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Handle / warn about API rate limits? #1018

mikeroll opened this issue Jan 16, 2022 · 8 comments

Handle / warn about API rate limits? #1018

mikeroll opened this issue Jan 16, 2022 · 8 comments


Copy link

mikeroll commented Jan 16, 2022

So I tried adding release-drafter to an existing repository with over ~36k commits and not a single tag or release and that didn't go that well. Apparently it tried to fetch all of those ~36k commits via the GraphQL API, hit the limits and failed.

First run
2022-01-16T18:35:27.4967037Z Found online and idle hosted runner in the current repository's organization account that matches the required labels: 'ubuntu-latest'
2022-01-16T18:35:27.6362256Z Waiting for a Hosted runner in the 'organization' to pick this job...
2022-01-16T18:35:27.8236039Z Job is waiting for a hosted runner to come online.
2022-01-16T18:35:31.3002012Z Job is about to start running on the hosted runner: Hosted Agent (hosted)
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4077908Z Current runner version: '2.286.0'
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4104427Z ##[group]Operating System
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4104866Z Ubuntu
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4105181Z 20.04.3
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4105507Z LTS
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4105799Z ##[endgroup]
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4106103Z ##[group]Virtual Environment
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4106485Z Environment: ubuntu-20.04
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4106821Z Version: 20220111.1
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4107331Z Included Software:
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4107994Z Image Release:
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4108404Z ##[endgroup]
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4108756Z ##[group]Virtual Environment Provisioner
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4109412Z ##[endgroup]
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4110413Z ##[group]GITHUB_TOKEN Permissions
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4111028Z Actions: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4111448Z Checks: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4111845Z Contents: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4112167Z Deployments: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4112501Z Discussions: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4112768Z Issues: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4113083Z Metadata: read
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4113360Z Packages: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4113668Z Pages: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4113980Z PullRequests: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4114287Z RepositoryProjects: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4114675Z SecurityEvents: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4114956Z Statuses: write
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4115270Z ##[endgroup]
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4118691Z Secret source: Actions
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4119222Z Prepare workflow directory
2022-01-16T18:35:35.4966862Z Prepare all required actions
2022-01-16T18:35:35.5149456Z Getting action download info
2022-01-16T18:35:35.6986758Z Download action repository 'release-drafter/release-drafter@v5' (SHA:0bc3bc59906b1dac1b608cc7ff5441fcb86ad6c9)
2022-01-16T18:35:36.3152728Z ##[group]Run release-drafter/release-drafter@v5
2022-01-16T18:35:36.3153097Z with:
2022-01-16T18:35:36.3153376Z   config-name: release-drafter.yml
2022-01-16T18:35:36.3153649Z env:
2022-01-16T18:35:36.3154150Z   GITHUB_TOKEN: ***
2022-01-16T18:35:36.3154399Z ##[endgroup]
2022-01-16T18:35:38.4081397Z "pull_request_target.opened" is not a known webhook name (
2022-01-16T18:35:38.4084600Z "pull_request_target.reopened" is not a known webhook name (
2022-01-16T18:35:38.4085240Z "pull_request_target.synchronize" is not a known webhook name (
2022-01-16T18:35:38.4085854Z "pull_request_target.edited" is not a known webhook name (
2022-01-16T18:35:38.7914196Z org/repo: Found 0 releases
2022-01-16T18:35:38.7915307Z { name: 'event', id: '1704976656' }
2022-01-16T18:35:38.7916466Z org/repo: No draft release found
2022-01-16T18:35:38.7917459Z { name: 'event', id: '1704976656' }
2022-01-16T18:35:38.7918412Z org/repo: No last release found
2022-01-16T18:35:38.7919034Z { name: 'event', id: '1704976656' }
2022-01-16T18:35:38.7920126Z org/repo: Fetching all commits for reference refs/heads/master
2022-01-16T18:35:38.7920821Z { name: 'event', id: '1704976656' }
2022-01-16T18:36:41.1230160Z ##[error]You have exceeded a secondary rate limit. Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
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    '        at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v5/dist/index.js:14675:23\n' +
    '        at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)\n' +
    '    at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v5/dist/index.js:16687:19',
  type: 'Error'
2022-01-16T18:36:41.1513451Z Cleaning up orphan processes

