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DevNation Labs (HOWL) Dashboard

Python tiny CRUD application with Flask, SQLAlchemy and Bootstrap to assign clusters for HOWL Labs.

It uses MariaDB as DB.

App topology


Create a new project

oc new-project devnation-labs

Get MariaDB

oc new-app mariadb-persistent -p DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME=mariadb -p MYSQL_USER=mariadb -p MYSQL_PASSWORD=mariadb -p MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mariadb -p MYSQL_DATABASE=cluster_booking -l ','


Overriding S2I run script at .s2i/bin/run to run migrations and start the app.

ENV vars as parameters to the Deployment

Default parameters are stored as ENV vars in

List of variables to use for a deployment:

ENV Default value Description
DB_USER mariadb MariaDB username
DB_PASS mariadb MariaDB password
DB_HOST mariadb MariaDB hostname
DB_NAME cluster_booking DB name
ADMIN_USER admin@email.tld Default admin user CHANGE IT
ADMIN_PASS _some_difficult_pass@ Default admin pass CHANGE IT
SECRET_KEY 2621a03cd4e5881cac070d675dac75d2d973c46f466aa1b5 Default secret key CHANGE IT

Generate Session Secret Key

You should avoid using default SECRET_KEY from, which defaults to a Dev-only one. For Prod envs, you can generate a new one with this command:

export SECRET_KEY=`openssl rand -hex 24`

Change Admin user

By default there's only one Admin user, default credentials are stored in

Please change default credentials before deploying the app in Prod:


Source-2-Image: oc new-app

Just deploy the app in 2 steps.

Create the app:

oc new-app -e DB_USER=mariadb -e DB_PASS=mariadb -e DB_HOST=mariadb -e DB_NAME=cluster_booking -e ADMIN_USER=$ADMIN_USER -e ADMIN_PASS=$ADMIN_PASS -e SECRET_KEY=$SECRET_KEY -l ','

Expose a secure Route:

oc create route edge get-cluster --service=devnation-labs-dashboard --insecure-policy=Redirect 

Here we go, the Dashboard should be ready in a few seconds!

Edit from Eclipse Che

If you are running on a cluster with CodeReadyWorkspaces like Developer Sandbox, you can start editing it directly from there.

Just annotate the Deployment for that:

oc annotate deployments devnation-labs-dashboard''
oc annotate deployments devnation-labs-dashboard'master'

Or Run it with Eclipse Che Factories:

NOTE: Change the address of Factory with your CRW URL


(Optional) Source-2-Image: Upload from local working dir

If you are working locally with the source code, you can upload it to OpenShift and let OpenShift run S2I in this way:

oc new-build --name devnation-labs -i python --binary=true
oc start-build devnation-labs --from-dir=.
oc new-app devnation-labs -e DB_USER=mariadb -e DB_PASS=mariadb -e DB_HOST=mariadb -e DB_NAME=cluster_booking -e ADMIN_USER=foo@web.tld -e ADMIN_PASS=foo -e SECRET_KEY=$SECRET_KEY
oc create route edge --service=devnation-labs --insecure-policy=Redirect 

(Experimental) Source-2-Image: odo

odo should been able to link services like MariaDB, however there's no MariaDB yet inside OCP OperatorHub.

odo project create devnation-labs
odo create python --s2i
odo push
odo url create --port 8080 --secure
odo push

Local Development

Setup MariaDB

Get MariaDB from Dockerhub:

docker pull mariadb

Run MariaDB:

docker run --rm -d --name mariadb -v /some/local/dir:/var/lib/mysql:z -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=foo -ti mariadb

Setup Python

Start local Python 3 env:

virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run locally

Run Migrations

python db init
DB_USER=user DB_PASS=pass DB_HOST= DB_NAME=cluster_booking python db migrate
DB_USER=user DB_PASS=pass DB_HOST= DB_NAME=cluster_booking python db upgrade

Run the app

DB_USER=user DB_PASS=pass DB_HOST= DB_NAME=cluster_booking ADMIN_USER=foo@web.tld ADMIN_PASS=foo python

Open at your Web browser the following link


The is not initializating the db by default, you can do it with adding this ENV the first time:



docker build -f Dockerfile.alpine -t devnation-labs:latest


docker run -e DB_USER="mariadb" -e DB_PASS="mariadb" -e DB_HOST="<SERVICE_OR_LAN_IP>" -e ADMIN_USER=foo@web.tld -e ADMIN_PASS=foo -p 8080:8080 -ti devnation-labs



  • /: Student cluster booking form
  • /admin/panel: Administrator panel (Upload clusters and users via CSV, assigning manually clusters)
  • /admin/login: Administrator login

REST (@protected)

Path HTTP Method Description
/user/assign POST Assign a cluster
/user/add POST Add single user
/user/upload POST Add users from a CSV
/user/delete POST Delete single user
/cluster/upload POST Add clusters from a CSV
/cluster/update POST Update assigned cluster
/cluster/delete POST Delete single cluster
/admin/data/export GET Get list of users and assigned cluster as CSV
/admin/login POST Login for admin user


Upload Cluster CSV

Expected min format (can contain more columns, but those listed and order is mandatory)

Cluster ID,Cluster Name,Username,User Password,Login URL,Workshop URL

Upload Registration CSV

Expected min format (can contain more columns, but those listed and order is mandatory)

name[0],email[1],location[2],GEO[3],Company Name[8],Country[9],What is your job role/title?[10]

Add User manually

Use the form

Export CSV

It will generated a CSV containing all the info like in Registration CSV + cluster assigned info, ordered by cluster name atm.
