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File metadata and controls

90 lines (66 loc) · 3.94 KB


All URIs are relative to /api/rbac/v1

Method HTTP request Description
get_principal_access GET /access/ Get the permitted access for a principal in the tenant (defaults to principal from the identity header)


get_principal_access(application, opts)

Get the permitted access for a principal in the tenant (defaults to principal from the identity header)

Access responses are sorted in ascending order by an ID internal to the database


require 'time'
require 'insights-rbac-api-client'
# setup authorization
RBACApiClient.configure do |config|
  # Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic_auth
  config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
  config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'

api_instance =
application = 'application_example' # String | The application name(s) to obtain access for the principal. This is an exact match. When no application is supplied, all permissions for the principal are returned. You may also use a comma-separated list to match on multiple applications.
opts = {
  username: 'username_example', # String | Unique username of the principal to obtain access for (only available for admins, and if supplied, takes precedence over the identity header).
  order_by: 'application', # String | Parameter for ordering roles by value. For inverse ordering, supply '-' before the param value, such as: ?order_by=-application
  status: 'enabled', # String | Set the status of users to get back.
  limit: 56, # Integer | Parameter for selecting the amount of data returned.
  offset: 56 # Integer | Parameter for selecting the offset of data.

  # Get the permitted access for a principal in the tenant (defaults to principal from the identity header)
  result = api_instance.get_principal_access(application, opts)
  p result
rescue RBACApiClient::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling AccessApi->get_principal_access: #{e}"

Using the get_principal_access_with_http_info variant

This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.

<Array(, Integer, Hash)> get_principal_access_with_http_info(application, opts)

  # Get the permitted access for a principal in the tenant (defaults to principal from the identity header)
  data, status_code, headers = api_instance.get_principal_access_with_http_info(application, opts)
  p status_code # => 2xx
  p headers # => { ... }
  p data # => <AccessPagination>
rescue RBACApiClient::ApiError => e
  puts "Error when calling AccessApi->get_principal_access_with_http_info: #{e}"


Name Type Description Notes
application String The application name(s) to obtain access for the principal. This is an exact match. When no application is supplied, all permissions for the principal are returned. You may also use a comma-separated list to match on multiple applications.
username String Unique username of the principal to obtain access for (only available for admins, and if supplied, takes precedence over the identity header). [optional]
order_by String Parameter for ordering roles by value. For inverse ordering, supply '-' before the param value, such as: ?order_by=-application [optional]
status String Set the status of users to get back. [optional][default to 'enabled']
limit Integer Parameter for selecting the amount of data returned. [optional][default to 10]
offset Integer Parameter for selecting the offset of data. [optional][default to 0]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json