Second and subsequent runs
2022-01-16T18:52:01.3311070Z Found online and idle hosted runner in the current repository's organization account that matches the required labels: 'ubuntu-latest'
2022-01-16T18:52:01.4189235Z Waiting for a Hosted runner in the 'organization' to pick this job...
2022-01-16T18:52:01.5769093Z Job is waiting for a hosted runner to come online.
2022-01-16T18:52:04.8341546Z Job is about to start running on the hosted runner: Hosted Agent (hosted)
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4576186Z Current runner version: '2.286.0'
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4601855Z ##[group]Operating System
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4602366Z Ubuntu
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4602733Z 20.04.3
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4602958Z LTS
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4603277Z ##[endgroup]
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4603573Z ##[group]Virtual Environment
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4603942Z Environment: ubuntu-20.04
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4604258Z Version: 20220111.1
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4604770Z Included Software:
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4605445Z Image Release:
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4605859Z ##[endgroup]
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4606212Z ##[group]Virtual Environment Provisioner
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4606861Z ##[endgroup]
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4607776Z ##[group]GITHUB_TOKEN Permissions
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4608350Z Actions: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4608854Z Checks: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4609190Z Contents: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4609515Z Deployments: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4609799Z Discussions: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4610124Z Issues: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4610426Z Metadata: read
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4610730Z Packages: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4611036Z Pages: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4611305Z PullRequests: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4611677Z RepositoryProjects: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4611989Z SecurityEvents: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4612319Z Statuses: write
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4612624Z ##[endgroup]
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4616048Z Secret source: Actions
2022-01-16T18:52:08.4616597Z Prepare workflow directory
2022-01-16T18:52:08.5456369Z Prepare all required actions
2022-01-16T18:52:08.5638607Z Getting action download info
2022-01-16T18:52:08.7693302Z Download action repository 'release-drafter/release-drafter@v5' (SHA:0bc3bc59906b1dac1b608cc7ff5441fcb86ad6c9)
2022-01-16T18:52:09.3951348Z ##[group]Run release-drafter/release-drafter@v5
2022-01-16T18:52:09.3951739Z with:
2022-01-16T18:52:09.3952010Z   config-name: release-drafter.yml
2022-01-16T18:52:09.3952291Z env:
2022-01-16T18:52:09.3952816Z   GITHUB_TOKEN: ***
2022-01-16T18:52:09.3953059Z ##[endgroup]
2022-01-16T18:52:09.8268747Z "pull_request_target.opened" is not a known webhook name (
2022-01-16T18:52:09.8270643Z "pull_request_target.reopened" is not a known webhook name (
2022-01-16T18:52:09.8271724Z "pull_request_target.synchronize" is not a known webhook name (
2022-01-16T18:52:09.8272643Z "pull_request_target.edited" is not a known webhook name (
2022-01-16T18:52:10.1328281Z org/repo: Found 0 releases
2022-01-16T18:52:10.1329239Z { name: 'event', id: '1704976656' }
2022-01-16T18:52:10.1329965Z org/repo: No draft release found
2022-01-16T18:52:10.1330548Z { name: 'event', id: '1704976656' }
2022-01-16T18:52:10.1338293Z org/repo: No last release found
2022-01-16T18:52:10.1338911Z { name: 'event', id: '1704976656' }
2022-01-16T18:52:10.1339555Z org/repo: Fetching all commits for reference refs/heads/master
2022-01-16T18:52:10.1340228Z { name: 'event', id: '1704976656' }
2022-01-16T18:52:10.2664432Z ##[error]GraphQL Rate Limit Exceeded
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2022-01-16T18:52:10.2761146Z ##[error]Error: GraphQL Rate Limit Exceeded
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    '    at /home/runner/work/_actions/release-drafter/release-drafter/v5/dist/index.js:16687:19',
  type: 'Error'
2022-01-16T18:52:10.2966625Z Cleaning up orphan processes

What also seems wrong is that the job is green in the end, and the rate limits errors are presented merely as annotations:



In the end I got it to run successfuly by creating a dummy v0 release, making release-drafter only fetch commits starting from that point.

So my thoughts are:

  • Incorrect job status is probably the more important thing to fix first - silent failures are never fun
  • Perhaps we need a warning in the docs about adding release-drafter to large repos such as mine?
  • Actually handling the rate limit errors (I mean like sleep backoff until the limit is reset, or pre-calculating the number of queries and rationing them, or some such) could still be beneficial, but probably too much work for what that solves
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with over 36k commits drafting a release could several minutes if not hours. 😅
I would simply create a single release.

The docs are pretty bloated already, who reads them. Sometimes I doubt anybody does. Good luck finding a mention of BTW we use actual APIs to figure stuff out that could be dependent on rate limits.

Ya we should properly handle rate limits 😅 Though never had a need for it.


We are using probot which should have throttling in place:

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Totally not suggesting it should handle the 36k case, just that the reason for failure wasn't immediately obvious ;)

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Also hit this when trying to convert a large monorepo that does a single monolithic release to doing individual releases per service within the monorepo. Repo has hundreds of thousands of commits and many tags and releases. Just that none of the existing releases match the new per service tag prefixes so it;s trying to create first release for each service that covers the entire repo hisdtory. Maybe simple option would be to add something like initialVersion to tell it furthest back point to consider.

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Allowing to specify a limit to the number of commits fetched would also be acceptable for me. My project's history is many years old, but releases are never going to be > ~1000 commits apart.

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pnaza commented Aug 14, 2023

I also ran into this issue. Is there a workaround? I created a dummy draft release but I'm not sure how to make release-drafter only fetch commits starting from that point.

Update: I got it working 🎉 . The release has to be published and not in draft.

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I'm having a similar problem: I'm trying to create several draft releases from the same repository but I'm being throttled

Warning: Abuse limit hit with "POST /graphql", retrying in 60 seconds.
Error: GraphQL Rate Limit Exceeded

that wouldn't be an issue per se, but the job step is not failing, so I don't have any other choice than re-trying all the releases instead of only the ones that failed.

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sayaliM0412 commented Oct 4, 2023

I'm having a similar problem: I'm trying to create several draft releases from the same repository but I'm being throttled

Warning: Abuse limit hit with "POST /graphql", retrying in 60 seconds.
Error: GraphQL Rate Limit Exceeded

that wouldn't be an issue per se, but the job step is not failing, so I don't have any other choice than re-trying all the releases instead of only the ones that failed.

were you able to resolve your issue? I am facing a similar issue while trying to automate multiple draft-release using release-drafter/release-drafter@v5

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were you able to resolve your issue? I am facing a similar issue while trying to automate multiple draft-release using release-drafter/release-drafter@v5

I found that this situation happened when there were no previous release for said components, making the action navigate the whole repo history. Thus I "fixed" it by creating an initial release manually.

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