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mehdi sohrabi edited this page May 28, 2020 · 1 revision


What is the best practice to stop the background logging on IOS?

Question: On Android I am able to intercept the back button and unregister properly the location listener. What is usually done in IOS? Is there a difference between switching off the screen and pushing the home button? In an app that allows background logging you have to explicitly make a difference between switching it off and just sending it to back and work on something else in the meanwhile.

Answer: There is a bug in iOS #54 and right now I don't have any straight answer for your question.

Dynamic Notification Info

Question: Is there a way to send notification updates. It is almost a pity to have the LocationSettings be static at first startup. It would be great to be able to send updates, let the user know the current accuracy and if the gps has a fix or when not.

Answer: Currently there is no way to do such thing. But it's a nice feature and will be added someday :). The issue tracking this is #53.

Is there a way to tell if the user has the gps switched on at all?

Question: In the current situation I initialize the logging but then am not sure if no point is coming because the GPS is off or because it doesn't have a fix. Is there a way to tell?

Answer: To be done...

What is the best practice to change locationaccuracy?

Question: Do I have to go through the whole:

    if (IsolateNameServer.lookupPortByName(_isolateName) != null) {
    await GPS.BackgroundLocator.unRegisterLocationUpdate();

and restart from scratch?

Answer: There is no need to re-register the IsolateNameServer. If your app is open and you need to change the accuracy just stop the plugin, init it with new accuracy setting and start it again.