determines what type of task to be run and each action will have its own keys. An example task.json file is as follows

    "tasks": [
        { "action": "packageInstall", "packageNames": ["apache2", "php", "libapache2-mod-php"]},
        { "action": "removeFile", "path": "/var/www/html/index.html" },
        { "action": "remoteFile", "localPath": "index.php", "remotePath": "/var/www/html/index.php", "owner":"root", "group": "root", "perm": "644", "depends":{"serviceName":"apache2"}},
        { "action": "serviceStart", "serviceName": "apache2"}

In the above example, there are actions for each type of task and their corresponding keys. Use next section to understand what each task does.

Supporting Tasks

  1. packageInstall

Installs a package on Ubuntu, The task can install multiple packages or single package. Expects that all the repos are configured.

{ "action": "packageInstall", "packageNames": ["apache2", "php", "libapache2-mod-php"]},
  1. removeFile

Removes a file from a path

{ "action": "removeFile", "path": "/var/www/html/index.html" },
  1. remoteFile

Copys a file from local to remote server, It also ensures all the permissions are set properly perm needs to have a padding 0, so a perm will look like 0644 || 0777 "depends":{"serviceName":"apache2"} is an optional field, when provided it will restart the service defined, It ensures that the restart happens only if there is a change in the file

{ "action": "remoteFile", "localPath": "index.php", "remotePath": "/var/www/html/index.php", "owner":"root", "group": "root", "perm": "0644", "depends":{"serviceName":"apache2"}},
  1. serviceStart

This task will Start a service, if the service is already running, it will skip it

{ "action": "serviceStart", "serviceName": "apache2"}
  1. serviceStop

This task will stop a service, if the service is already stopped, it will skip it

{ "action": "serviceStop", "serviceName": "apache2"}
  1. serviceRestart

This task will restart a service

{ "action": "serviceRestart", "serviceName": "apache2"}
  1. packageRemove

Removes a package on Ubuntu, The task can remove multiple packages or single package. Expects that all the repos are configured.

{ "action": "packageRemove", "packageNames": ["apache2"]},

Building the Binary


  • GoLang
  • Make

Running will install Go, and any dependencies for building the package will be managed via make


This tool uses make to build the binary and spits out binary for linux and darwin make binary


The tool takes 1 arguments, tasks

  -tasks string
    	Task file path, must be a JSON EG: ./tasks.json

Example to run the Binary:

./upgraded-config-mang-<OSNAME> -tasks ./tasks.json

Example to run from Go:

go run main.go -tasks ./tasks.json


ssh to the remote machine where this tool need to run and download the

curl -o ./
chmod +x 
./ # this will install the necessary components and run the upgrade-config-mang tool

A sample output is added at sample_output_bootstrap.txt