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Web-based, visual dataflow data reduction for neutron scattering instruments


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Neutron Scattering Reduction

This project provides tools for data reduction for neutron and xray scattering.


A python package for loading, modifying and saving reflectivity data sets.


A python package for loading, modifying and saving off-specular reflectivity data sets.


A python package for loading, modifying and saving small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) data sets.


RPC access to reduction libraries, with javascript frontend (stateless)

To load data from a local store in web reduction, go to menu->data->add source->local (must be running the server locally, with the local datastore enabled in config)

Installation and use

Method 1: pip install

pip install "reductus[all]"

Then start the server with:


For the very latest development version use the following:

pip install "git+[all]"

Method 2: Docker Compose

This is the easiest way to get started. Clone the repo, the change directories into the repository and run:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

This will result in a trio of docker containers being spun up, one with a web server for the interface ('web_gui'), one with the backend calculation RPC server ('reductus') and one with the Redis cache.

Files in ./web_gui/testdata/ will be mapped into the server at /data, for testing the local file handling. Changes to the python code can be incorporated into the containers by stopping them, then repeating the build and up commands above.

To stop:

docker-compose stop

To access the client, if using the new Docker beta navigate to http://localhost:8000/web_gui/web_reduction_filebrowser.html On Windows 7, if using docker-machine, you will have to get the IP of the default docker install and use that instead of localhost, e.g.

docker-machine ip default

In my case it was

Method 3: Run from repo (development)

Clone the repo, then install in "editable" mode (might be a good idea to make a virtualenv first):

python -m pip install -e .
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

or without install (and with headless flag):

PYTHONPATH=. python -m -x

Browse to the URL indicated (probably http://localhost:8002/).

Change the server as needed then restart. The debug mode flag (-d) may make the restart unnecessary in some cases. Use headless (-x) to avoid starting a new browser tab each time. The development server is only accessible from localhost unless the "external" option is used (--external).

To debug external javascript packages (e.g., treejs or d3-science), you will need to clone the repo and link it into web_gui/webreduce/js, then update web_gui/webreduce/js/libraries.js to point to the local version rather than the version on the web.

Update times on the browser may be very slow, particularly when accessing the NCNR data source. To speed things up, copy configurations/ to configurations/ and modify it to use "force_IPV4": True. You can also set "auto-reload newer files" to false (unchecked) in the web client. It is not a sticky setting at the moment, so it gets reset to checked every time you reload the client page. You can set the default as check_mtimes: false in web_gui/webreduce/js/menu.js.

Method 4: Run from repo (production)

After testing your fixes you can check that they work in the production server.

Install node.js and build javascript packages. This step is outlined in .github/workflows/client_build.yml. If you have changed an external javascript package you will need to update web_gui/webreduce/js/libraries_production.js with the path to the development version, much like you did for the development server.

cd web_gui/webreduce
npm install
rm -rf dist
npm run build
cd ../..

Then start the server with:

cd web_gui

and visit the page http://localhost:8002/webreduce/dist/index.html