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Platform Changelog API


Platform Changelog is a system for tracking changes as they occur across the platform through different types of events, such as webhooks, Tekton task runs, and Jenkins jobs.

This API provides JSON responses to the requesting entity, mainly the Platform Changelog Frontend.

Github and Gitlab webhooks are authenticated via secret token as described in the Git api.


Platform Changelog is a backend API that uses a database for storing incoming events. The current implementation supports a Postgres database and responds to incoming requests with JSON responses.

This app is intended to be used behind authentication such as OAuth Proxy. This allows the app to be publicly accessible on, while also being authenticated. The setup for this is in the frontend repo.

Our App-SRE has created tooling for connecting to commit and deployment events (as designated in changelog as timelines).

On each commit merged to a monitored branch, we recieve a request from the corresponding Jenkins job.

On every deployment, we use a Tekton task to recieve informatin on the app including:

  • App
  • Namespace
  • Environment
  • Timestamp of completetd deployment
  • Commit ref (in the future)

REST API Endpoint

Refer to the OpenAPI for parameter details.


/api/v1/services/ Gets a list of services with their most recent commit and deployment /api/v1/services/{id} Gets all of a services fields /api/v1/services/{id}/timelines; /api/v1/services/{id}/commits; /api/v1/services/{id}/deploys Gets all of a service's timelines (commits and deployments) or commits or deployments only


/api/v1/commits/ Gets all commits /api/v1/deploys/ Gets all deploys /api/v1/timelines/ Gets all timelines (commits and deployments)

Posting Timelines

/api/v1/github Sends commit information. Follow make test-github for an example request. /api/v1/tekton Sends deployment information. Follow make test-tekton-task for an example request.

/api/v1/github-webhook Sends github commits from a webhook; authentication needed (as per Github api). Follow the Makefile's make test-github-webhook for usage. /api/v1/gitlab-webhook Sends gitlab commits from a webhook; authentication needed (as per Github api) Follow the Makefile's make test-gitlab-webhook for usage.

Deleting data

The app has no DELETE requests; instead, we use a cron-job to remove old timelines, and, on a merge to main.


A Makefile has been provided for most common operations to get the app up and running. A compose file is also available for standing up the service in podman.

Docker can be substituted for podman if needed.


Golang >= 1.16


First, build the app with make build -B. This creates a single executable platform-changelog.

To run the app, try make run, which uses the following make commands:

$> make run-db
$> make run-migrate-up
$> make run-api

To rebuild the app, the -B above is required.

Testing POST Requests to the API Manually

Launch the API as instructed above, then we can send test requests to the API.

The app is designed to take in commit and deployment data through /api/v1/github and /api/v1/tekton respectively. Using webhooks is also included, but they will not be used to track our platform.

Note: The DEBUG=1 argument allows us to send webhooks without needing a secret token.

Test json is provided in the tests directory in this repo.

To send the requests, you can use curl the following makefile commands:

  • make test-github
  • make test-github-webhook
  • make test-gitlab-webhook
  • make test-tekton-task.

From there, you should be able to open a browser and see the results populated at: http://localhost:8000/api/v1/commits. There will be commits matching the webhook data that was sent.

Running Unit Tests

Aside from the endpoint tests in the Makefile, our unit tests use the Ginkgo testing framework. The service is still in development, so there are not many tests available.

Use make test to run all unit tests.

Get Help

This service is owned by the ConsoldeDot Pipeline team. If you have any questions, or need support with this service, please contact the team on slack @crc-pipeline-team.

You can also raise an Issue in this repo for them to address.