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2652 lines (2651 loc) · 160 KB


  • Credit:
    • Are bacon bits a seasoning?
    • Are dogs' front limbs arms or legs?
    • Are noodles pasta?
    • Are tomatoes a fruit?
    • Are you a morning person or a night person?
    • Are you team Android or team Apple?
    • Be honest, how often do you work from bed?
    • Blue and black dress, or white and gold?
    • Can you give a tour of your office space?
    • Can you play any instruments? If not, what do you wish you could play?
    • Could Jack have fit on the door with Rose in the Titanic?
    • Did you ever have an imaginary friend? If so, what was its name?
    • Do you care about your astrological sign?
    • Do you collect anything?
    • Do you eat rice with a spoon, fork, chopsticks, or some other way?
    • Do you have a favorite song to listen to when you need your spirits lifted?
    • Do you have any family traditions that you look forward to each year?
    • Do you have any hidden talents? What can you do?
    • Do you have any pets as in-house colleagues?
    • Do you have houseplants in your office?
    • Do you have siblings? How many? Where do you fit in the mix?
    • Do you like reality tv shows?
    • Do you listen to the news?
    • Do you love working from home or in the office? Is there a balance of both that you like best?
    • Do you play video games?
    • Do you speak any languages besides English? Is there a reason you learned it?
    • Do you watch any TV shows that you pretend you don't watch when people ask?
    • Does the person flying in the middle seat get both armrests?
    • For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
    • Have you ever been in a movie, TV show, or play? What was your role?
    • Have you ever met anyone famous?
    • Have you ever pretended you didn't see somebody to avoid talking to them?
    • How deep does a pan have to be before it is considered a pot?
    • How do you like your eggs?
    • How many cups of coffee, tea, or beverage-of-choice do you have each morning?
    • How many holes does a straw have?
    • How would you describe your sense of humor?
    • If I handed you a plane ticket right now to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
    • If a tree falls in the woods and nothing is there to hear it, did it make a sound?
    • If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is it homeless or naked?
    • If extraterrestrials landed on earth and offered to take you with them, would you go?
    • If extraterrestrials landed on earth, who would you recommend as their first point of contact and why?
    • If money and time were no object, what would you be doing right now?
    • If someone gifted you a gift card to any store, where would you want it to be for?
    • If someone offered you a million dollars to give up your smartphone forever, would you do it?
    • If tomato is a fruit, is ketchup a jam?
    • If you could add a word to the dictionary what would you add and what would it mean?
    • If you could add anyone to Mount Rushmore who would it be and why?
    • If you could be any supernatural creature, what would you be and why?
    • If you could be friends with any celebrity, who would it be?
    • If you could be guaranteed one thing in life (besides money), what would it be?
    • If you could be in any movie, what would it be and what character would you play?
    • If you could be the funniest or smartest person in the room, which would you choose?
    • If you could be the world's best athlete in any sport, which one would it be any why?
    • If you could bring back any fashion trend what would it be?
    • If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
    • If you could change places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
    • If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why?
    • If you could either live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees, which would it be?
    • If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why?
    • If you could get rid of any current trend, what would it be and why?
    • If you could go back in time and pay more attention in one class, what would it be?
    • If you could go to Mars, would you? Why or why not?
    • If you could hang out with any cartoon character, who would you choose and why?
    • If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be any why?
    • If you could have lunch with any public figure, dead or alive, who would it be?
    • If you could have the power of teleportation right now, where would you go and why?
    • If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
    • If you could instantly learn a new talent, what would it be?
    • If you could live in any TV show, what would it be?
    • If you could live in any country, where would you live?
    • If you could live in the 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s, which would you choose and why?
    • If you could magically become fluent in any language, what would it be?
    • If you could meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why?
    • If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • If you could only watch three movies for the rest of your life, what would they be?
    • If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be?
    • If you could say one thing to the entire world right now, what would you say?
    • If you could see one movie again for the first time, what would it be and why?
    • If you could travel anywhere for a holiday, where would it be and why?
    • If you could travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants, which would you pick?
    • If you had 25 hours each day, how would you use your extra time?
    • If you had a million dollars, what would be the first thing you bought?
    • If you had a time machine, would go back in time or into the future?
    • If you had an entrance song play every time you entered a room, what would it be?
    • If you had to be transformed into one household item, what would it be and why?
    • If you had to choose only one holiday to celebrate each year, which would it be and why?
    • If you had to eat a crayon, what color would you choose? Why?
    • If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life what would it be and why?
    • If you had to give up one food forever, what would it be?
    • If you had to lose all your memories, which one would you want to lose last?
    • If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?
    • If you mix dirt and water, are you making water dirty or dirt wet?
    • If you ran the world, what's one thing you'd change?
    • If you were a fridge, what item would you hate to hold? What item would you love to hold?
    • If you were a superhero what would your name be?
    • If you were a superhero what would your superpower be and why?
    • If you were a vegetable, what vegetable would you be and why?
    • If you were a wrestler what would be your entrance theme song?
    • If you were forced to participate in a flash dance, what song would you perform to and why?
    • If you were forced to sing karaoke, what song would you choose and why?
    • If you were left on a deserted island with either your worst enemy or no one, which would you choose? Why?
    • If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you?
    • If you weren't in this career, what could you see yourself doing?
    • If you're not from this city, why did you end up here?
    • Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?
    • Is GIF pronounced gift (with a silent “t”) or jif (like the peanut butter)?
    • Is a fritter a donut?
    • Is a hotdog a sandwich?
    • Is a thumb a finger?
    • Is cereal a soup?
    • Is cheesecake a cake or a pie?
    • Is soap clean or dirty?
    • Is water wet?
    • Name three things you and your partner have in common.
    • Road trip or plane trip?
    • Should pineapple go on pizza?
    • Should toilet paper be hung over or under?
    • Should you recline your seat on a flight?
    • Snow, sand, or other?
    • Spotify or Apple Music?
    • Sweet or savory?
    • Teleportation or flying?
    • Tell me an embarrassing story about yourself.
    • The zombie apocalypse is coming. Who are three people you want on your team?
    • What TV shows have you been watching lately?
    • What album could you listen to over and over again and not get sick of?
    • What animal represents you?
    • What are your biggest phobias?
    • What artists have you seen live? Which was the best?
    • What book changed your worldview the most?
    • What book did you read that changed your life the most?
    • What book do you bring along on airplanes?
    • What celebrity do you not like that everyone else loves?
    • What clubs were you a member of in high school?
    • What color are mirrors?
    • What crazy activities do you dream of trying someday?
    • What do you do when you get a holiday gift you hate?
    • What does your morning routine look like when working from home?
    • What emoji best describes you?
    • What fictional family would you be a member of?
    • What is one thing on the very top of your bucket list?
    • What is something you hate doing? Why?
    • What is something you love doing? Why?
    • What is something you think is totally overrated?
    • What is something you've always wanted to do but haven't done yet?
    • What is the most feel-good film you've ever seen?
    • What is your biggest pet peeve?
    • What is your favorite sport or physical activity?
    • What is your favorite thing to do by yourself?
    • What is your favorite thing to do locally?
    • What is your favorite type of cuisine?
    • What is your guilty pleasure?
    • What is your idea of fun?
    • What recent social media trend makes you cringe?
    • What sport would you compete in if you were in the Olympics?
    • What two things do you consider yourself to be very bad at?
    • What two things do you consider yourself to be very good at?
    • What type of music do you prefer?
    • What was one new experience you tried that was completely unknown or uncomfortable to you at the time you tried it?
    • What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
    • What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up this morning?
    • What was the last thing you gave 100% to?
    • What was the worst injury you ever had?
    • What was the worst job you ever had?
    • What was your dream profession growing up?
    • What was your favorite band ten years ago?
    • What was your favorite cartoon show growing up?
    • What was your favorite movie as a kid and why?
    • What was your favorite trip you went on?
    • What was your first car?
    • What was your least favorite childhood chore and why?
    • What was your least favorite food as a child? Do you still hate it or do you love it now?
    • What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?
    • What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?
    • What would be your campaign slogan if you were running for office?
    • What would the title of your autobiography be?
    • What would you like to be known or remembered for?
    • What would your dream house be like?
    • What's one frequently used word that you can't stand?
    • What's one piece of advice you wish you'd gotten sooner?
    • What's something interesting about your family history?
    • What's something you are really proud of accomplishing?
    • What's something you love that people wouldn't expect?
    • What's something you simply could never eat?
    • What's the best advice you've ever given?
    • What's the best gift you've ever given anyone? What's the worst?
    • What's the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
    • What's the craziest thing you have ever done?
    • What's the greatest TV show ever made?
    • What's the last thing you got in “trouble” for?
    • What's the most binge-able show you've ever watched?
    • What's the most embarrassing thing you ever accidentally messaged to somebody?
    • What's the most recent movie you've seen, both at home and in theaters? Would you recommend them?
    • What's the scariest movie you've ever seen? Funniest? Saddest?
    • What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten?
    • What's the worst TV show ever made?
    • What's your best scary story?
    • What's your biggest fear?
    • What's your caffeinated beverage of choice? Coffee? Cola? Tea?
    • What's your cellphone or computer wallpaper?
    • What's your dream car?
    • What's your favorite Disney movie?
    • What's your favorite TV show and why?
    • What's your favorite animated movie?
    • What's your favorite board game?
    • What's your favorite childhood holiday tradition?
    • What's your favorite childhood memory?
    • What's your favorite hobby right now? What's a hobby you've always wanted to take up?
    • What's your favorite hobby?
    • What's your favorite holiday movie?
    • What's your favorite plant?
    • What's your favorite podcast right now?
    • What's your favorite quote?
    • What's your favorite reality TV show?
    • What's your favorite scent?
    • What's your favorite social media platform?
    • What's your favorite thing about your job?
    • What's your favorite—or least favorite—holiday song?
    • What's your go-to karaoke song?
    • What's your go-to remote work outfit?
    • What's your guilty pleasure TV show?
    • What's your guilty pleasure song?
    • What's your most treasured memory?
    • What's your most-used emoji?
    • What's your secret talent?
    • When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
    • When you're not at work, what are your passions?
    • When's the last time you went somewhere for the first time?
    • Where do you work most frequently from at home? Your office? Your kitchen table? The backyard? Your bed?
    • Which actor or actress do you think deserves an Oscar but doesn't have one yet?
    • Which actor would you want to play you in the movie about your life?
    • Which celebrity has your favorite social media presence?
    • Which celebrity was your childhood crush?
    • Which letter is silent in the word “scent”, the “s” or the “c”?
    • Which musician, alive or dead, do you wish you could see perform?
    • Who in your life has inspired you most?
    • Who was the best batman?
    • Who's someone you really admire?
    • Who's the most famous person you've ever met?
    • Who's the toughest person you have to buy for during the holidays?
    • Who's your favorite celebrity?
    • Who's your favorite superhero?
    • Why do people say “slept like a baby” when babies wake up all the time in the middle of the night?
    • Why do we say pair of paints, when it's just one article of clothing?
    • Why is it called quick sand if you sink slowly in it?
    • Would you like to be famous? In what way?
    • Would you rather always have B.O. and not know it or always smell B.O. on everyone else?
    • Would you rather always have a full phone battery or a full gas tank?
    • Would you rather be a detective or a scientist?
    • Would you rather be a kid your entire life or be an adult?
    • Would you rather be able to run at 100 miles per hour or fly at 10 miles per hour?
    • Would you rather be able to swim underwater limitlessly or fly?
    • Would you rather be able to take back anything you say or hear any conversation that is about you?
    • Would you rather be always stuck in traffic but find a perfect parking spot or never hit traffic but always take forever to park?
    • Would you rather be chronically under-dressed or overdressed?
    • Would you rather be forced to sing along or dance to every single song you hear?
    • Would you rather be in a zombie apocalypse or a robot apocalypse?
    • Would you rather be in jail for five years or be in a coma for a decade?
    • Would you rather be on a survival reality show or dating show?
    • Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
    • Would you rather buy 10 things you don't need every time you go shopping or always forget the one thing that you need when you go to the store?
    • Would you rather detect every lie you hear or get away with every lie you tell?
    • Would you rather for your birthday, receive cash or gifts?
    • Would you rather get a hand-written card or a phone call?
    • Would you rather get a paper cut every time you turn a page or bite your tongue every time you eat?
    • Would you rather give up your cellphone for a month or bathing for a month?
    • Would you rather go deep-sea diving or bungee jumping?
    • Would you rather go for a run or go for a hike?
    • Would you rather go to a house party or a bar?
    • Would you rather go to the movie theaters or watch a movie from home?
    • Would you rather have a pause or a rewind button in your life?
    • Would you rather have everyone you know be able to read your thoughts or for everyone you know to have access to your Internet history?
    • Would you rather have telekinesis (the ability to move things with your mind) or telepathy (the ability to read minds)?
    • Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?
    • Would you rather have to wear every shirt inside out or every pair of pants backward?
    • Would you rather have to wear sweatpants everywhere for the rest of your life or never wear sweatpants again?
    • Would you rather hear holiday-themed music forever, or never heard it again?
    • Would you rather know the answer to every trivia question or the lyric to every song?
    • Would you rather listen to your least favorite song on a loop for a year or never listen to any music at all for a year?
    • Would you rather live in a remote destination or the heart of a metropolitan city?
    • Would you rather live without heat and AC or live without social media?
    • Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?
    • Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out at night?
    • Would you rather smell with your hands or talk with your feet?
    • Would you rather spend a week in the forest or a night in a real haunted house?
    • Would you rather swim in a pool full of Nutella or a pool full of maple syrup?
    • Would you rather trapped in an elevator or stuck on a suspension bridge?
    • Would you rather travel by train or travel by plane?
    • Would you rather travel the world for free for a year or have $50,000 to spend however you please?
    • Would you rather travel to a beach destination or ski resort?
    • Would you rather travel to space or travel to the past?
    • Would you rather watch a TV show or watch YouTube?
    • Would you rather win the lottery but have to spend it all in one day or triple your current salary forever?
    • Would you show everyone in this meeting your browser history?
    • You have your own late-night talk show. Who do you invite as your first guest?
    • You're going sail around the world. What's the name of your boat?
  • Credit: Museum Hack
    • 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s: Which decade do you love the most and why?
    • Are you a cat person or a dog person?
    • Are you a good dancer?
    • Are you a traveler or a homebody?
    • Are you an early bird or night owl?
    • Are you sunrise, daylight, twilight, or nighttime? Why?
    • As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    • Best book you've ever read?
    • Best professional development book you've ever read?
    • Coffee or tea?
    • Describe a time you laughed so hard you thought you would cry, or when you did cry. What was so funny?
    • Describe the best teacher you have had so far.
    • Do you have a dedicated office space at home?
    • Do you have a favorite plant?
    • Do you have any hidden talents?
    • Do you love working from home or would you rather be in the office? Is there a balance of both that you like best?
    • Do you play any instruments?
    • Do you play any sports?
    • Do you think you could live without your smartphone (or other technology item) for 24 hours?
    • Does your current car have a name? What is it?
    • Have you ever been told you look like someone famous, who was it?
    • Have you ever completed anything on your “bucket list”?
    • Have you ever met your idol or someone you revere greatly?
    • How do you stay productive and motivated working virtually?
    • If I visited your hometown, what local spots would you suggest I see?
    • If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, who would play you?
    • If aliens landed on earth tomorrow and offered to take you home with them, would you go?
    • If that wasn't your major, what would your major be?
    • If you could add anyone to Mount Rushmore who would it be; why?
    • If you could be any animal in the world, what animal would you choose to be?
