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Prediction interface reference

This document defines the API of the cog Python module, which is used to define the interface for running predictions on your model.

Tip: Run cog init to generate an annotated file that can be used as a starting point for setting up your model.



You define how Cog runs predictions on your model by defining a class that inherits from BasePredictor. It looks something like this:

from cog import BasePredictor, Path, Input
import torch

class Predictor(BasePredictor):
    def setup(self):
        """Load the model into memory to make running multiple predictions efficient"""
        self.model = torch.load("weights.pth")

    def predict(self,
            image: Path = Input(description="Image to enlarge"),
            scale: float = Input(description="Factor to scale image by", default=1.5)
    ) -> Path:
        """Run a single prediction on the model"""
        # ... pre-processing ...
        output = self.model(image)
        # ... post-processing ...
        return output

Your Predictor class should define two methods: setup() and predict().


Prepare the model so multiple predictions run efficiently.

Use this optional method to include any expensive one-off operations in here like loading trained models, instantiate data transformations, etc.

It's best not to download model weights or any other files in this function. You should bake these into the image when you build it. This means your model doesn't depend on any other system being available and accessible. It also means the Docker image ID becomes an immutable identifier for the precise model you're running, instead of the combination of the image ID and whatever files it might have downloaded.


Run a single prediction.

This required method is where you call the model that was loaded during setup(), but you may also want to add pre- and post-processing code here.

The predict() method takes an arbitrary list of named arguments, where each argument name must correspond to an Input() annotation.

predict() can return strings, numbers, cog.Path objects representing files on disk, or lists or dicts of those types. You can also define a custom Output() for more complex return types.


Use cog's Input() function to define each of the parameters in your predict() method:

class Predictor(BasePredictor):
    def predict(self,
            image: Path = Input(description="Image to enlarge"),
            scale: float = Input(description="Factor to scale image by", default=1.5, ge=1.0, le=10.0)
    ) -> Path:

The Input() function takes these keyword arguments:

  • description: A description of what to pass to this input for users of the model.
  • default: A default value to set the input to. If this argument is not passed, the input is required. If it is explicitly set to None, the input is optional.
  • ge: For int or float types, the value must be greater than or equal to this number.
  • le: For int or float types, the value must be less than or equal to this number.
  • min_length: For str types, the minimum length of the string.
  • max_length: For str types, the maximum length of the string.
  • regex: For str types, the string must match this regular expression.
  • choices: A list of possible values for this input.

Each parameter of the predict() method must be annotated with a type. The supported types are:

  • str: a string
  • int: an integer
  • float: a floating point number
  • bool: a boolean
  • cog.File: a file-like object representing a file
  • cog.Path: a path to a file on disk


Your predict() method can return a simple data type like a string or a number, or a more complex object with multiple values.

You can optionally use cog's Output() function to define the object returned by your predict() method:

from cog import BasePredictor, BaseModel

class Output(BaseModel):
    text: str
    file: File

class Predictor(BasePredictor):
    def predict(self) -> Output:
        return Output(text="hello", file=io.StringIO("hello"))


The cog.File object is used to get files in and out of models. It represents a file handle.

For models that return a cog.File object, the prediction output returned by Cog's built-in HTTP server will be a URL.

from cog import BasePredictor, File, Input, Path
from PIL import Image

class Predictor(BasePredictor):
    def predict(self, source_image: File = Input(description="Image to enlarge")) -> File:
        pillow_img =
        upscaled_image = do_some_processing(pillow_img)
        return File(upscaled_image)


The cog.Path object is used to get files in and out of models. It represents a path to a file on disk.

cog.Path is a subclass of Python's pathlib.Path and can be used as a drop-in replacement.

For models that return a cog.Path object, the prediction output returned by Cog's built-in HTTP server will be a URL.

This example takes an input file, resizes it, and returns the resized image:

import tempfile
from cog import BasePredictor, Input, Path

class Predictor(BasePredictor):
    def predict(self, image: Path = Input(description="Image to enlarge")) -> Path:
        upscaled_image = do_some_processing(image)

        # To output `cog.Path` objects the file needs to exist, so create a temporary file first.
        # This file will automatically be deleted by Cog after it has been returned.
        output_path = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) / "upscaled.png"
        return Path(output_path)