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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 17, 2019. It is now read-only.

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13 lines (9 loc) · 733 Bytes

File metadata and controls

13 lines (9 loc) · 733 Bytes


SSH/WEB client example on how to use connectd daemon on your Linux client to directly connect to a remote service.

You'll need to install the correct daemon on your client computer and then change the name of the EXE= variable in or to match the daemon name. For existing released weavedconnectd packages, that should be changed to:

Raspberry Pi installer 1.3-07z1 EXE=weavedconnectd.pi

Ubuntu/Debian 64-bit installer 1.3-07k: EXE=weavedconnectd.i686

A file called "endpoints" is created in ~/ which holds the ports associated with a given UID. "auth" is created in ~/ to cache your login credentials. Set the variable SAVE_AUTH to 0 to prevent caching credentials.