    • If you could be immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?
    • If you could be on a reality TV show, which one would you choose and why?
    • If you could choose any name besides your name, what would you choose?
    • If you could choose any person from history to be your imaginary friend, who would it be and why?
    • If you could choose any two famous people to have dinner with who would they be?
    • If you could commit any crime and get away with it what would you choose and why?
    • If you could do anything in the world as your career, what would you do?
    • If you could donate a million dollars to any charity, what cause would you choose?
    • If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?
    • If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
    • If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?
    • If you could have your own TV show, what would it be about?
    • If you could learn one new personal skill, what would it be?
    • If you could learn one new professional skill, what would it be?
    • If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?
    • If you could live in one fictional universe, which one would you choose?
    • If you could only eat one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • If you could rename yourself, what name would you pick?
    • If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?
    • If you could write a book that was guaranteed to be a best seller, what would you write?
    • If you could write a book, what genre would you write it in? Mystery? Thriller? Romance? Historical fiction? Non-fiction?
    • If you had a million dollars, what would you buy first?
    • If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?
    • If you had to eat one meal everyday for the rest of your life what would it be?
    • If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
    • If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
    • If your pet could talk, what do you think it would say?
    • Name an imaginary college class you wish you had taken.
    • Name one cool feature you would add to your dream house.
    • Popcorn or M&Ms?
    • Say you're independently wealthy and don't have to work, what would you do with your time?
    • Show us your office space!
    • What about showers? Do you prefer morning or night?
    • What are you most excited about this year?
    • What book, movie read/seen recently you would recommend and why?
    • What breed of dog would you be?
    • What current fact about your life would most impress your five year old self?
    • What did you eat for breakfast?
    • What did you have for breakfast this morning?
    • What did you name your first car?
    • What does your favorite shirt look like?
    • What does your typical work from home uniform look like?
    • What fictional world or place would you like to visit?
    • What fruit or vegetable would you most want to be?
    • What is one article of clothing that someone could wear that would make you walk out on a date with them?
    • What is one thing we would never guess about you?
    • What is one thing you want older generations to know about teenagers today?
    • What is or was your major?
    • What is the best dish you can cook?
    • What is the last TV show that you binge-watched?
    • What is the most amazing story about your family?
    • What is the strangest habit you have?
    • What is your absolute dream job?
    • What is your best idea for a new invention?
    • What is your cellphone wallpaper?
    • What is your favorite TV show?
    • What is your favorite breakfast food?
    • What is your favorite dessert?
    • What is your favorite item you've bought this year?
    • What is your favorite magical or mythological animal?
    • What is your favorite meal to cook and why?
    • What is your favorite memory with your best friend?
    • What is your favorite midnight snack?
    • What is your favorite musical instrument and why?
    • What is your favorite television network?
    • What is your favorite time of the day and why?
    • What is your most used emoji?
    • What languages do you know how to speak?
    • What movie do you think everyone should watch?
    • What school subject is your favorite?
    • What school subject is your least favorite?
    • What season would you be?
    • What song or album could you listen to on repeat?
    • What was the country you last visited outside of United States?
    • What was the worst haircut you ever had?
    • What was the worst style choice you ever made?
    • What was your favorite game to play as a child?
    • What would your superpower be and why?
    • What would your talent be if you were Miss or Mister World?
    • What's is one thing we don't know about you?
    • What's one career you wish you could have?
    • What's one thing we could do to improve our virtual meetings?
    • What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
    • What's the hardest part about working virtually for you? The easiest?
    • What's the last great TV show or movie you wanted?
    • What's the most embarrassing fashion trend you used to rock?
    • What's the most out-of-character thing you've ever done?
    • What's your best scar story?
    • What's your favorite flower or plant?
    • What's your favorite place of all the places you've travelled?
    • What's your favorite sandwich and why?
    • What's your favorite tradition or holiday?
    • What's your favorite way to get in some exercise?
    • What's your number one tip for combating distractions when working from home?
    • When you die, what do you want to be remembered for?
    • Which band / artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?
    • Which cartoon character do you wish was real?
    • Who is your favorite Disney character?
    • Who is your favorite Disney hero or heroine? Would you trade places with them?
    • Who was your childhood actor/actress crush?
    • Would you go with aliens if they beamed down to Earth?
    • Would you rather always be slightly late or super early?
    • Would you rather be a superhero or the world's best chef?
    • Would you rather be an Olympic gold medalist or an astronaut?
    • Would you rather be the funniest or smartest person in the room?
    • Would you rather explore outer space or the bottom of the ocean?
    • Would you rather give up your smartphone or your computer?
    • Would you rather have invisibility or flight?
    • Would you rather live in the ocean or on the moon?
    • Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees?
    • Would you rather lose all of your money or all of your pictures?
    • Would you rather meet your travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?
    • Would you rather visit a volcano or a rainforest?
    • You can have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what is it? Sushi? Scotch Tape?
    • You can have anyone fictional as your imaginary friend, who do you choose and why?
    • You have to sing karaoke, what song do you pick?
  • Credit: teambuilding
    • Are you more productive in the morning or at night?
    • Can lone wolves be part of a team?
    • Choose one famous person from history you want on your team during a zombie apocalypse.
    • Do prefer a pop-quiz or end of year exam?
    • Do prefer working from home or the office?
    • Do you fold your pizza?
    • Do you have an imaginary friend?
    • Do you know how to speak more than one language?
    • Do you prefer big dogs or small dogs?
    • Do you prefer hot chocolate or tea?
    • Does your car have a name? What is it?
    • Have you ever been to a comedy show?
    • Have you ever met your idol?
    • Have you ever told someone Santa is not real?
    • Have you ever won something as a team?
    • How do you like your potatoes?
    • How tall are you?
    • How would you rate your laugh out of 10?
    • If you could be any supernatural creature, which would you pick?
    • If you could have any unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
    • If you could live in any country, which country would you pick?
    • If you could live in any state, which state would you pick?
    • If you could play any Olympic sport, which would it be?
    • If you could try any food, what would it be?
    • If you had to write a textbook, what would it be on?
    • Imagine you are a professional baseball player. What is your introduction song?
    • Imagine you can instantly learn any language. Which would you choose?
    • Imagine you could teleport anywhere. Where would you go right now?
    • Imagine you no longer have to work. How would you spend a Tuesday?
    • Is it better to be late for work or to leave early?
    • On a scale of 1 – 10, how much of a team player are you?
    • Pick any band to play at your funeral.
    • Pick your favorite decade. Tell us why.
    • Pull out your phone; what is your most used emoji?
    • Show us the weirdest thing you have in the room with you right now.
    • Show us your cell phone wallpaper. Is there a story behind it?
    • Show us your most-used emoji.
    • Show us your phone background and tell the story behind why you picked this image.
    • Tell us about your worst haircut ever.
    • There is a free, round-trip shuttle to Mars. The catch: it will take one year of your life to go, visit, and come back. Are you in?
    • Were the Spice Girls a good team?
    • What actor or actress would you want to play you in the movie about your life?
    • What are you drinking right now? If nothing, what was the last thing you drank?
    • What bucket list item do you most want to check off in the next six months?
    • What career do you want?
    • What celebrity do most people say you look like?
    • What did you want to be when you grew up?
    • What do you call your grandparents?
    • What do you miss about kindergarten?
    • What do you usually eat for lunch?
    • What dog breed would you be?
    • What emoji best describes how you are feeling right now?
    • What fashion trend would you bring back?
    • What fictional family would you most like to join?
    • What food will you never eat?
    • What is a good way to give back to the community?
    • What is a holiday tradition you like?
    • What is an easy way to do something nice for someone?
    • What is an item on your bucket list?
    • What is something we would not know about you just by looking?
    • What is something you accomplished as part of a team?
    • What is something you did at work that no-one noticed?
    • What is something you like?
    • What is the best example of a community you have seen?
    • What is the best holiday treat?
    • What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten at work?
    • What is the best romantic comedy?
    • What is the best thing you have bought so far this year?
    • What is the best work holiday?
    • What is the earliest book you remember?
    • What is the first gift you remember receiving?
    • What is the most obscure superpower you would want?
    • What is the most unusual job you have heard of?
    • What is the strangest food you have tried? Would you eat it again?
    • What is your #1 recommendation in this city?
    • What is your New Years resolution?
    • What is your earliest memory of Christmas?
    • What is your earliest memory of teamwork?
    • What is your earliest memory of this job?
    • What is your favorite book genre to read?
    • What is your favorite childhood gym activity?
    • What is your favorite color and why?
    • What is your favorite holiday tradition?
    • What is your favorite ice cream flavor and ice cream topping?
    • What is your favorite kitchen gadget?
    • What is your favorite knock-knock joke?
    • What is your favorite movie genre to watch?
    • What is your favorite movie?
    • What is your favorite musical instrument?
    • What is your favorite mythical creature?
    • What is your favorite part of working from home?
    • What is your favorite season?
    • What is your favorite seasoning?
    • What is your favorite song to sing?
    • What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
    • What is your favorite type of ice cream?
    • What is your favorite type of sandwich?
    • What is your go-to TV show to watch at night?
    • What is your go-to karaoke anthem?
    • What is your most used phone app?
    • What is your standard office lunch?
    • What is your worst dance move?
    • What movie do you wish you could watch again for the first time?
    • What person from history would you add to Mount Rushmore?
    • What reality show would you want to be on?
    • What size shoes do you wear?
    • What superpower would you most want?
    • What vegetable is best with cheese?
    • What was the first team you were part of?
    • What was the last thing you ate?
    • What was the worst style or fashion trend you ever embraced?
    • What was your favorite class in school?
    • What was your favorite show as a kid?
    • What was your first job?
    • What was your first online screen name?
    • What would it take to give up your smartphone for a month?
    • Where is your favorite vacation spot?
    • Which are better, cookies or brownies?
    • Which class do you wish your school offered?
    • Which class is your favorite?
    • Which fictional team is the best team of all time?
    • Which holiday song is your favorite?
    • Which month were you born?
    • Which movie made you laugh the most?
    • Which real team is the best team of all time?
    • Which song could you listen to over and over again?
    • Which super power do you want?
    • Which superpower would you give to your arch enemy?
    • Which trap in Home Alone was the best?
    • Who is someone in your community that makes a difference?
    • Who is the most famous person you have met?
    • Who is your favorite author?
    • Who was your childhood famous crush?
    • Who was your favorite pet?
    • Would it be better to start work five years later or end five years earlier?
    • Would you go in the mother-ship with aliens if they landed on Earth tomorrow?
    • Would you join a community in space if it was permanent?
    • Would you let aliens beam you up if they came to Earth?
    • Would you rather be an Avenger or a Power Ranger?
    • Would you rather be reincarnated as a cat or a dog?
    • Would you rather do a large project independently or as part of a team?
    • Would you rather have a pet sloth or a pet parrot?
    • Would you rather join Metallica or Backstreet Boys?
    • Would you rather live 100 years in the past or 100 years in the future?
    • Would you rather live at the North Pole or the South Pole?
    • Would you rather live in a city or a town?
    • Would you support “National Avocado Day” as a work holiday?
    • Would you want to have a personal assistant follow you around everywhere and do what you asked of them?
    • Would you want to have an imaginary friend today? Did you have one as a child?
    • You are stranded on a remote desert island. Are you alone or with your worst enemy?
    • You are the best criminal mastermind in the world. What crime would you commit if you knew you would get away with it?
    • You can only eat one food again for the rest of your life. What is it?
    • You can visit any fictional time or place. Which would you pick?
  • Credit: QuizBreaker
    • Are there any interesting things your name spells with the letters rearranged?
    • Are you a back seat driver?
    • Are you a dog person or a cat person?
    • Are you a listener or a talker?
    • Complete the sentence "I wish everyone could..."
    • Describe England in one word?
    • Describe an experience in your life that changed your values?
    • Describe the person to your left in one word?
    • Describe the sun in one word?
    • Describe the worst movie you've ever watched?
    • Describe your breakfast in one word?
    • Describe your car in one word?
    • Describe your dream holiday if money was no limit?
    • Describe your dream house.
    • Describe your dream wedding if money was no object?
    • Describe your fashion trend in one word?
    • Describe your house in one word?
    • Describe your in-laws in one word?
    • Describe your weekend in one word?
    • Describe your worst day ever!
    • Describe yourself in one word?
    • Do you prefer books or films?
    • Do you prefer cardio or weight lifting?
    • Do you prefer cats or dogs?
    • Do you prefer fruits or vegetables?
    • Do you prefer mornings or nights?
    • Do you prefer nights out or nights in?
    • Do you prefer summer or winter?
    • Do you prefer sweet or savory?
    • Do you prefer the pool or the beach?
    • Do you prefer to dress smart or casual?
    • Have you ever been bungee jumping?
    • Have you ever been mistaken for someone famous?
    • Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
    • How many languages can you speak?
    • If you could audition for a talent TV show, what song would you pick and why?
    • If you could be a kitchen appliance, what one would you be and why?
    • If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
    • If you could be in the Guinness book of world records, what record-breaking feat would you attempt?
    • If you could give a piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
    • If you could have an endless supply of food, what would it be?
    • If you could have an extra hour of free time everyday, how would you use it?
    • If you could have any super human power, what would it be?
    • If you could immediately gain one skill, what would it be?
    • If you could only listen to once album for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • If you could open an office anywhere in the world, where would it be?
    • If you could speak another language, what would it be?
    • If you could take 3 things to a desert island what would they be?
    • If you were a potato, what way would you like to be cooked?
    • Is it ever OK to waste time?
    • Name one thing still on your bucket list.
    • Tell us one big problem you've had to solve this year?
    • Using just one word, name something that drives your success?
    • What animal would you chose to be?
    • What coffee do you drink in your morning meeting?
    • What do you admire most in a work colleague?
    • What do you think the most important thing is for a workplace to have?
    • What do you think you contribute most to the workplace?
    • What is the first lie you ever told?
    • What is the longest you've ever stayed in one job?
    • What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
    • What is the reason you get up in the morning?
    • What is the strangest gift you have ever received?
    • What is the worst advice you've ever given?
    • What is the worst food you ever eaten?
    • What is the worst grade you ever got?
    • What is the worst holiday you've ever been on?
    • What is the worst pick up line you've ever heard?
    • What is the worst trouble you go into as a kid?
    • What is your dream job?
    • What is your favorite strange food combinations?
    • What is your goal by the end of the decade?
    • What is your worst personality characteristic?
    • What kind of reality show would you appear in?
    • What new, or additional, skill do you think you need now to progress further?
    • What song describes your life right now?
    • What talent would you most like to grow and develop?
    • What three things would you like to accomplish this year?
    • What was the worst job you've ever had?
    • What was your favorite subject in high school?
    • What was your last song on your Spotify / streaming music service?
    • What would you do if you have all the money in the world?
    • What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
    • What would your entrance theme song be?
    • What year would you visit if you had a time machine?
    • What's your current cellphone wallpaper?
    • What's your favorite breakfast cereal or breakfast food?
    • What's your favorite family tradition?
    • What's your favorite ride at a theme park?
    • What's your go-to dance move?
    • What's your middle name?
    • What's your favorite place?
    • When was the last time you did something for the first time?
    • When you were a child, what was your biggest dream?
    • When you were six years old, what did you want to be when you grow up?
    • Where did you grow up?
    • Where do you see yourself going in the company?
    • Where do you want to retire?
    • Where would you build your dream home?
    • Which of Snow White's seven dwarfs describes you best (Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy or Sneezy)?
    • Who is your favorite cartoon character?
    • Who was your childhood actor or actress crush?
