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09. Docker compose

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Hands-on labs Introduction to Docker

Exercise 09: Using docker-compose to orchestrate multiple containers

In this exercise we want you to experiment with docker-compose. It is great that you can run one container, but what if you need more

You can start the solution, but it will not run. There is no database, and there are dependencies in the projects. Let's try to solve that with docker

  • Switch you docker client to use Linux containers by using the icon in the tray

Run a SQL Server container

Instead of running SQL on your local machine, a convenient and fast way to have new and fresh database is to run SQL in a container. There are standard images for that. Find the image on Docker hub and start the container

pay attention that the environment variables need to be enclosed in double quotes " " on windows

docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Pass@word" -p 5433:1433 -ti
  • Use Visual Studio to connect to the SQL Server using localhost, 5433
  • Modify the appsettings.json of the Leaderboard.webapi project to point to localhost,5433 and run the project. Try to run the Get scores and test the results

Running the application in containers

Now we are going to run the application in a container. Or actually, 2 containers. 1 for the API and 1 for the UI

  • Open a command line and navigate to the *root of your solution. (where the sln file resides)
  • Build the docker file from this location
docker build -t vslive/leaderboard.webapi -f src/Services/Leaderboard.WebAPI/Dockerfile .
  • Run the container.
docker run -d -p 5000:80 vslive/leaderboard.webapi
  • visit website on localhost:5000 and see that it fails. There is no SQL accessible

What do you think is wrong?

  • Change name of sql server in connectionstring to sqldocker (or name of sqlcontainer)
  • Build and run the container again

Create or use compose file

Now it is time to fit everything together. We want to start the UI, the API and the SQL Server together. Take a look at the compose file in the root directory.

  • code docker-compose.yml

Read through all the settings and see what it means

  • Start the composition
docker-compose up

Does the SQL Server connection work? what do you need to change? You can access the containers from the same compose file by its name

-Bring down the app

docker-compose down

or hit CTRL-C in the terminal

Scaling up

Your website is running. Assume that you want to have more instances of the UI. You can scale up very easily with compose as well.

  • in your root directory run the scale command
docker-compose up --scale gamingwebapp=10

But how do you balance the load?