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Robert Norton edited this page Jan 22, 2019 · 20 revisions

How to install sail from opam

Install opam if you haven't already:

Use opam to install a version of ocaml we know works for us:

opam switch 4.06.0 

Setup environment for just installed ocaml:

eval `opam config env` 

Add our local opam repo:

opam repository add rems

Install system dependencies, on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libgmp-dev z3

or homebrew:

brew install gmp z3

Install sail and its dependencies:

opam install sail

If all goes well then you'll have sail in your path:

which sail
sail --help

Some source files that sail uses are found in at opam config var sail:share (e.g. for $include <foo.sail>) but sail should find those when it needs them.

Installing development versions of Sail

Released Sail packages lag behind the latest development in the repository. If you find you need a recently added feature or bug fix you can use opam pin to install the latest version of Sail from the repository. Assuming you have previously followed the above instructions (required to install dependencies):

git clone
cd sail
opam pin add sail .

will install from a local checkout of the Sail sources.

You can update with new changes as they are committed by pulling and reinstalling:

git pull
opam reinstall sail

To remove the pin and revert to the latest released opam package type:

opam pin remove sail

Alternatively you could follow the instructions to build Sail manually, optionally skipping the steps to install ott, lem and linksem if they were already installed via opam.

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