    • Who would you want on your team in a zombie apocalypse?
    • Would you go to space if you knew that you could never come back to earth?
    • Would you prefer to always be slightly late or always be an hour early?
    • Would you rather always be cold or always be hot?
    • Would you rather be funny or clever?
    • Would you rather fart or burp glitter?
    • Would you rather have no arms or no legs?
    • Would you rather lose your sight or hearing?
    • Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or would you rather go to the future to meet your descendants?
  • Credit: parabol
    • A genie appears and grants you a wish for someone else in the world. Who and what do you make a wish for?
    • Are there any aspects of your personality that hold you back? How do you adapt?
    • Do you have a favorite mug? Let us see it and explain why you love it.
    • Do you have a non-work goal you're working towards right now? What is it?
    • Do you have any mentors or people you look up to? Tell us about one of them.
    • Do you have any routines you use to improve your energy and focus?
    • Do you work better with or without music? What are you listening to while you work?
    • Have you been pleasantly surprised by anything recently?
    • Have you ever experienced a culture shock? Where was it and what happened?
    • Have you learned any useful productivity hacks recently?
    • Heard any good tips lately?
    • How do you get motivated for difficult tasks?
    • How do you like to sit in a chair?
    • How do you recognize when you're stressed?
    • How have you changed in the last year?
    • How would you describe your communication style in 3 words?
    • How would your best friend describe you?
    • If buying groceries were a game, what would be one of the loading screen tips?
    • If you could be fluent in another language instantly, which would you choose, and why?
    • If you could be one other person, who would that person be and why?
    • If you could become a supernatural creature at night, what would it be, and why?
    • If you could bring back a fashion trend, what would it be, and why?
    • If you could bring back a fashion trend, what would it be?
    • If you could describe your life as a movie, what genre would it be?
    • If you could do something that you don't because it's bad for you, but you could do it without repercussions – what would you do?
    • If you could go back in time 10,000 years ago and make a cave painting to confuse everyone in the future, what would you draw?
    • If you could go back in time and make little changes to your childhood, what is one thing you'd learn so you could be an expert at it today?
    • If you could have an animal sidekick, what animal would it be? Why?
    • If you could have an unlimited supply of one food or drink, what would it be?
    • If you could have one superpower today, what would it be, and for what purpose?
    • If you could instantly know any other language, which would it be and why?
    • If you could keep only one part of your morning routine, what would it be?
    • If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?
    • If you could live in another historical period, would you? If so, which one?
    • If you could live with any fictional character, who would you choose?
    • If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be?
    • If you could safely eat any inedible object, what would it be?
    • If you could teleport anywhere in the world, where would you go right now?
    • If you did not have to sleep, how would you spend the extra 8 hours?
    • If you had a magic button on your desk to bring you whatever you wanted, what would it summon?
    • If you had a time machine, would you go back in time to meet your ancestors, or forward in time to meet your descendants?
    • If you had to describe how you're feeling right now as a weather pattern, what's your forecast?
    • If you had to describe how you're feeling right now as an amusement park ride, what ride are you on?
    • If you had to eat only one dish for the rest of time, what would it be?
    • If you had to give a lecture on one thing, what would it be?
    • If you had to sing karaoke right now, which song would you pick?
    • If you had unlimited time and resources, how would you spend your days?
    • If you were a cocktail, which would you be?
    • If you were a takeaway food, what would sum up your day and why?
    • If you were coming out onto a stage, what would your entrance song be?
    • If you were forced to watch reruns of a favorite show, which would you choose?
    • If you were going to be frozen tomorrow for a one-way 1000-year interstellar voyage, what would you most want to communicate (and to whom) before you leave?
    • If you were reincarnated as an animal what would you choose and why?
    • If you were setting off to Mars and could take only one luxury item with you, what would it be?
    • If your home was packed full of golf balls how would you remove them?
    • Is there any topic lately that you would like to be mentored on?
    • It's your first day on the job as an evil villain. What's the first piece of mischief you commit?
    • Look around and assess how satisfied you are with your physical workspace. What's one thing you love about it?
    • Make a choice: Never hear music again or lose the ability to read?
    • Name a TV show you think is under-rated. Describe it in a sentence.
    • Name a healthy food you enjoy and an unhealthy food that you find hard to resist.
    • Show us something in your space that you really like.
    • Tell us about a stranger you still remember. What made them memorable?
    • What age do you wish you could be permanently?
    • What animal best represents you today, and why?
    • What are some strategies that you've found to be helpful in your recent work?
    • What are you doing when you feel most alive?
    • What are you excited about this week? What worries you?
    • What are you grateful for today?
    • What are you nostalgic about recently?
    • What are you reading right now?
    • What book would you like to live in?
    • What boundaries have you set to ensure that you unplug from work?
    • What color best describes your personality today?
    • What criteria helps you decide whether to say ‘no' to something or commit to it?
    • What do you enjoy most about what you spend your time on?
    • What do you value most in a friendship?
    • What do your parents think you do for work?
    • What does friendship mean to you?
    • What does it feel like to be you right now?
    • What drink best describes you today?
    • What emoji represents you today and why?
    • What fictional world would you most like to live in?
    • What fruit or vegetable represents your mood today?
    • What healthy food tastes just as good to you as unhealthy food?
    • What help could you most use that you haven't asked for?
    • What ice cream flavor sums up your personality today?
    • What is a lesson you feel you learned too late in life?
    • What is the most used emoji on your phone right now?
    • What is your favorite smell and why?
    • What is your one piece of advice to everyone here?
    • What looks easy peasy lemon squeezy but is actually difficult difficult lemon difficult?
    • What question do you wish people would ask you?
    • What season would you be? Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn?
    • What simple thing still blows your mind?
    • What small thing would improve your day today?
    • What smell or image triggers nostalgia for you?
    • What sparked your curiosity in whatever you're most curious about now?
    • What thing from nature, excluding animals, best describes you today?
    • What was the first concert or gig you ever attended?
    • What was the first thing you thought about when waking up today?
    • What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up today?
    • What was the last thing you did that gave you child-like joy?
    • What was the last thing you fell in love with?
    • What was your favorite breakfast as a kid?
    • What was your favorite class in school? Why?
    • What was your favorite recent book or article, and what did it inspire?
    • What was your favorite recent meal, and why?
    • What was your first ever job?
    • What was your least favorite food as a child? Why did you dislike it?
    • What were some of your favorite activities as a kid?
    • What would you do if you came home and found a penguin in your freezer?
    • What's a TV show you recommend to everyone?
    • What's one of your earliest memories?
    • What's one of your pet peeves?
    • What's one recent thing or experience that exceeded your expectations?
    • What's something that you've never learned to do?
    • What's something you admire about the people on our team?
    • What's something you are craving right now?
    • What's something you rebelled against as a kid?
    • What's something you were really into as a kid?
    • What's your guilty pleasure when you have free time during the week?
    • What's a book that affected you so deeply (emotionally or intellectually) that you still regularly think about it?
    • What's a cause or purpose you deeply believe in?
    • What's a food that always reminds you of childhood?
    • What's a food, smell, or sound that you associate with where you grew up?
    • What's a hobby or side project you've been meaning to take up?
    • What's a landmark, popular destination, or local hangout spot that you either frequented or avoided when you were growing up?
    • What's a movie you always recommend to people? Why do you love it?
    • What's a sauce, condiment or dressing you couldn't live without?
    • What's a simple life hack that everyone can benefit from?
    • What's a small act of kindness you were once shown, that you'll never forget?
    • What's a thing you do that seems strange to others?
    • What's a time when someone did something you appreciated (at work or in another context), but you didn't let them know? What held you back?
    • What's an adult problem nobody prepared you for?
    • What's an adventurous thing you've done?
    • What's an organization or private company you admire and why?
    • What's an unusual skill you'd love to master?
    • What's an unusual tradition you or your family have?
    • What's got your attention today, and why?
    • What's normal where you live, but might seem weird to the rest of the world?
    • What's one activity that grants you pure escapism?
    • What's one characteristic you admire in others?
    • What's one country you would love to visit and why?
    • What's one of the biggest risks you've taken in your career? How do you feel about having taken it?
    • What's one of your favorite recent memories?
    • What's one possession or tool that enhances your daily life?
    • What's one productivity tool you couldn't live without, and what makes it indispensable?
    • What's one project that you could stop doing to give yourself more focus?
    • What's one rule your parents or guardians enforced when you were a kid?
    • What's one skill that helps you successfully work remotely?
    • What's one thing many people hate, but you love?
    • What's one thing that brings you energy and joy?
    • What's one thing you are unbeatable at?
    • What's one thing you want to do in life, but don't know where to start?
    • What's one thing you wish could be automated in your job?
    • What's one thing you wish you'd been taught in school?
    • What's one thing your parents or guardians always nagged you about?
    • What's one thing you've been procrastinating on and can't finish?
    • What's something from your childhood that you still love today?
    • What's something new or interesting you've learned recently?
    • What's something new you've learned about yourself in the last three months?
    • What's something on your desk, a nearby wall, or out the window that cheers you up during the day?
    • What's something our team is good at?
    • What's something people don't know about you?
    • What's something that doesn't deserve the hate it gets?
    • What's something that made you smile recently?
    • What's something that puts you in a state of flow?
    • What's something you couldn't live without?
    • What's something you do to relieve anger or stress?
    • What's something you like to do whenever you travel to a new country?
    • What's something you wish you'd learned earlier in life?
    • What's something you would change if you ran the world?
    • What's something you're looking forward to, and why?
    • What's something you're worried about?
    • What's something you've drawn inspiration from recently?
    • What's the best book you've ever read? Why?
    • What's the best phrase or piece of slang people in your hometown use?
    • What's the last book you quit reading, and why?
    • What's the last thing you completed that you're proud of?
    • What's the last thing you did for the first time?
    • What's the most important thing to remember daily that you haven't been able to?
    • What's the most useful item you've purchased this year?
    • What's the most useful thing you own?
    • What's the next item on your bucket list?
    • What's the weirdest thing in your fridge right now?
    • What's the worst piece of advice you've ever been given? And why was it so bad?
    • What's your favorite thing about the place you live?
    • What's your guilty pleasure right now?
    • What's your spirit animal this week?
    • When was the last time you felt unbounded optimism?
    • When you were young what cartoon would you get up early to watch?
    • When you were young what show would you get up early to watch on TV?
    • When you're feeling stressed, how do you deal with it?
    • Where did you grow up and what was it like?
    • Where do you feel most at home?
    • Which bucket list item do you most want to check off this year?
    • Which do you prefer, oceans or mountains? Why?
    • Which fictional character would you want by your side during a zombie apocalypse?
    • Which question can you ask to find out the most about a person?
    • Who has made a positive difference in your life recently?
    • Who on the team would you like to swap jobs with for a day?
    • Who was the last person you felt inspired by?
    • Who's an ex-colleague from this job or another that you still think about?
    • Would you rather receive a shoutout from the CEO at a company all-hands meeting or a private word of thanks from them?
    • Would you rather someone took a boring task off your to-do list or invited you to participate in a project of great interest to you?
    • Would you rather speak all languages or be able to speak to animals?
    • Would you rather spend a three-week trip visiting multiple interesting destinations or one interesting destination?
    • Would you rather take a cold shower every day or always sleep an hour less than you need?
    • Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader?
    • You've been chosen to represent your country in a global competition. What sport or activity are you doing?
    • You're cooking for the whole team, what is your signature dish?
    • You're on a desert island and can bring one luxury with you – what is it?
    • You've been granted a one-way ticket to another country of your choice. Where are you going?
    • You've been teleported to the middle ages. How do you make a living there?
    • You've died but instead of entering the afterlife, you've entered Earth 2.0. What are some things that make Earth 2.0 better?
  • Credit: Vantage Circle
    • A book that you think will change lives?
    • According to you, what is the most mind-numbingly dull movie ever made?
    • According to you, what is the most monotonous sport to watch?
    • According to you, what says, "I'm a secretly wonderful person"?
    • According to you, what should people stop feeling insecure about?
    • According to you, which reality TV show is the funniest?
    • According to you, who has the perfect personality of being a talk show host?
    • Aliens have landed on Earth and have claimed one of your team members as their spy. You're the least bit surprised. Who is it?
    • All in all, the movie that had the most significant impact on your life and why?
    • All in all, what is the worst job that you've ever heard of?
    • All in all, what is your favorite food that everyone would most likely hate?
    • All in all, who is more likely to cry during an emotional moment?
    • All things considered, the worst advice you've followed and regretted?
    • Altogether, what is the best advice you've received from anyone in this office?
    • Altogether, what is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
    • Altogether, what is your favorite thing about your team?
    • Any particular skill that you would recommend to everyone to learn?
    • At reaching which milestone would you consider yourself to be successful?
    • At what point in your life you realized that you grew up?
    • By and large, what's the best thing about working from home?
    • Can you tell us about the worst haircut you've ever had?
    • Considering there was a room filled with everything you've ever lost, what item would you be most excited to recover?
    • Currently, is there any quote that inspires you?
    • Decidedly, you must choose a fictional world that'll become the new reality. Which one would you pick?
    • Describe an encounter that made you question reality.
    • Describe your ideal life.
    • Do you follow any family tradition that centers around movies, sports, or songs?
    • Does your family have a unique or peculiar tradition?
    • Especially, which one of your colleagues should go on to open his/her own company?
    • For the rest of your life, you could choose one team member to work with. Who would it be?
    • Generally, which reel life character are you most inspired by?
    • Given the chance to live the life of another person, who would you choose?
    • Given the chance to star in any movie, what will be the movie most likely be about?
    • How do you feel about a four-day workweek where the total hours worked will be the same?
    • How has your favorite high school teacher impacted your life?
    • How would your worst enemy describe you?
    • If given the chance or time to meet your ancestors, what would you ask them first?
    • If given the chance or time to meet your descendants, what piece of advice would you offer to them?
    • If given the choice of being the best at your worst job or the worst at your dream job, which one would you pick?
    • If given the choice of having a talk show host narrate your life, who would you choose?
    • If given the opportunity to be the boss for a day, which is the first thing you would do?
    • If given the option to time travel to your past and give yourself some advice, which age would you choose to go to?
    • If the pandemic gets over right this instant, who is the person you'd want to meet first?
    • If the title of your autobiography is the name of your favorite guilty pleasure, what would it be?
    • If there were no limits, which place would you want to spend the rest of your life?
    • If trapped in a horror movie, who would be the first one to die from your team?
    • If you could go back in time with the knowledge you currently have, what age would you choose, and why?
    • If you could meet any historical figure and ask them only one question, who would it be, and what would you ask?
    • If you could meet your descendants for 5 minutes, how would you describe the pandemic to them in 2 sentences or less?
    • If you could switch your life with any fictional character, who would it be?
    • If you had all the time, money, and resources, would you still work?
    • If you had the chance to be in the Olympics, which sport would you compete in?
    • If you had the chance to go back and start again, what age would you choose?
    • If you had the chance to introduce a historical figure to meet any historical figure, who two people would you choose?
    • If you had to break the ice during some awkward silences, which joke would you crack?
    • If you had to give your pre-pandemic self a piece of advice, what would it be?
    • If you had to meet any historical figure and choose him as your teammate, who would it be?
    • If you had to talk like a cartoon character for the rest of your life, who would you choose?
    • If you were given the option to interact and meet any historical figure, who would you pick?
    • In a talk show, who among your team would get invited back multiple times?
    • In case of an emergency, what are the 5 things that you would grab first?
    • In high school, what was the stupidest thing you did?
    • In particular, which team-building activity is your favorite?
