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mhulse edited this page Sep 28, 2014 · 2 revisions

Note to ST2 users: How can I uninstall Sublime Text 2 on Mac OS X 10.8?

1. Install!

Download from here.

2. Get package control!

Download instructions found here.

3. Enhance the sidebar!

  1. Do: Command + Shift + P.
  2. Type install and select "Package Control: Install Package".
  3. Type sidebar and select "SideBarEnhancements".

4. Get Soda!

  1. Following the same steps from above ...
  2. Install the package "Theme - Soda".
  3. Open your user's settings file (Sublime Text > Preferences > Settings - User) and add "theme": "Soda Dark 3.sublime-theme",.
  4. Download and install Soda's Syntax Highlighting Colour Schemes.
  5. Restart ST3.

Settings' goodness!

Copy/paste/replace the contents of your settings file with:

	"always_show_minimap_viewport": true,
	"auto_complete": true,
	"auto_match_enabled": true,
	"bold_folder_labels": true,
	"caret_style": "phase",
	"close_windows_when_empty": false,
	"color_scheme": "Packages/User/Monokai Soda.tmTheme",
	"detect_indentation": false,
	"drag_text": true,
	"draw_indent_guides": true,
	"draw_white_space": "all",
	"fade_fold_buttons": true,
	"find_selected_text": true,
	"fold_buttons": false,
	"font_face": "Monaco",
	"font_size": 14,
	"highlight_line": true,
	"highlight_modified_tabs": true,
	"indent_to_bracket": true,
	"line_padding_bottom": 1,
	"line_padding_top": 1,
	"match_brackets": true,
	"match_brackets_angle": false,
	"match_brackets_braces": true,
	"match_brackets_content": true,
	"match_brackets_square": true,
		"hide_open_files": true,
		"show_tabs": true,
		"side_bar_visible": true,
		"status_bar_visible": true
	"open_files_in_new_window": false,
	"preview_on_click": true,
	"remember_open_files": true,
	"remember_open_folders": true,
	"save_on_focus_lost": false,
	"scroll_past_end": true,
	"show_encoding": true,
	"show_full_path": true,
	"show_line_endings": true,
	"smart_indent": true,
	"soda_folder_icons": true,
	"theme": "Soda Dark 3.sublime-theme",
	"tree_animation_enabled": true,
	"trim_automatic_white_space": false,
	"vintage_start_in_command_mode": false,
	"wide_caret": true,
	"word_wrap": false

5. Modify theme!

  1. Do Sublime Text > Preferences > Browse Packages....
  2. Open folder User/.
  3. Open/edit Monokai Soda.tmTheme.
  4. Replace the settings <dict> with:

Key bindings!

In Preferences > Key Bindings - User:

	{ "keys": ["ctrl+s"], "command": "toggle_side_bar" },
	{ "keys": ["super+alt+f"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "find"} },
	{ "keys": ["super+f"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "replace"} },
	{ "keys": ["super+g"], "command": "find_next" },
	{ "keys": ["super+k"], "command": "fold_tag_attributes" },
	{ "keys": ["super+m"], "command": "insert_snippet", "args": { "name": "Packages/XML/long-tag.sublime-snippet" } },
	{ "keys": ["super+t"], "command": "replace_next" }

See also: ST2: Setup


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