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File metadata and controls

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Add the app to installed apps:


Add the authentication backend EmailBackend:

    # Needed to login by username in Django admin, regardless of `nopassword`

    # Send login codes via email

Add urls to your

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^accounts/', include('nopassword.urls')),


There are several predefined backends. Usage of those backends are listed below.

.. currentmodule::

Delivers the code by email. It uses the django send email functionality to send the emails.

Override the following templates to customize emails:

  • registration/login_email.txt - Plain text message
  • registration/login_email.html - HTML message (note that no default html message is attached)
  • registration/login_subject.txt - Subject
.. currentmodule:: nopassword.backends.sms

Delivers the code by sms sent through the twilio service.

Override the following template to customize messages:

  • registration/login_sms.txt - SMS message

Custom backends

In there is a NoPasswordBackend, from which it is possible to build custom backends. The EmailBackend described above inherits from this backend. Creating your own backend can be done by creating a subclass of NoPasswordBackend and implementing send_login_code.:

class CustomBackend(NoPasswordBackend):

    def send_login_code(self, code, context, **kwargs):
        Use code.user to get contact information
        Use context to render a custom template
        Use kwargs in case you have a custom view that provides additional configuration