    • In reality, which conspiracy theory do you believe entirely is true?
    • In this case, you have the chance to work with any celebrity that you want. Who would you choose?
    • In which sport would you compete (weird things are fine) that'll fetch you at least one award?
    • Meanwhile, name the most adventurous dish that you've ever eaten?
    • Name one colleague who is the most likely to escape a deserted island alive?
    • Name one of your biggest pet peeves.
    • Name one thing that you've always imagined doing but never did?
    • Name the favorite trait, character, or feature about yourself.
    • Name the most challenging habit that you had to break.
    • Name the song that was stuck in your head during quarantine.
    • Notably, what is your happiest memory to date?
    • Particularly, name a team-building activity that you secretly hate?
    • Particularly, what's the worst thing about working from home?
    • Significantly, what's the dumbest thing that you believed to be true?
    • Tell us about someone you wish you hadn't met.
    • Tell us the best piece of advice you've ever received in your life?
    • Tell us the most meaningful compliment you have ever received at work.
    • Tell us your favorite breakfast food?
    • That one food you never understood why everyone liked?
    • The kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?
    • The last mistake that you made is the title of your autobiography. What would it be?
    • The most terrible fashion trend that you followed religiously?
    • The one thing that you think everyone in this world should follow?
    • The worst advice you've given that others regretted?
    • The worst thing that you've ever eaten?
    • To future remote workers, what is one piece of advice you would give?
    • What are the best traits the pandemic bought out in you?
    • What are the five things that are the most important to you except friends and family?
    • What are the lessons that you learned too late in life?
    • What are the top 5 items in your post-pandemic bucket list?
    • What are you grateful for?
    • What are your top five bucket-list items?
    • What bad habits have you got to break once everyday life resumes?
    • What do you do when you notice someone is sad?
    • What does your perfect day look like?
    • What has been your favorite thing to do while working from home?
    • What is a podcast, TV show, or musical artist that got you through the pandemic?
    • What is that one piece of advice that had changed your life?
    • What is that one quarantine incident that you'll remember for the rest of your life?
    • What is that one simple thing that everyone finds easy to do, but you struggle with it?
    • What is that one thing that always impresses you when meeting someone new?
    • What is that one thing that your younger self would have never imagined you doing now?
    • What is that one thing the pandemic has made you do that you thought you never will?
    • What is the best compliment that you've received from someone in the office?
    • What is the best thing a coworker has done or said to you during the pandemic?
    • What is the best thing you've ever eaten during the pandemic?
    • What is the coolest website you've ever visited?
    • What is the first place you'll visit after this pandemic?
    • What is the first thing you are going to do once the pandemic is over?
    • What is the kindest thing you've witnessed till now?
    • What is the most fantastic thing that has ever happened to you?
    • What is the most memorable thing you bought with your first salary?
    • What is the most underrated song that everyone should listen to at least once in their life?
    • What is the one ice breaker question that should be made mandatory?
    • What is the one improvement that our company culture desperately needs?
    • What is the one piece of advice you've been given or would like to provide other remote workers to make their lives easier?
    • What is the one thing that would actually help remote teams to function better?
    • What is the one thing you look forward to doing when you wake up in the morning?
    • What is the preferred way to break the ice with a new team member?
    • What is the quirkiest thing about you?
    • What is the strangest thing that has happened to you?
    • What is the weirdest food you have tried during quarantine?
    • What is the worst gift you have ever received?
    • What is the worst job ever done by a celebrity artist?
    • What is your "I wish I had started doing this earlier in my life"?
    • What is your best or favorite work from the home tip?
    • What is your favorite genre of music?
    • What is your favorite polite insult?
    • What is your preferred way of breaking awkward silences over Zoom?
    • What item did you hoard when you heard that a lockdown will be happening?
    • What motivates you to get things done?
    • What never fails to make you feel emotional?
    • What new hobbies have you taken up while working from home?
    • What piece of advice would you give to a younger you?
    • What song or music would make even the worst jobs bearable to do?
    • What type of person do you love working with the most?
    • What was your dream job when you were a kid?
    • What was your fondest memory from high school?
    • What would be the title of your autobiography?
    • What would you like to do when you retire?
    • What's on the top of your "anti-bucket list," i.e., things you'll never do again?
    • What's something you can't believe you used to do before the pandemic?
    • What's the first thing you'll do once the world is free of the pandemic?
    • When it's your time to meet your coworkers after the pandemic, what is the first thing you'll do/say?
    • When the pandemic gets over, which part of the work from home life will you miss the most?
    • When was the last time someone appreciated you or your work?
    • When you die, what would you like to be remembered for?
    • Which app have you started hating during the pandemic?
    • Which cartoon character do you find most relatable to now?
    • Which element would you rather be able to control?
    • Which everyday office task, if turned into an Olympics sport, would you fail in miserably?
    • Which favorite childhood food would you love to eat again but has been discontinued?
    • Which horrible fashion trend do you secretly like?
    • Which is a word that you particularly can't stand the sound of?
    • Which is the lie that you've frequently gotten away with?
    • Which is the weirdest food you've ever eaten?
    • Which is your favorite hack of eating healthy foods?
    • Which one book you've always wanted to read but didn't get around to it?
    • Which pandemic trend was way overrated?
    • Which reality TV show is your guilty pleasure?
    • Which skill have you learned during working from home?
    • Which song can cheer you up?
    • Which talk show host is your absolute favorite?
    • Which team members of your remote teams are the most likely to go wild without any kind of human interactions?
    • Which weirdest food combination would you rather have- Cheetos and cream cheese or salt and chocolate milk?
    • While working from home, what is that one thing that gets you through a hard day?
    • Who is the most inspirational person that you've ever met?
    • Who is the most underrated celebrity?
    • Who would be the first celebrity guest in your very own talk show?
    • Without a doubt, who is the greatest actor that has ever graced the world?
    • Would you instead be instantaneously ready for work in the morning or ready for bed at night?
    • Would you instead choose "wisdom" or "money"?
    • Would you instead earn 1 dollar for every step you take or 100$ every 2 hours?
    • Would you instead gain all knowledge from books by merely touching them or gain any physical skills simply by watching a video of them?
    • Would you instead have the ability to freeze time for 30 seconds once every day or rewind time 30 seconds once every day?
    • Would you instead never listen to old music again or never listen to new music again?
    • Would you instead settle all your disputes with a game of "paper, rock, scissors" or with a game of "hide-and-seek"?
    • Would you rather be able to remember anything or be able to forget anything?
    • Would you rather be able to see through material things (walls and doors) or figurative things (lies, promises)?
    • Would you rather be able to talk to animals or speak every language?
    • Would you rather be able to tell your past self one thing or ask your future self one question?
    • Would you rather happy moments become happier or sad moments become less sad?
    • Would you rather have a lengthy role in a bad movie or a short role in a good film?
    • Would you rather have flying or invisibility superpowers?
    • Would you rather have which baked good: cookies or brownies?
    • Would you rather know everything about the ocean or space?
    • Would you rather never eat chocolate again or never eat bread again?
    • Would you rather see the beginning of the universe or the end of the universe?
    • Would you rather spend 1 year on a deserted island with everything you need or 1 year on home quarantine with a shortage of everything?
    • You can not time travel, but your phone has the internet from 5 years in the future. What do you search for first?
    • You get to spend one year on a deserted island with any cartoon character. That cartoon character is your only chance at survival. However, after the year is over, that character would try to kill you. Which cartoon character would you choose?
    • You have 1 hour to live. What do you do in your final hour?
    • You have 5 minutes to hide a paperclip in your home. A detective is hired to find it. But if he fails, you'll get 10,000 dollars as a reward. Where would you hide the paperclip?
    • You now have the option of only viewing a particular celebrity's work for the rest of your life. Who do you choose?
    • Your go-to icebreaker question during awkward silences?
  • Credit: Toggl
    • A genie grants you three wishes but none of them can directly benefit you. What would those wishes be?
    • Are there any specific animals you are afraid of? Why?
    • As a kid, did you ever do something wrong but manage to pin it on your siblings?
    • Beach, safari, or forest vacation?
    • Desktop, laptop, or tablet? Which do you prefer to use?
    • Did you have a stuffed animal as a child? What was its name?
    • Do you enjoy the outdoors? What's your favorite outdoor activity?
    • Do you have any pets? What are their names?
    • Do you set New Years Resolutions? What was one of yours this year? Have you kept it?
    • Favorite grocery item while shopping locally?
    • Have you ever been on a cruise? Where did you go?
    • Have you ever been out of the country?
    • Have you ever been to Disney Land or Disney World?
    • Have you ever done any extreme sports like skydiving or bungee jumping?
    • Have you ever eaten a whole pizza by yourself?
    • Have you ever experienced a natural disaster like a hurricane or tornado?
    • Have you ever lived in another state?
    • Have you ever met a celebrity?
    • Have you ever planted a garden?
    • Have you ever ridden on a motorcycle?
    • Have you ever won a contest?
    • How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse?
    • How many Facebook friends do you have? How many of them do you actually communicate with?
    • How many countries have you visited outside your own?
    • How much money would you need to win to walk away from your current job?
    • How would you change your life today if the average life expectancy was 400 years?
    • If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?
    • If you could choose an age to remain forever, which age would you choose?
    • If you could eliminate one food so no one could eat it ever again, what would you destroy?
    • If you could go back in time and make little changes to your childhood, what is one thing you'd learn and master over the years so you'd be an expert at it today?
    • If you could have a superpower, what would it be and why?
    • If you could only eat one item of food for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
    • If you could travel to any other planet (real or fictional), where would you go and why?
    • If you had to change your name, what would your new name be, and why would you choose that name?
    • If you had to choose between only having a cell phone or a car for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
    • If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep? (Three apps that have changed your life.)
    • If you had your human body, but the head of an animal, what animal would you pick?
    • If you were a fish, what type would you be?
    • If you were the captain of a pirate ship, what would be the name of your ship?
    • If you won a lottery of $1 billion, what would you do with all the money?
    • In your opinion, what is the most beautiful place on earth?
    • Professional, casual or sweatpants? If there were no dress code, how would you dress for work?
    • Sweet, salty, or sour?
    • There are now 25 hours in a day! How do you spend your extra hour?
    • What activity helps you relieve stress at work?
    • What are the best and worst purchases you've ever made?
    • What are you going to do when you retire?
    • What are you most excited about in relation to your job this year?
    • What are your favorite songs from your teenage years that you still rock out to when nobody else is listening?
    • What characteristic do you value the most in your coworkers?
    • What class did you take in school that helps you with your job?
    • What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?
    • What coworker characteristic do you find most irritating?
    • What dance move are you secretly awesome at?
    • What did you get into the most trouble for with your parents as a kid?
    • What do you never leave the house without other than your phone, keys or wallet?
    • What famous animal movie character do you like the most?
    • What is one important skill every person should have?
    • What is one important skill that you think everyone should have?
    • What is one of your greatest work-related achievements?
    • What is something you are great at cooking?
    • What is something you can't cook?
    • What is the funniest thing one of your pets have done?
    • What is the most challenging job you can think of?
    • What is the most important personal attribute that you bring to your job?
    • What is the most significant factor, that your organization has control over, that interferes with your success?
    • What is your earliest childhood memory?
    • What is your favorite animal?
    • What is your favorite book?
    • What is your favorite breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?
    • What is your favorite candy or treat?
    • What is your favorite hobby?
    • What is your favorite job you've ever had?
    • What is your favorite magical or mythological creature?
    • What is your favorite restaurant?
    • What is your favorite theme park?
    • What is your favorite thing about technology? Least favorite?
    • What is your favorite tv series?
    • What is your favorite weekend trip?
    • What is your favorite zoo animal?
    • What is your least favorite job you've ever had?
    • What is your most treasured material possession?
    • What is your spirit animal? (The animal who is most similar to your personality.)
    • What movie can you rewatch over and over again?
    • What show on Netflix did you binge watch embarrassingly fast?
    • What technology innovation made the most impact on your life?
    • What type of music do you listen to?
    • What was the best thing that happened to you this weekend? This month? This year?
    • What “old person” things do you do?
    • What's one sentence you'd like to hear from your boss?
    • What's one work-related skill that you'd like to develop, especially if you could do it easily?
    • What's the best prank you've ever played on someone?
    • What's the best trip (traveling wise) you ever had?
    • What's the craziest dare you ever took?
    • What's the craziest fashion trend you ever rocked?
    • What's the most embarrassing moment from your teen years?
    • What's the most ridiculous thing your parents ever did to embarrass you?
    • What's the single most important factor that you would change about your job?
    • What's the worst haircut you ever had?
    • What's your favorite seat on an airplane?
    • What's your favorite thing about the place where you live?
    • What's your silliest memory with your best friend?
    • When did you get your first cell phone? What kind was it?
    • Where would you time-travel, if it were possible?
    • Who is your favorite actor/actress?
    • Who is your favorite person to travel with?
    • Who is your hero, and why?
    • Who was your favorite teacher in school and how did he or she impact you?
  • Credit: SignUpGenius
    • A movie? A concert? A ball game? What is your favorite spectator activity?
    • At a company field day, what is the event that you would most likely win?
    • Best sandwich ever. What's on it?
    • Camping. Love it or hate it?
    • How do you keep up with what's going on in the world?
    • If all the superheroes went to battle against each other, who do you think would win?
    • If you could be any character from a childhood fairytale, who would you be?
    • If you could be on any game show, which would you choose?
    • If you could be reincarnated as any animal, what would you be?
    • If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be?
    • If you could compete in any Olympic sport, which would it be?
    • If you could go back and do your college years over, what would you do differently?
    • If you could have any famous artist — dead or alive — create a work of art just for you, who would you commission?
    • If you could have any job in the world, what would you do?
    • If you could have any super power, what would it be?
    • If you could have dinner with any famous person, who would you choose?
    • If you could learn any skill, what would it be?
    • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
    • If you could only pick three foods to eat for a month, which foods would you choose?
    • If you could spend a day with any professional athlete, who would you choose?
    • If you could star in a movie with any famous actor/actress, who would you choose as your costar?
    • If you could take a month to travel anywhere, where would you go?
    • If you could take a year off from work or school, what would you do?
    • If you could time travel, which period of time would you go back to visit?
    • If you could tour with any band, which band would you choose?
    • If you had a million dollars that you had to donate to charity, which charity would you give it to?
    • If you won the lottery, what's the first thing you would buy?
    • Rainy weekend and you are home alone. How do you spend your time?
    • Reality TV. Love it or hate it?
    • Science fiction. Love it or hate it?
    • Science fiction? Romantic comedy? What's your favorite movie genre?
    • Spring, summer, fall or winter: What's your favorite season and why?
    • Surprise parties: Love ‘em or hate ‘em?
    • What activity helps you relieve stress?
    • What are three positive words that people often use to describe you?
    • What do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?
    • What is a slogan that describes you or your values?
    • What is a unique skill you bring to your job?
    • What is an interesting fact about you that nobody in this room knows?
    • What is one interesting fact about your high school or college?
    • What is one non-work related goal that you would like to achieve in the next five years?
    • What is one of your first childhood memories?
    • What is one of your greatest achievements?
    • What is one thing you are looking forward to doing when you retire?
    • What is part of your daily routine that you look forward to every day?
    • What is something — a food or activity — that you tried reluctantly, and it turns out you like it?
    • What is the best amusement park ride you have ever ridden?
    • What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
    • What is your best recipe?
    • What is your favorite TV series for binge watching?
    • What is your favorite line from a poem or song?
    • What is your favorite local restaurant?
    • What is your favorite tech toy — for work or play — that you can't live without?
