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Platform Changelog UI

Global Platform Commit History Organizer Frontend

For backend code, see Platform Changelog Go


It is recommended to use Podman to run the application.

node version 14 or higher

Run the app locally

Using a Makefile

The following shortcuts are available via the Makefile:

make local-init # standup the app locally using nodejs and yarn
make build-container # build the container image
make run-container # run the container in the background
make run-container-interactive # run the container in the foreground
make reset-container # stop and remove the current container
make full-start-container # build and run in the background

The above commands assume podman is used, however, you can override this to use docker by setting an environment variable.

CONTAINER_RUNTIME=/usr/bin/docker make local-init

The following vars are available if further adjustments need to be made when running make:

LOCAL_PORT # defaults to 3000
BUILD_FILE # defaults to Containerfile

Manual Run

To run the ui as a container:

$ podman build -t platform-changelog-ui:latest .
$ podman run -it -p 3000:3000 --name platform-changelog platform-changelog-ui:latest

To remove a previous container:

$ podman rm platform-changelog

When accessing the api, you may have to change the proxy address in ui/package.json from localhost to your IP.

You can now access the application UI on http://localhost:3000/.

To reset your local database:

$ docker-compose down --volumes