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Quick Start

This document provides instructions for running a single node network on your local machine and then submitting your first few transactions to that network using the command line. Running a single node network is a great way to get familiar with Regen Ledger and its functionality.


In order to install the regen binary, you'll need the following:

  • Git >=2
  • Make >=4
  • Go >=1.15

For more information, see Prerequisites.

Install Regen

The regen binary serves as the node client and the application client. In other words, the regen binary can be used to both run a node and interact with it.

Clone the regen-ledger repository:

git clone

Change to the regen-ledger directory:

cd regen-ledger

Check out the latest stable version:

git checkout v1.0.0

Install the regen binary:

make install

Note: the regen binary is installed into $(go env GOPATH)/bin, so please make sure $(go env GOPATH)/bin is in your PATH (e.g. export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH if not already there)

Check to make sure the install was successful:

regen version

You should see v1.0.0 printed to the console. Now that you have successfully installed the regen binary, the next step will be to add a couple test accounts.

Create Accounts

In this section, you will create two test accounts. You will name the first account validator and the second account delegator. You will create both accounts using the test backend, meaning both accounts will not be securely stored and should not be used in a production environment. When using the test backend, accounts are stored in the home directory (more on this in the next section).

Create validator account:

regen keys add validator --keyring-backend test

Create delegator account:

regen keys add delegator --keyring-backend test

After running each command, information about each account will be printed to the console. The next step will be to initialize the node.

Initialize Node

Initializing the node will create the config and data directories within the home directory. The config directory is where configuration files for the node are stored and the data directory is where the data for the blockchain is stored. The default home directory is ~/.regen.

Initialize the node:

regen init node --chain-id test

In this case, node is the name (or "moniker") of the node and test is the chain ID. Feel free to change these values but make sure to use the same value for chain-id in the following steps.

Update Genesis

When the node was initialized, a genesis.json file was created within the config directory. In this section, you will be adding two genesis accounts (accounts with an initial token balance) and a genesis transaction (a transaction that registers the validator account in the validator set).

Update native staking token to uregen:

If you're on a Linux variant:

sed -i "s/stake/uregen/g" ~/.regen/config/genesis.json

Note: Mac OS does sed slightly differently:

sed -i "" "s/stake/uregen/g" ~/.regen/config/genesis.json

Add validator account to genesis.json:

regen add-genesis-account validator 5000000000uregen --keyring-backend test

Add delegator account to genesis.json:

regen add-genesis-account delegator 2000000000uregen --keyring-backend test

Create genesis transaction:

regen gentx validator 1000000uregen --chain-id test --keyring-backend test

Add genesis transaction to genesis.json:

regen collect-gentxs

Now that you have updated the genesis.json file, you are ready to start the node. Starting a node with a new genesis file will create a new blockchain.

Start Node

Well, what are you waiting for?

Start the node:

regen start

You should see logs printed in your terminal with information about services starting up followed by blocks being produced and committed to your local blockchain.

Test Commands

Now that you have a single node network running, you can open a new terminal window and interact with the node using the same regen binary. Let's delegate some uregen tokens to the validator and then collect the rewards.

Get the validator address for the validator account:

regen keys show validator --bech val --keyring-backend test

Using the validator address, delegate some uregen tokens:

regen tx staking delegate [validator_address] 10000000uregen --from delegator --keyring-backend test --chain-id test

In order to query all delegations, you'll need the address for the delegator account:

regen keys show delegator --keyring-backend test

Using the address, query all delegations for the delegator account:

regen q staking delegations [delegator_address]

Query the rewards using the delegator address and the validator address:

regen q distribution rewards [delegator_address] [validator_address]

Withdraw the rewards:

regen tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from delegator --keyring-backend test --chain-id test

Check the account balance:

regen q bank balances [delegator_address]

You have successfully delegated uregen tokens to the validator account from the delegator account and then collected the rewards.