    • What is your least favorite fashion trend that you are opting out of this season?
    • What kind of pets did you have growing up?
    • What movie can you watch over and over again?
    • What was the most fun thing you did last weekend?
    • What was your favorite childhood bedtime story that you can still quote?
    • What was your favorite childhood cartoon?
    • What would you do with your 15 minutes of fame?
    • What's the best birthday or Christmas present you remember getting when you were a kid?
    • What's the best book you've read so far this year?
    • What's the best vacation you have ever taken?
    • What's the bravest thing you have ever done?
    • What's the most valuable thing you ever learned in school?
    • What's the quality that people admire most about you?
    • What's your best dance move?
    • What's your best idea for an invention?
    • What's your biggest fear? What's the biggest fear you've ever faced?
    • What's your favorite activity from your childhood PE class?
    • What's your favorite childhood board game?
    • What's your favorite decade?
    • What's your favorite party game?
    • What's your favorite season for outdoor activities?
    • What's your favorite time of day: morning, afternoon, evening or late night?
    • What's your favorite way to relax?
    • What's your most annoying quality or habit?
    • What's your most sentimental gift that you have ever received?
    • When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    • Where were you born? What is an interesting fact about your hometown?
    • Which holiday is your favorite and why?
    • Who is the fictional character that you have the most in common with?
    • Who is the smartest person you know?
    • Who is your favorite comedian?
    • Who was one of your childhood role models?
    • Who was your favorite teacher?
    • Who was your toughest teacher?
    • Would you rather go back in time, or be transported to the future?
    • Would you rather go hang gliding or relax on the beach watching the hang gliders?
    • Would you rather have a quiet dinner with a few friends, or party with 100 friends?
    • Would you rather spend a year in space or living on a submarine?
    • You get to redecorate the conference room! What color do you paint these walls?
    • You just won a cruise to anywhere in the world! Where would you go?
    • You're at a make-your-own sundae bar. Which toppings do you choose?
  • Credit: Conversation Starters World
    • Are you a cat or dog person or neither? Why?
    • Are you more productive at night or in the morning? Do you think it's possible to change and get used to another schedule?
    • Besides insects and spiders, what animals annoy you the most?
    • Besides war and diplomacy, what would be the best way for countries to settle disputes?
    • Do you prefer pens or pencils? Why?
    • Do you think you have a pretty good work-life balance? Why or why not?
    • Do you think you rely too heavily on your phone? Why or why not?
    • Has there ever been a time when something so amazing or unexpected happened that it literally left you speechless for a time?
    • How could carousels be spiced up so they are more exciting?
    • How did you get that scar of yours?
    • How did you spend the money from your very first job?
    • How do you feel about clowns?
    • How do you think you will be/act when you are old?
    • How do you usually get your news?
    • How good are you at drawing?
    • How handy are you when it comes to fixing things?
    • How into self-improvement are you?
    • How into tech are you? Why?
    • How often do you dance?
    • How well do you know your neighbors?
    • If a new volcano formed and the government had an online contest to see what it would be named, what name would you submit?
    • If someone came up to you and said “Hey, do that thing you do!”, what thing would pop into your head first?
    • If the universe is just a simulation, what update or patch does it need?
    • If you could choose your dreams, what would you prefer to dream about?
    • If you could start a charity, what would it be for?
    • If you had to lose one of your senses, which would you choose to lose?
    • If you left your current life behind and ran away to follow your dreams, what would you be doing?
    • If you were featured on the local news, what would you most likely be on there for?
    • If you were so wealthy you didn't need to work, what would you do with your time?
    • Tell me about a time you were totally out of your element/comfort zone.
    • What TV show are you hooked on or were recently hooked on?
    • What about becoming an adult caught you completely off guard?
    • What apps do you use most?
    • What are common misconceptions about your job?
    • What are some films that would make it on to your top 50 list of movies?
    • What are some of the dumbest misadventures you've been on?
    • What are some of your favorite games to play?
    • What are some of your favorite scenes from movies?
    • What are some of your guilty pleasures?
    • What are two of your favorite snacks?
    • What are you best at fixing?
    • What are you hilariously bad at?
    • What are you kind of snobby about?
    • What assumption you made went hilariously wrong?
    • What big problem do you think technology will solve next?
    • What book had the most significant impact on you?
    • What brands do you love/hate the most?
    • What card or board games do you like to play?
    • What catchy jingle or bit of advertising has stuck with you all these years?
    • What company or brand did you love until they betrayed your trust?
    • What could movie theaters do to improve the experience of going there?
    • What crossed way too far into the uncanny valley for you?
    • What culture would you like to learn more about?
    • What did your teachers and parents say would be really important when you grew up, but it hasn't been?
    • What do you buy way more of than most people?
    • What do you do to unwind after a hard day?
    • What do you geek out about?
    • What do you highly recommend to most people you meet?
    • What do you rebel against?
    • What do you resent paying for most?
    • What do you think the ideal age to be is?
    • What do you usually do on your commute to work?
    • What do you want to do when you retire?
    • What do you wish someone taught you a long time ago?
    • What do you wish was illegal?
    • What do you wish your phone could do?
    • What does your perfect breakfast look like?
    • What does your perfect burger or sandwich have in it?
    • What fashion trend needs to be brought back?
    • What food do you love that a lot of people might find a little odd?
    • What food is underrated or underappreciated?
    • What hard time in your life left you a better person after it was finished?
    • What has really taken a toll on you?
    • What has taken you the longest to get good or decent at?
    • What hobby would you be a lot of fun to get into?
    • What household chore do you actually enjoy?
    • What incredibly common thing have you never done?
    • What is something you do better than most people and something you do worse than most people?
    • What is the best event you've attended?
    • What is the best pair of shoes you have owned?
    • What is the best thing you have ever bought?
    • What is the biggest mistake you've made at work?
    • What is the last goal you achieved?
    • What is the most amazing fact you know?
    • What is the most clever or funniest use of advertising you've seen?
    • What is the most stressful TV show or movie you watched?
    • What is the most tedious and/or the most exciting sport to watch?
    • What is the most unique or silliest problem you have going on in your life at the moment?
    • What is the weirdest food combination you've made and tried?
    • What is your favorite genre of movie? Why?
    • What kind of art do you appreciate the most?
    • What kind of challenges are you facing these days?
    • What kind of people do you most enjoy hanging out with?
    • What kind of physical activities do you like doing?
    • What luxury is totally worth the price?
    • What makes you feel old when you think about it?
    • What motivates you?
    • What movie never gets old no matter how many times you've seen it?
    • What music do you put on when you want to get pumped?
    • What period would be the best to be born in?
    • What pets did you have growing up?
    • What public spaces do you feel most comfortable in? (Library, bar, park, mall, stadium, etc.)
    • What recent trend are you totally on board with?
    • What rule do you wish they would introduce into your favorite sport?
    • What scene in a movie always gives you goosebumps every time you watch it?
    • What skill or talent would you most like to learn?
    • What slang are you really happy went out of fashion?
    • What smell do you hate that doesn't seem to bother other people?
    • What songs would be played on a loop in hell?
    • What sport do you wish you knew more about?
    • What subjects should be taught in school but aren't?
    • What takes a lot of time but is totally worth it?
    • What tells you the most about a person?
    • What topic could you give a 20-minute presentation on without any preparation?
    • What toy did you hate most as a child?
    • What useless facts do you know?
    • What was something courageous you've (in person) seen someone do?
    • What was something you thought would be easy until you tried it?
    • What was the craziest theme park or fair ride you've been on?
    • What was the funniest thing you've seen recently online?
    • What was the last thing you were really excited about?
    • What was the scariest movie you've seen?
    • What was your best vacation?
    • What was your funniest or worst experience with a dentist?
    • What was your worst haircut experience?
    • What wastes the most time in your day to day life?
    • What website or app doesn't exist, but you really wish it did?
    • What weird quirks did you pick up from your parents?
    • What weird thing do you have nostalgia for?
    • What well-known person does the most good for the world?
    • What were your favorite television shows when you were growing up?
    • What workers have the worst jobs?
    • What works of art have really made an impression on you?
    • What would you change if you were in charge of the company you work for?
    • What's the best concert you've been to and why was it so good?
    • What, in your opinion, is the most amazing animal?
    • What's a problem you have, that might be entirely unique to you?
    • What's something that a lot of people are missing out on because they don't know about it?
    • What's something that was once important but is now becoming less and less relevant?
    • What's something you're looking forward to?
    • What's the best backhanded compliment you've heard / can think of on the spot?
    • What's the best cake you've ever eaten?
    • What's the best day you've had recently?
    • What's the best location to fully enjoy a good cup of coffee?
    • What's the best or worst prank you've played on someone?
    • What's the best sports game you've been to?
    • What's the best thing you've got going on in your life at the moment?
    • What's the best way to stay young?
    • What's the biggest adventure you've been on?
    • What's the biggest vehicle you've driven?
    • What's the longest trip you've been on?
    • What's the most amazing natural occurrence you've witnessed?
    • What's the most annoying machine you must deal with regularly?
    • What's the most creative thing you've done?
    • What's the most delightful hotel or house you've stayed in on vacation?
    • What's the most outdated piece of tech you still use regularly?
    • What's the most unique shop or restaurant you've been in?
    • What's the noblest endeavor a person can dedicate their life to?
    • What's the scariest horror movie or horror book monster?
    • What's the silliest thing you are pretty good at?
    • What's the strangest name someone you have met had?
    • What's the weirdest food you've eaten?
    • What's the weirdest way you have met someone?
    • What's the worst advice you've been given?
    • What's your best “my coworkers are crazy” story?
    • What's your drink of choice? (Either alcoholic or non.)
    • What's your favorite Olympic sport to watch?
    • What's your favorite car that you've owned?
    • What's your favorite food combination?
    • What's your favorite international food?
    • What's your favorite island that you've visited?
    • What's your favorite line from a book or a movie?
    • What's your favorite month?
    • What's your favorite thing about the area/city/state you live in?
    • What's your favorite type of day? (weather, temp, etc.)
    • What's your favorite way to spend time outdoors?
    • What's your favorite way to waste time online?
    • What's your idea of a great day?
    • What's your idea of a great party?
    • When is the most interesting period in history?
    • When someone finds out what you do, or where you are from, what question do they always ask you?
    • Where are five places you really want to visit before you die?
    • Where have you traveled to?
    • Where's the most surreal area you been to?
    • Where's your favorite place to nap?
    • Who has been your most interesting/confusing/annoying neighbor?
    • Who is the funniest person in your family?
    • Who is the most competitive person you know?
    • Who is the most gifted person you know?
    • Who is the most intelligent or creative person you know?
    • Who is the most interesting person you've met and talked with?
    • Who is the most interesting stranger you've met?
    • Who is the oldest person you know personally? What interesting stories have they told you?
    • Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it?
    • Would you rather spend time with other people or at home alone?
    • Would you rather watch a movie on your TV at home or on the big screen in the theater, and why?
    • Would you ride in a zeppelin if given a chance?
  • Credit: PrepScholar
    • Among your friends, what are you best known for?
    • Did you have a nickname when you were growing up?
    • Do you believe in ghosts?
    • Do you ever think your parents gave you the wrong name?
    • Do you secretly think you're your parents' favorite child?
    • Have any of your teachers ever sworn in class?
    • Have you ever eaten an entire pizza by yourself?
    • Have you ever played hooky?
    • Have you returned any purchases recently?
    • How did you meet your best friend?
    • How did you spend your first paycheck?
    • How long do you think you'd last in a zombie apocalypse?
    • How old were you when you got your first cell phone?
    • If the company had a mascot, what do you think it should be?
    • If there was no dress code, how would you dress for work?
    • If you could choose to remain an age forever, what age would you choose?
    • If you could go to outer space for free, as a tourist, would you do it?
    • If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose?
    • If you could only have three apps on your phone, which would you choose?
    • If you could time travel, would you go back in time to meet your ancestors, or forward in time to meet your descendants?
    • If you had to be a famous person's personal assistant, who would you choose?
    • If you had to eat a crayon, what color would you choose?
    • If you had to spend $10,000 today, how would you spend it?
    • If you had to spend a day as a fish or a bird, which would you choose?
    • If you had to swap your legs with the legs of any other animal, which animal would you choose?
    • If you had your own talk show, who would your first guest be?
    • Is there a household chore you actually enjoy doing?
    • On an airplane, do you prefer the window or aisle seat?
    • Shark diving, bungee jumping, or skydiving?
    • What assumption have you made that went very wrong?
    • What book do you own but have never read?
    • What breed of dog do you think you would be?
    • What career do you think you would hate the most?
    • What class you took in school has been most useful for your job?
    • What do you do during your commute?
    • What do you think is the best workplace snack?
    • What is the most awkward thing that ever happened to you during an interview?
    • What kind of texter are you? (Fast? Slow? Lots of little texts? Perfect spelling and grammar?)
    • What movie do you never get tired of watching?
    • What slang word you are happiest went out of style?
    • What song or jingle always gets stuck in your head?
    • What time of day are you most productive?
    • What was the first concert you attended?
    • What was your dream job as a child?
    • What was your favorite book growing up?
    • What was your favorite food as a child?
    • What would be your ideal time to wake up every day?
    • What would you do if you had an extra hour in the day?
    • What's a New Year's Resolution you made but never kept?
    • What's a social cause you care about?
    • What's an unusual skill you have?
    • What's one goal you have for this year?
    • What's one place you have no interest in traveling to?
    • What's one thing you'll never do again?
    • What's one thing you're really bad at?
    • What's something on your bucket list?
    • What's something you're kind of snobby about?
    • What's the best animal sound you can make?
    • What's the best book or article you've read this year?
    • What's the best dessert you've ever had?
    • What's the best dish you make?
    • What's the biggest risk you've ever taken?
    • What's the craziest dare you've ever taken?
    • What's the dorkiest thing about you?
    • What's the first thing you do when you get home from school?
    • What's the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
    • What's the last new thing you tried?
    • What's the last song you listened to?
    • What's the most embarrassing fashion trend you participated in?
    • What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever emailed or texted someone?
    • What's the most embarrassing thing your parents have ever done?
    • What's the most recent project you put 100% into?
    • What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
    • What's the smelliest food to cook in the office microwave?
    • What's the strangest gift you've ever received?
    • What's the strangest thing that's ever happened to you in a meeting?
    • What's the weirdest Wikipedia rabbit hole you've stumbled down?
    • What's the weirdest food combination you enjoy?
    • What's the worst advice you've ever been given?
    • What's the worst haircut you've ever gotten?
    • What's the worst idea you've ever had?
    • What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
    • What's your best travel story?
    • What's your biggest guilty pleasure?
    • What's your biggest pet peeve?
    • What's your cellphone wallpaper?
    • What's your earliest childhood memory?
    • What's your favorite animal?
    • What's your favorite holiday tradition?
    • What's your favorite joke to tell?
    • What's your favorite meme or viral video?
    • What's your favorite useless fact?
    • What's your go-to drink order?
    • What's your love language?
    • What's your most irrational fear?
    • What's your typical Sunday like?
    • Where are you a regular at?
    • Where's your favorite place to go for lunch?
    • Which emoji do you use the most?
    • Which sport do you think is the most boring to watch?
    • Which three emojis would you use to describe yourself?
    • Who has been your favorite teacher, and why?
    • Who has been your strangest or most annoying neighbor?
    • Who was your celebrity crush growing up?
    • Would you be more worried introducing your date to your family or your friends?
    • Would you like to be famous? What for?
    • Would you rather listen to country or classical music?
    • Would you rather spend a year living in an RV or on a sailboat?
    • Would you rather win an Olympic medal or a Nobel prize?
  • Credit: SnackNation
    • Agree or disagree: butter makes everything more delicious.
    • Are there any easy chores you procrastinate on?
    • Are there any shows you pretend you don't watch when people ask you?
    • Are you an Introvert or an extrovert?
    • Break up with yourself. How do you let yourself down easy?
    • Can I get your honest opinion on [insert an item you're wearing]?
    • Can I see your browser history?
    • Can you help me come up with a new nickname?
    • Do you care about your zodiac sign?
    • Do you ever just feel like dancing when you shouldn't?
    • Do you find time passing differently when you work from home vs. when you work in the office?
    • Do you identify more with coffee or tea? Why?
    • Do you mind if I try out a new joke on you?
    • Do you support any charities or causes?
    • Have you ever forgotten how to spell your name?
    • Have you ever pretended you don't know something?
    • How did you get here?
    • How long does it feel like you've been at this company?
    • How many things can you remember at once?
    • How much money would you give me right now if I asked?
    • How would you say your name if you were an alien?
    • How'd you do on the office trivia contest last week?
    • If this company had a mascot, what would it be?
    • If you could conduct this interview as anyone else, who would it be and why?
    • If you could go back in time and pay more attention to any class in high school, what would you choose?
    • If you could have credit for any invention in history, what would you choose?
    • If you could keep only one appliance in your house, which one would you choose and why?
    • If you could kill any fashion trend forever what would it be?
    • If you could say one thing to the whole world right now, what would you say?
    • If you had to choose one car to drive forever, what would you pick?
    • If you had to pick a new part of your body to sit on, what would you choose?
    • If you had to replace your legs with the legs of an animal, what would you choose?
    • If you were a condiment, what would you be, and why?
    • If you were a refrigerator, what item would you hate holding?
    • Imitate your own professional meeting voice.
    • In one word, what is the greatest challenge you have faced this month?
    • I'm a little confused. Can you tell me the meaning of life?
    • I'm really interested in ____________. Do you think that's something I could pursue at this company?
    • I'm sorry, I fidget when I'm nervous. What's your tell?
    • My secret passion is ______________. What's yours?
    • So how many people have you interviewed today?
    • So what did you like about my resume?
    • Sometimes I pretend to know how to [insert skill.] Do you ever do that?
    • Tell me something about yourself that people sometimes forget?
    • Universal basic income. What are the pros and cons?
    • What accent should I try to talk to you in?
    • What activity makes you lose track of time?
    • What are you going to have for lunch and dinner?
    • What are you wearing?
    • What book do you own but have never cracked open?
    • What business idea do you think would be super-profitable but that you would never want to pursue?
    • What can I do to impress you today?
    • What did you do with the time you didn't spend commuting today?
    • What did your 5th grade teacher say about you during your parent-teacher conference?
    • What do you think about [insert current event]?
    • What do you think about when you're driving?
    • What do you think this meeting is about?
    • What do you think your company needs?
    • What does [insert coworker]'s laugh sound like to you? (Tell us by imitating it.)
    • What does an elephant sound like? (We call this the “elephant in the room.”)
    • What does your aura look like?
    • What excuse do you use all the time?
    • What if no one had the ability to get angry?
    • What internet quiz have you taken recently?
    • What is one place you never ever want to go?
    • What is the best thing this company does?
    • What is the craziest request you've ever gotten in your career? (You can keep it anonymous to get the juiciest answers.)
    • What is the most embarrassing thing you accidentally messaged to someone?
    • What is the strangest thing you've ever forgotten?
    • What is your favorite workplace snack?
    • What is your first memory speaking in front of a group?
    • What make-believe world would you want to live in?
    • What makes you feel excited to be alive right now?
    • What problem have you been trying to solve lately?
    • What song do you guys want to sing?
    • What song do you wish were playing in the background right now?
    • What talent would you show off in a talent show?
    • What three hashtags describe your work persona? What three hashtags describe your social persona?
    • What was the best part about working from home today?
    • What was the last book you quit reading and why?
    • What was the last thing you put 100% into?
    • What was the silliest thing you or someone else has ever said during a meeting?
    • What was the strangest non-scary dream you ever had?
    • What world problem do you think you have the solution to?
    • What would be the perfect caption for this meme/cartoon/awkward photo?
    • What would the CEO ask me if they were here right now?
    • What would the world be like if we didn't have cars?
    • What would you choose as your top 5 songs of all time?
    • What would your historical nickname be? (Think: Ivan the Terrible, William the Conqueror, Alfred the Great.)
    • What would your name be if your first name was your father's middle name and your last name was your childhood favorite food?
    • What would your superhero costume look like?
    • What's been the highlight of your day so far?
    • What's one question you would ask if you were me?
    • What's something that always confuses you about the work we do here?
    • What's something you wish you could stop people from assuming about you?
    • What's something your mom or dad does that you always find yourself doing?
    • What's the best advice you've ever heard?
    • What's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say “slug”?
    • What's the last thing you did or made that you're proud of?
    • What's the secret to your success?
    • What's the silliest walk you've ever seen?
    • What's the strangest thing anyone has said to you during an interview?
    • What's the strangest thing you've ever been asked to do during a meeting?
    • What's your campaign slogan if you're running for public office?
    • When was the last time you felt like you were “in trouble”?
    • When was the last time you laughed at work?
    • When you get a call from an unknown number, do you answer it?
    • Where would you travel if you knew there was a chance you would have to stay there for up to a year?
    • Which American Founding Father (or other historical figure) would you want to hang out with and what would you choose to do with them?
    • Which character from a kids' book or movie reminds you of yourself?
    • Who is this supposed to be?
    • Who's someone you really admire at this company?
    • Why do you love or hate classical music?
    • Why is this meeting important?
    • Will you tell us a story about something you're wearing?
    • Would you be able to draw my potential career path if I asked you?
    • Would you be willing to fight in one of the past wars?
    • Would you be willing to tell me how you ____________ ?
    • Would you rather be a tiger or a hummingbird?
    • You're forming a team of treasure hunters. Which job do you assign to everyone in the room?
    • What's something you'd like to talk about that no one has asked you about recently?
  • Credit: 6Q
    • Cats or dogs?
    • How would you spend a million dollars? How about a billion?
    • How would your friends describe you?
    • If you could be an animal, what animal would you be and why?
    • If you could be any sports personality who would it be and why?
    • If you could broadcast a show, what would it be about?
    • If you could change one thing about yourself what would you choose?
    • If you could choose any historical figure to be your imaginary friend, who would it be and why?
    • If you could live anywhere on this planet, where would you choose to live?
    • If you could meet any living person for dinner, who would you pick and why?
    • If you had 25 hours a day, how would you use your extra time?
    • If you had to delete all but three apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?
    • If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life what would it be?
    • If you had to play one album forever which one would it be?
    • If you were independently wealthy and didn't have to work, what would you do with your time?
    • If you were to change your name, what name would you change to and why?
    • What are your three favorite drinks?
    • What are your three favorite foods?
    • What clothing item would make you walk out on a date if someone wore it?
    • What is the best perk you have ever enjoyed at a job?
    • What is the meaning of your name?
    • What is your favorite holiday and why?
    • What is your favorite season of the year and why?
    • What is your favorite sport to watch and why?
    • What movie have you seen recently that you would recommend and why?
    • What skill do you think everyone should have?
    • What would you like to be known/remembered for?
    • What's your earliest memory?
    • What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
    • What's your favorite color and how does that color make you feel?
    • What's your favorite place you've ever visited?
    • Which song can you listen to all day long?
    • Who had the most influence on you growing up?
    • Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds?
  • Credit: Know Your Team
    • Been anywhere recently for the first time?
    • Been pleasantly surprised by anything lately?
    • Do you have a favorite charity you wish more people knew about?
    • Got any favorite quotes?
    • Got any phobias you'd like to break?
    • Have you had your 15 minutes of fame yet?
    • Have you returned anything you've purchased recently? Why?
    • Seen any good movies lately you'd recommend?
    • Seen anything lately that made you smile?
    • What was your favorite band 10 years ago?
    • What's something you want to do in the next year that you've never done before?
  • Credit: Ice Breaker Questions
    • At what age do you believe people become "mature"?
    • At what age would you choose to die?
    • Can you tell me who you are?
    • Did you ever get blamed for something that your sibling did wrong?
    • Do you drink coffee or tea at work?
    • Do you have a favorite charity that you support? Or a cause that you support? Why do you support it?
    • Do you have a favorite company or brand?
    • Do you have a favorite joke to tell?
    • Do you have a favorite teacher?
    • Do you have an internship secured?
    • Do you have hidden talents?
    • Do you love working from home? Or would you rather be in an office setting?
    • Do you play any musical instruments?
    • Do you prefer laughter or suspense when it comes to movies? Comedy or drama?
    • Do you say "LOL" or "LMFAO" when you send text messages?
    • Do you think if we knew each other better that we'd be able to work together more effectively?
    • Do you think you have a good work-life balance?
    • Have you ever been in love?
    • How can team members learn more about each other?
    • How did you do on the office trivia contest last week?
    • How do you break awkward silences?
    • How do you feel love from someone else?
    • How do you keep yourself from being bored?
    • How do you know that you're an adult?
    • How do you know when you've done something successful?
    • How do you plan to prepare for your first internship interview?
    • How soon do you reply to emails?
    • How would you define a true friendship?
    • How would you design a scavenger hunt?
    • How would you plan and budget the building of a water tower?
    • Ice cream or yogurt, which one would you choose for dessert?
    • If an alien landed on earth, what would you say to them?
    • If there was a room filled with ice cream, how would you get out of it?
    • If we got married tomorrow, where would we get married?
    • If you could add a face to Mount Rushmore, who would you add?
    • If you could be a participant in any game on TV, which would it be?
    • If you could be any cartoon character, who would it be?
    • If you could change places with any person in the world, where would you want to go?
    • If you could change your name, what name would you choose?
    • If you could choose any person from history to have as a friend, who would it be?
    • If you could choose any two famous people to have lunch or dinner with, who would it be?
    • If you could design a dream home, what would it look like?
    • If you could do anything in the world as a career, what would it be?
    • If you could donate a million dollars to charity, which charity would you choose?
    • If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • If you could eliminate one trait from yourself, what would it be?
    • If you could go back in time, which historical figure would you kill?
    • If you could go on tour with any rock band, who would it be?
    • If you could have a conversation with any famous person, who would it be?
    • If you could have any pet in your dorm, what kind of pet would it be?
    • If you could have recognition for anything, what would it be?
    • If you could have the power to teleport, where would you go? And why?
    • If you could instantly become a genius at one thing, what would it be?
    • If you could live anywhere in the world for a day, where would it be?
    • If you could live in any country, what would it be?
    • If you could look like any celebrity, who would it be?
    • If you could love anyone in the world, who would it be?
    • If you could pick any sport, what sport would you compete in?
    • If you could turn the ocean into any other substance than water, what would it be? And why?
    • If you could write a book, would it be fiction or non-fiction?
    • If you had to ask me one interview question, what would it be?
    • If you had to build a trivia question about yourself, what would it be?
    • If you had to choose between eating frog legs or turtle soup, which would you choose?
    • If you had to eliminate any Disney character, who would it be?
    • If you had to live in a fictional family on TV, which one would it be?
    • If you had to live one age forever, what age would it be?
    • If you had to say what your spirit animal would be, which animal is it?
    • If you had to sing karaoke, what's your "go to" song?
    • If you were a book, what would the title be?
    • If you were a famous person, what would your message be to the rest of the world?
    • If you were a participant in a game show, what trivia questions would you want to be asked?
    • If you were a wrestler, what would your entrance theme song be?
    • If you were in the Olympics, what sport would you play?
    • If you were new to a team, how would you introduce yourself?
    • If you were stranded on an island and had nothing to eat. Would you choose to eat coconuts or eat lizards?
    • If you were thinking about someone, would you text them or call them on the phone?
    • In a group setting, would you describe yourself as an introvert or as an extrovert?
    • In a zombie apocalypse, how would you survive?
    • Is there any TV show that you've binge-watched while studying or working?
    • Is there anything hard about working virtually?
    • Kobe Bryant or Michael Jordan, who would you pick? Who would you want on your team?
    • Let's presume you're living in the forest. And had to eat leaves or bark, which would you choose?
    • Let's say you could be immortal. At what age would you decide that you've had enough life?
    • Let's say you had to decide between being broke or being unhappy, which would you choose?
    • Name your favorite snack to eat while studying or working.
    • Pick one, losing your voice, or losing your sight.
    • Say you had an unlimited supply of one thing. What would it be?
    • Share with me a hope or dream that you have.
    • Share with me an aspiration you have about work.
    • Suppose you could change your name, what would you change it to?
    • Tell me a water cooler trivia question you would create.
    • Tell me about a memory from childhood that inspires your life.
    • Tell me about a time when you failed at something important to you.
    • Tell me about a time when you succeeded at something significant to you.
    • Tell me about a time you had a horrible first day of school.
    • Tell me about the worst date you've ever been on.
    • Tell me how you would describe your childhood.
    • Tell me how you would describe yourself as a child.
    • Tell me your most favorite trait in a partner.
    • Tell us one big problem you've been forced to solve this year.
    • The best piece of advice you've ever gotten was what?
    • The worst piece of advice you've ever gotten was what?
    • What Disney character would you be, and why?
    • What album would you listen to on repeat?
    • What are two truths and one lie about yourself?
    • What were (or are) your plans after you finish college?
    • What business idea do you think we could pursue together?
    • What characteristic would you like our children to have?
    • What class are you having the least trouble with?
    • What class are you having trouble with?
    • What dessert would ensure you need a nap?
    • What do you think our team could be doing better?
    • What do you value most in a partner?
    • What does your dream house look like?
    • What encourages you to want to be here?
    • What fashion trend are you embarrassed to have followed?
    • What fictional TV family would you love to be in?
    • What genre of music did you listen to before you arrived?
    • What habit would you like to break at work?
    • What internet video or viral meme made you laugh recently?
    • What is one family tradition you really value?
    • What is the best job interview you've ever had?
    • What is the worst date you've ever been on?
    • What is your favorite dessert to order when you're out at a restaurant?
    • What is your favorite game, and why?
    • What is your favorite love quote or poem?
    • What is your favorite musical instrument to hear being played solo?
    • What is your favorite time of day, and why?
    • What is your least favorite food?
    • What is your most treasured material possession that's in your home?
    • What language would you like to learn?
    • What movie never gets old, no matter how many times you watch it?
    • What one word describes you the best?
    • What one word describes you the least?
    • What scientific discovery would you have liked to have made?
    • What sibling are you? Youngest? Oldest? Middle child? Or an only child?
    • What snack makes you feel the best?
    • What software should we be using at work?
    • What supernatural creature do you wish existed?
    • What superpower would you give to an enemy?
    • What talent do you have that's embarrassing to share?
    • What talent would you most like to develop?
    • What team building activities would you like us to do?
    • What type of love are you searching for?
    • What type of people do you want to surround yourself with?
    • What type of professional environment are you seeking after you graduate?
    • What was the most embarrassing fashion trend you were part of as a kid?
    • What would be the last meal you would ever eat?
    • What would managers help bring their teams in terms of organization and project management?
    • What would you name an imaginary friend?
    • What's a New Year's resolution that you had this year?
    • What's an unusual skill that someone wouldn't know you had?
    • What's one career you wish you could have had?
    • What's one food you could eat for the rest of your life?
    • What's one fun thing you'd like us to do in the next month?
    • What's one of your favorite healthy snacks to eat at night?
    • What's one thing on your bucket list?
    • What's one thing that sparks creativity for you?
    • What's one thing that you absolutely value in your morning routine?
    • What's one thing you value most about our team?
    • What's one thing you're hoping to achieve from this friendship?
    • What's one trait you're hoping that I will have?
    • What's one way to get even with an enemy?
    • What's one word that describes life?
    • What's one word that describes love to you?
    • What's one word that describes teamwork to you?
    • What's one word that doesn't describe life?
    • What's one word that doesn't describe love to you?
    • What's something you to do at home to have fun?
    • What's the best date you've ever been on?
    • What's the best habit of leadership?
    • What's the best thing you've ever eaten?
    • What's the best tip for getting work done?
    • What's the greatest TV show or movie of all time?
    • What's the last book that you read?
    • What's the last food that you ate?
    • What's the most comfortable setting that you miss from home?
    • What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
    • What's the most significant factor that your organization has control over that interferes with your success?
    • What's the most trouble you've ever gotten into?
    • What's the strangest habit that you have?
    • What's the worst fashion and style choice you've ever made?
    • What's the worst haircut you've ever had?
    • What's the worst job interview you've ever had?
    • What's your best study tip?
    • What's your biggest pet peeve around the house?
    • What's your favorite breakfast food? And lunch food?
    • What's your favorite class, and why?
    • What's your favorite dish to cook?
    • What's your favorite emoji to use?
    • What's your favorite food?
    • What's your favorite game to play?
    • What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
    • What's your favorite ice cream topping?
    • What's your favorite knock-knock joke?
    • What's your favorite meal to cook after work?
    • What's your favorite memory of your best friend?
    • What's your favorite movie? And what is your favorite song?
    • What's your favorite mythical creature?
    • What's your favorite outfit?
    • What's your favorite part of working here?
    • What's your favorite ride at the theme park?
    • What's your favorite season in the year?
    • What's your favorite thing about our office?
    • What's your favorite type of conversation to have?
    • What's your favorite way to decompress from a long day at work?
    • What's your favorite way to get exercise?
    • What's your favorite way to start lunch conversations?
    • What's your first goal after graduating from this university?
    • What's your least favorite color? And your most favorite color?
    • When you describe yourself to others, what words do you use?
    • When you die, what song would you like to play at your gathering or funeral?
    • When you die, what would you like to be remembered by the people who loved you?
    • When's the last time you didn't tell the truth?
    • Where in the world would you live if money wasn't an issue?
    • Where is the last happy hour you went to?
    • Which animal would you mate with?
    • Which reality TV Show do you watch?
    • Who had the most influence on you while growing up?
    • Who is the best teacher or professor that you've had here?
    • Who is the last person you spoke with over the phone?
    • Who is the most famous person that you've ever met?
    • Who is the most interesting stranger you've ever had the chance to meet?
    • Who is your favorite person, and why?
    • Would you advise someone to attend a university now that you've completed your education?
    • Would you describe yourself as an animal person?
    • Would you rather be a chef? Or a world-class chef?
    • Would you rather be at the beach or in the mountains?
    • Would you rather be in the rainforest or be near the ocean?
    • Would you rather be the funniest or smartest person in a room?
    • Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or be the smartest person in the room?
    • Would you rather have invisibility or be able to fly?
    • You are torn between breaking up with your spouse or having cancer, which would you choose?
  • Credit: Parade
    • A free round-trip shuttle to Mars is available. The catch is that it will take a year of your life to travel, meet, and return. Are you up for it?
    • Are you reading anything interesting right now?
    • As a kid, what was your least favorite food? Is it something you still despise or something you now adore?
    • Can you describe your city in three words?
    • Can you say a personal fact no one would ever guess about you?
    • Can you share a few things you love to do that you get to do nearly every day?
    • Can you share the things you didn't understand about the world when you were a kid?
    • Can you show me an embarrassing photo in your camera roll?
    • Can you tell me about a time you were totally out of your comfort zone?
    • Can you tell me something interesting about yourself that people don't know about?
    • Can you tell me two truths and a lie about you?
    • Can you yell out the first word that comes to your mind right now?
    • Could you describe the most terrifying situation you have ever been in?
    • Could you describe your own outlook on life in one sentence?
    • Did you ever do anything wrong as a kid and blame it on your siblings?
    • Do you choose to spend time with others or alone at home?
    • Do you find Hugh Grant funny?
    • Do you hate loud laughs?
    • Do you have a good understanding of your neighbors?
    • Do you have any family traditions involving movies, sports, or music?
    • Do you have any phobias you'd like to break?
    • Do you like eating ice cream every winter?
    • Do you mind telling me a story about how you got your first crush?
    • Do you sort your laundry into colors that are similar?
    • Do you think lone wolves can be part of a team?
    • Do you want to dance with someone smelly up close, or do you want to smell everybody in the room?
    • Do you want to relive a happy memory from your life?
    • Elon Musk offers you a million dollars for your brilliant new business concept. What exactly is it going to be?
    • Have you already met someone famous?
    • Have you been pleasantly surprised by someone lately?
    • Have you ever pretended to have a skill or interest in order to please someone?
    • Have you ever seen anything so incredible or unexpected that it left you speechless for a period of time?
    • Have you ever tried bungee jumping?
    • Have you ever won a competition as a group?
    • Have you seen anything lately that made you smile?
    • How did you land your first job?
    • How did you spend your very first paycheck?
    • How do you apply what you learned in your favorite class to your everyday life?
    • How do you call your grandparents?
    • How do you define life?
    • How do you like to spend your night?
    • How do you plan your retirement?
    • How do you usually like your eggs done?
    • How many Facebook friends do you have, and how many of them are really important to you?
    • How many hours do you work from home?
    • How much money would you need to quit your current job?
    • If money was never a problem, what kind of car would you like to buy?
    • If money were no object, what would your ideal vacation look like?
    • If you are a teacher, what would you teach your students?
    • If you could ask a monkey one question, what would it be?
    • If you could be a musical instrument, what would you like to be?
    • If you could live in any period of history, what year would it be?
    • If you could possess a superhero's personality, what would it be?
    • If you could prepare to be stranded on a desert island, what are the top ten items you'll bring?
    • If you could remove one food so that no one would eat it ever again, what would you actually pick to destroy?
    • If you were in charge of the country, what would you change?
    • If you were me, what would be the first question you'd ask?
    • If your tush, your nose, and your foot were all itching, but you could only scratch one spot, what spot would you pick?
    • In a tight, cramped room, someone farted. Do you keep your mouth shut or call them out?
    • In just three words, what is the greatest challenge you have faced this month?
    • Other than your phone, keys, and wallet, what do you never leave the house without?
    • Right now, what song do you wish was playing in the background?
    • Today's your first day of work as a Disney villain. What will be your first act of mischief?
    • What Netflix show did you binge watch embarrassingly quickly?
    • What advertising jingle gets constantly stuck in your head?
    • What album would you like to listen to endlessly?
    • What animal would you like to take on a trip to outer space?
    • What apps would you keep if you had to uninstall all but three from your smartphone?
    • What are some of your favorite songs from your childhood that you still listen to when no one else is around?
    • What are the few quotes that keep your life going?
    • What are the top five places on your bucket list to visit before you die?
    • What are the useless facts you've ever known?
    • What aspects of elementary school do you wish you could take with you into adulthood?
    • What book do you pretend is your favorite in order to appear intelligent?
    • What color would you like if you could paint yourself any color and not be labeled a psychopath?
    • What could movie theaters do to make going there a better experience?
    • What country would you like to be in five years?
    • What did you think would be easy before you gave it a try?
    • What difficult period in your life made you a better person once it was over?
    • What do you consider to be the most important invention in our lifetime, and why?
    • What do you do better than the majority of people and what do you do worse than the majority of people?
    • What do you do when you have two flat tires, one spare, no mobile phone, and you're in the middle of nowhere?
    • What do you have in common with the person sitting next to you?
    • What do you know that you can do better than someone else?
    • What do you think am I going to ask you next?
    • What do you think is better for work: be late or to leave early?
    • What do you think will happen when the world ends?
    • What do you want for lunch and dinner?
    • What do you want to accomplish in the coming year that you haven't done before?
    • What films would you bring to a desert island if you could only bring three?
    • What flavor of cake would you be?
    • What flavor of coffee do you usually drink?
    • What flavor of tea do you usually buy?
    • What game show do you think you'd be very good at?
    • What happened on your worst date ever?
    • What has been the greatest highlight of your day?
    • What has been the worst job assigned to you?
    • What has been your dream car ever since you were a child?
    • What high school clubs did you participate in?
    • What ice cream flavor best describes your current personality?
    • What is a certain place you never want to visit?
    • What is a favorite family memory that you have carried with you into adulthood?
    • What is it that you most desire in life?
    • What is one phrase that you actually hate the sound of?
    • What is one thing you couldn't live without?
    • What is one thing you would learn if you could go back in time and make small adjustments to your childhood so you could be an expert at it today?
    • What is something about you that I wouldn't know just by looking at you?
    • What is something you did at work that no one even noticed?
    • What is something your mother or father often does that you find yourself doing?
    • What is that certain book you think everybody should read?
    • What is the best 80s movie for you?
    • What is the best television show ever produced?
    • What is the latest fashion trend that needs to come to an end?
    • What is the most horrible thing your mother-in-law has ever done to you or for you?
    • What is the most out-of-date piece of technology that you still use on a daily basis?
    • What is the most stunning natural phenomenon you have ever witnessed?
    • What is the most underrated song that everybody should hear at least once?
    • What is the most unusual thing in your bag right now?
    • What is the most useless piece of advice you've ever received?
    • What is the oddest job you've ever heard of?
    • What is the worst song ever?
    • What is the worst superpower?
    • What is your favorite city in the world?
    • What is your favorite dish to prepare?
    • What is your favorite grocery store portion, and why?
    • What is your favorite local restaurant, and what is your favorite meal to order there?
    • What is your favorite theme park ride?
    • What is your most favorite Thanksgiving food?
    • What kid character from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory will you be?
    • What kind of clothing material do you like and why?
    • What kind of food do you find really disgusting?
    • What kind of jeans would you be if you were one?
    • What kind of jokes do you seriously take?
    • What language would you like if you could magically become fluent in it?
    • What local attractions would you recommend I visit if I made a trip to your hometown?
    • What made a total stranger you met once memorable?
    • What major issue do you believe technology will address next?
    • What makes you angrier than anything else in the world?
    • What makes you feel happy you're alive right now?
    • What makes you happy?
    • What music would you perform if you were asked to engage in a flash dance, and why?
    • What odd or unusual things do you do on a daily basis?
    • What odor do you hate that other people don't seem to mind?
    • What perfectly safe animal do you have an irrational fear of?
    • What qualities does your favorite teacher have? What made this person special?
    • What scent or picture brings back memories for you?
    • What school course did you take that helped you with your job?
    • What secretly awesome dance moves do you have?
    • What sport would you participate in if you knew you'd win at least one award?
    • What street did you grow up?
    • What thing would you hate keeping if you were a refrigerator?
    • What three hashtags would you use to characterize your online persona?
    • What type of media consumes a lot of your time?
    • What vegetable do you dislike the most?
    • What vegetable is best paired with cheese?
    • What was the earliest memory of your job?
    • What was the first item you bought with your own money?
    • What was the first-ever lie you've told?
    • What was the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
    • What was the last song you played on Spotify?
    • What was the last thing you put your whole heart and soul into?
    • What was the most inappropriate thing you did in school?
    • What was the very first album, tape, or CD you ever purchased?
    • What was the worst fashion trend or design you've ever adopted?
    • What wasteful expenditure would you make if you had unlimited funds?
    • What way would you like to be cooked if you were a potato?
    • What website or blog are you ashamed to say you enjoy?
    • What would be the title of your first book?
    • What would you be doing right now if money and time were no object?
    • What would you be if you were a piece of office equipment?
    • What would you carry with you if you were sent to live on a space station for three months and were only allowed to bring three personal items?
    • What would you choose if you could have one thing guaranteed in life aside from money?
    • What would you do if money grows on trees?
    • What would you do if you could only use one piece of technology?
    • What would you do if you had a robot to assist you in school or work but it could only do one thing?
    • What would you do if you had infinite storage of one thing?
    • What would you do if you were a circus performer?
    • What would you do if you were having dinner with a friend or relative and discovered a dead bug in your salad?
    • What would you do with your 10-minutes of fame?
    • What would you do with your time if you were independently wealthy and didn't have to work?
    • What would you donate to if you could only give to one charity, and why?
    • What would you have a personal assistant do if you could have someone follow you around all the time?
    • What would you have been spotted doing if you were photographed candidly?
    • What would you like to be remembered for when you die?
    • What would you make up if you had to use a fake name?
    • What would you name your YouTube channel and what would your videos be about if you started your own?
    • What would you prefer if you forgot to put on socks and underwear but only have time to put one on?
    • What would you prefer if you had to swap your legs with animal legs?
    • What would you prefer if you were stranded on a deserted island: stay with your worst enemy or no one? What is the reason for this?
    • What would you rather be: be invisible or be able to read minds?
    • What would you rather be: the funniest or smartest person in the room?
    • What would you rather be: too tall or too short?
    • What would your campaign slogan be if you were running for president?
    • What would your company's mascot be if it had one?
    • What would your entrance theme song be if you were a wrestler?
    • What's something you think about that makes you feel old?
    • What's the craziest thing you've ever been emotionally attached to?
    • What's the first letter of your favorite dessert?
    • What's the first thing you would do if you could become invisible for a day?
    • What's the hardest profession for you?
    • What's the last place you'd like to be found dead?
    • What's the last thing on your bucket list?
    • What's the longest you've ever worked in one job?
    • What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever accidentally texted someone?
    • What's the most recent internet quiz you've taken?
    • What's the nickname people call you the most?
    • What's the worst/weirdest haircut you've ever gotten?
    • When does it seem as if time is passing by so fast?
    • When was the last time you laughed so hard at work?
    • When you get home from school, what's the first thing you do?
    • When you woke up this morning, what was the first thing that came to mind?
    • Where do you do most of your job from home?
    • Where would you go if you could go anywhere outside the planet, and why?
    • Where would you go if you've been granted a one-way ticket to another country of your choice?
    • Which Marvel superhero would you like to be?
    • Which alternative energy source would you prefer?
    • Which character from a children's book or film makes you think about yourself?
    • Which do you prefer: kissing a jellyfish or stepping on a crab?
    • Which fictional family would you like to be a part of?
    • Which fictional location would you like to visit the most?
    • Which newspaper segment will you be in?
    • Which of the following milestones would you consider a success?
    • Which of your senses would you prefer to lose if you had to?
    • Which on your bucket list do you most want to check off in the next three months?
    • Which one do you like: hot chocolate or hot coffee?
    • Which one do you prefer: to dress smart or dress casually?
    • Which would you want to live in: a cheese house or a cookie dough house?
    • Who do you know who is the oldest person you know? What fascinating tales have they shared to you?
    • Who has been your most interesting, disturbing, or annoying neighbor?
    • Who is the most well-known person who contributes the most to the world?
    • Who is your favorite talk show host?
    • Who was your favorite childhood movie character?
    • Who were the role models you looked up to as a child?
    • Who would you invite as your first guest if you had your own late-night talk show?
    • Who would you invite over for dinner if you could invite any celebrity, and why?
    • Will it make you more nervous to introduce your date to your family or friends?
    • Will you prefer to work in an office environment or from home?
    • Would you have volunteered to serve in one of the past wars?
    • Would you prefer to live in a place where it snows constantly, or where the temperature never drops below 100 degrees?
    • Would you prefer to live where you travel or just take more vacation trips?
    • Would you rather be a sweet candy or a sour candy?
    • Would you rather live in the past or the future for 100 years?
    • Would you want to know the future if you had the chance?
  • Credit: career contessa
    • Beach or mountain?
    • Breakfast or dinner?
    • Cat or dog?
    • Chocolate or vanilla?
    • Comedy or drama?
    • Cook a meal or clean up after a meal?
    • Day or night?
    • Deep-sea or outer space?
    • Do you believe in luck?
    • Do you have a picture on your desktop? What is it?
    • Do you have any strange or regional names for things where you come from?
    • Do you like to keep background noise on or do you work in silence?
    • Do you love or hate surprises?
    • Friends or Seinfeld?
    • Halloween or the 4th of July?
    • Hamburgers or hot dogs?
    • Have you ever worked from bed?
    • Hogwarts or Middle Earth?
    • Hot or cold?
    • How many states (or provinces or countries) have you been to?
    • If you could (safely) visit any planet, which would it be?
    • If you could commission any artist (living or dead) to create art for you, who would you choose?
    • If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
    • If you could guest star on any television show, what would it be? Who would you play?
    • If you could have any view from your work from home desk, what would it be?
    • If you could instantly learn any skill, what would it be?
    • If you could invite three people to dinner—living, dead, fictional, or real—who would they be?
    • If you could learn one skill today, what would it be?
    • If you could read one book over and over for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • If you could travel to any time period (backward or forward) where would you go?
    • If you had a paid year off work, how would you spend it?
    • If you had to create a slogan for your life, what would it be?
    • If you were an Olympic athlete, what would be your sport?
    • If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
    • Is there an online class you're looking to take?
    • Pancakes or waffles?
    • Rain or snow?
    • Salty or sweet?
    • Ski, snowboard, or surf?
    • Spring, summer, fall, or winter?
    • Steve Urkel or Kimmy Gibler?
    • The Beach Boys or The Beatles?
    • There are now 25 hours in a day—how do you spend the extra hour?
    • Thunderstorms: scary or thrilling?
    • Train or plane?
    • Water or milk?
    • What always makes you laugh?
    • What are you wearing on your feet right now?
    • What are your parents' best qualities?
    • What are your top three favorite songs ever?
    • What celebrities share your birthday?
    • What color was your childhood bedroom?
    • What do you miss about working in an office?
    • What do you think dreams are?
    • What do you think is the greatest invention in your lifetime?
    • What does your perfect ice cream sundae look like?
    • What is one life lesson you will never forget?
    • What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?
    • What is the best professional development book you've ever read?
    • What is the best trip you ever took and why?
    • What is the last natural body of water you swam in?
    • What is the last show you binge-watched?
    • What is the scariest fear you've ever conquered?
    • What is typically your favorite part of a day off from work?
    • What is your favorite book as an adult?
    • What is your favorite book that was read to you as a child?
    • What is your favorite book you read in school?
    • What is your favorite cuisine?
    • What is your favorite part about working from home?
    • What is your favorite television show and why?
    • What is your favorite way to unwind?
    • What physical thing (hurricanes, bugs, heights) scares you the most?
    • What quality about yourself would you like to pass on to your child?
    • What three words describe you best?
    • What three words would your best friend use to describe you?
    • What was the best part of your day today?
    • What was the first concert you went to?
    • What was the first record you ever bought?
    • What was the first thing you remember saving up money to buy on your own?
    • What was the hardest class you ever took?
    • What was the last concert you went to?
    • What was the name of your first pet?
    • What was your childhood nickname?
    • What was your favorite Halloween costume you ever wore?
    • What would you like to be known for?
    • What's your best tip for keeping productive at work?
    • What's your favorite YouTube channel?
    • What's your favorite part about your home office space?
    • What's your favorite television show or movie about the workplace?
    • What, in your opinion, is a fundamental characteristic of a good person?
    • What's a fact about you that nobody would guess?
    • What's something that everyone else seems to love—that you don't understand?
    • What's the best gift you've ever given to someone?
    • What's the longest distance you've ever walked/run?
    • What's the longest flight you've ever taken?
    • What's the scariest ride you've ever been on?
    • What's the worst misspelling of your name you've ever seen?
    • What's your favorite cereal?
    • What's your favorite comfort food?
    • What's your favorite family tradition, past or present?
    • What's your favorite movie and why?
    • What's your favorite sports team?
    • What's your first memory as a child?
    • What's your personal heaven?
    • When did you first feel like an adult?
    • When was the last time you turned your phone off or left it at home?
    • When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    • Where is the strangest place you've ever fallen asleep?
    • Where is the weirdest place you've worked from home?
    • Who was your role model as a kid and why?
    • Who's your most/least favorite Disney princess? We know you have one.
    • Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?
    • Would you rather have a small dinner party with your 5 closest friends or a giant party with everyone you know and love?
    • Yoga or running?
  • Credit:
    • Are you a morning or night person?
    • If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be...
    • If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?
    • If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you?
    • If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
    • If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why?
    • If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be...
    • If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why?
    • Name one of your favorite things about someone in your family.
    • Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours.
    • What are your favorite hobbies?
    • What are your pet peeves or interesting things about you that you dislike?
    • What is one goal you'd like to accomplish during your lifetime?
    • What's the ideal dream job for you?
    • What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
    • What's your favorite cartoon character, and why?
    • What's your favorite thing to do in the summer?
    • When you were little, who was your favorite super hero and why?
    • Who is your hero? (a parent, a celebrity, an influential person in one's life)
  • Credit: Standuply
    • Any brothers, sisters or cousins? Which one do you have?
    • Are you a good or a bad witch/magician?
    • Are you a planner or spontaneous?
    • Are you an owl or a lark?
    • As a child, did you trick-or-treat during Halloween? Can you remember the costume you went out with?
    • As a tradition, ghost stories are told on Halloween. Tell us any one you know!
    • Can you manage livestock, such as goats, cows and chickens?
    • Describe your team in one word.
    • Do you have any Christmas holiday travel plans? Where to?
    • Do you have any hidden talent? It could be positive or negative.
    • Do you have any tattoo on your body and how does it look like?
    • Do you have collections of things?
    • Do you like receiving or giving gifts more?
    • Do you or do you not like watching horror films, and why? If you like watching, what's your most favorite?
    • Do you play any musical instrument, and which?
    • Do you watch Netflix shows? What's your best?
    • Has anyone saved your life before? Have you ever saved someone else's?
    • Have you ever been to summer camp growing up?
    • Have you ever met someone famous in person?
    • Have you ever stayed in a countryside for weeks or a year or two?
    • Have you ever won a medal or trophy?
    • Have you personally witnessed how other countries celebrate Halloween?
    • Have you seen any good movies recently you would recommend?
    • Have you seen your favorite musician in person?
    • How and where did you first meet your best friend?
    • How do you relieve stress and anxiety?
    • How would you spend your money if you won the lottery?
    • If people are to make a film about you, what would the genre be? A science fiction, romantic comedy, action movie or comedy?
    • If you are to learn any new skill that is not related to work, what would it be?
    • If you can choose a famous person to hang out with, who would it be?
    • If you could give some advice to beginners in your work area, what would it be?
    • If you could have any superpower, what would you choose and why?
    • If you could master any skill instantly, what would it be?
    • If you could only meet one person from history, who would it be?
    • If you could see in the future, which period would you choose, and why?
    • If you could travel to anywhere in the galaxy (outside the earth), where would you go, and why?
    • If you had one opportunity to run a restaurant, what would you serve?
    • If you had to be stuck at a particular age, what would that age be? Why?
    • If your house was on fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?
    • In three words, how would your family and friends describe you?
    • Mention a gift someone gave you that you can never forget?
    • Mention one thing you love about yourself.
    • Mention some embarrassing memories from childhood.
    • Mention somebody you truly admire.
    • Mountain or beach, which one would you prefer for vacation?
    • Name the most intelligent person you know.
    • Pick something from your pocket/purse and tell us why that thing is inside there.
    • Tell us 3 random facts about yourself!
    • Tell us a book or movie or video you've read or seen lately and which you would recommend? Why?
    • Tell us about something you use to believe earlier in your career, but you now think about it differently.
    • Tell us about the last time you got angry with a co-worker. What was the cause?
    • Tell us about your best Christmas activity!
    • Tell us about your very first job.
    • Tell us five things you always carry in your backpack!
    • Tell us the Christmas film you always watch every year!
    • Tell us the bravest thing you've done in your life?
    • Tell us the very first thing you usually do on Christmas Day?
    • Tell us what's your hero as a child. Why was he/she your hero?
    • Tell us when last you took a big risk?
    • Tell us your best scary creature/monster of the night ever?
    • Tell us your best section in a library or bookstore.
    • Tell us your guilty pleasure!
    • What animal is your favorite pet? And do you have any pet?
    • What animal would you be, and why?
    • What are you doing next weekend?
    • What are your special skills you would like to apply at the workplace?
    • What are your top 3 most hated foods?
    • What book are you currently reading?
    • What do you like most about your job?
    • What is that thing you have never done before which you want to do next year?
    • What is the best career advice you've ever received?
    • What is the best gift you've ever given?
    • What is the favorite Halloween costume you have ever seen?
    • What is the hidden meaning behind your name? Why were you given the name?
    • What is the meaning of Christmas to you?
    • What is the most amusing thing you can remember at your workplace?
    • What is the most awesome Halloween costume you've ever made?
    • What is the weirdest thing you've ever seen in your workspace?
    • What is your best Christmas gift ever?
    • What is your best breakfast at home?
    • What is your best season of the year? Why?
    • What is your favorite food to eat on Christmas?
    • What is your favorite summer activity?
    • What is your most memorable childhood story?
    • What is your preferred YouTube vlog channels?
    • What is your preferred music genre?
    • What music do you normally relate to Christmas?
    • What outdoor activity do you love doing on Christmas day?
    • What piece of clothing best describes you? Why?
    • What strange room/feature would you build in to your dream house?
    • What was the worst travel experience of your life?
    • What was your best cartoon as a child?
    • What was your favorite book as a kid?
    • What was your favorite childhood video game you played?
    • What was your favorite film you watched as a child?
    • What was your greatest childhood gift?
    • What were your favorite childhood TV shows and cartoons?
    • What would you be found doing if the police unexpectedly breaks into your home in the day?
    • What would you do if you were invisible for 24 hours?
    • What's the best gift someone has ever given you?
    • What's the most amazing thing you've seen in nature?
    • What's the most difficult thing you've ever done?
    • What's the most unusual food you've ever eaten?
    • What's the oldest item in your wardrobe? How old is it?
    • What's the worst dish you have ever made?
    • What's your all time favorite TV series or show?
    • What's your best fantasy story? Character in a book? Movie? Legend?
    • What's your best memory from childhood, and why?
    • What's your best sport or fitness activity?
    • What's your family's Christmas tradition?
    • What's your favorite music band a decade ago? What of now?
    • What's your favorite way to spend a rainy weekend at home by yourself?
    • What's your life's biggest dream?
    • What's your most favorite place to travel to, and why?
    • What's your weirdest dream ever?
    • When you were a child, what Christmas gift did you like most?
    • Where do you normally shop for Christmas?
    • Where do you prefer to live - city or countryside?
    • Where do you want to see yourself in 10 years?
    • Which Christmas candy is your favorite?
    • Which Christmas cookie is your favorite?
    • Which best describes you? An introvert or an extrovert?
    • Which of your skills do you feel are being underutilized at work?
    • Which skills would you like to acquire your ideal workflow?
    • Who would you be in a parallel universe?
    • You best time of the day is what? Morning, afternoon, evening or night?
    • Your favorite film genre is what?
  • Credit: Chat GPT
    • If you could be any animal, what would you be, and why?
    • If you could be any fictional character, who would it be?
    • If you could go back in time and change one thing, what would it be?
    • If you could have any accent, what would it be?
    • If you could have any car in the world, what would it be?
    • If you could have any hairstyle, what would it be?
    • If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
    • If you could have any kitchen gadget, what would it be?
    • If you could have any pet, what would it be?
    • If you could have any talent, what would it be?
    • If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be?
    • If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
    • What is one thing on your bucket list that you haven't done yet?
    • What is one thing you can't live without?
    • What is one thing you've always wanted to learn?
    • What is something that always calms you down?
    • What is something that always makes you feel better when you're sad?
    • What is something that always makes you happy?
    • What is something that always makes you laugh?
    • What is something you wish you could do more often?
    • What is something you're grateful for?
    • What is something you're looking forward to in the future?
    • What is something you're looking forward to in the next five years?
    • What is something you're looking forward to in the next year?
    • What is something you're passionate about?
    • What is something you're proud of?
    • What is something you're really bad at?
    • What is something you're really good at?
    • What is something you've always wanted to do, but haven't had the chance?
    • What is something you've always wanted to learn how to do, but haven't had the chance?
    • What is something you've always wanted to learn, but haven't had the time for?
    • What is something you've always wanted to tell someone, but haven't?
    • What is something you've always wanted to try, but haven't yet?
    • What is the best advice you would give to someone?
    • What is the best gift you've ever given someone?
    • What is the best gift you've ever received?
    • What is the best movie you've ever seen?
    • What is the best piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
    • What is the best thing about where you live?
    • What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
    • What is the best thing you've ever eaten?
    • What is the best trip you've ever taken?
    • What is the best vacation you've ever taken?
    • What is the best way to relax after a long day?
    • What is the best way to spend a rainy day?
    • What is the biggest challenge you've ever faced?
    • What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
    • What is the last book you read, and did you like it?
    • What is the most adventurous thing you've ever done?
    • What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
    • What is the most important lesson you've learned in life?
    • What is the most important thing in a relationship?
    • What is the most important thing in your life?
    • What is the most important thing you've ever done for someone else?
    • What is the most important thing you've ever learned in school?
    • What is the most important thing you've learned about yourself?
    • What is the most important thing you've learned from a failure?
    • What is the most important thing you've learned from a mentor?
    • What is the most important thing you've learned from a mistake?
    • What is the most important thing you've learned from a success?
    • What is the most inspiring thing you've ever heard?
    • What is the most interesting place you've ever visited?
    • What is the most interesting thing about you?
    • What is the most meaningful gift you've ever received?
    • What is the most meaningful thing anyone has ever done for you?
    • What is the most meaningful thing you've ever done?
    • What is the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
    • What is the most valuable thing you own?
    • What is your biggest accomplishment?
    • What is your biggest fear?
    • What is your favorite TV show, and why?
    • What is your favorite animal, and why?
    • What is your favorite book or movie, and why?
    • What is your favorite childhood memory?
    • What is your favorite food, and why?
    • What is your favorite hobby, and why?
    • What is your favorite place to go on vacation?
    • What is your favorite restaurant, and why?
    • What is your favorite season, and why?
    • What is your favorite song, and why?
    • What is your favorite sport, and why?
    • What is your favorite thing about your job?
    • What is your favorite thing about yourself?
    • What is your favorite thing to do in the morning?
    • What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
    • What is your favorite thing to do on a lazy day?
    • What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
    • What is your favorite thing to do outside?
    • What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
    • What is your favorite type of art, and why?
    • What is your favorite type of cuisine, and why?
    • What is your favorite type of music, and why?
    • What is your favorite way to exercise?
    • What is your favorite way to relax and unwind?
    • What is your favorite way to spend a day off?
    • What is your favorite way to spend time with family?
    • What is your favorite way to stay active?