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91 lines (58 loc) · 1.99 KB


File metadata and controls

91 lines (58 loc) · 1.99 KB


In addition to the parsing library, pyproject-parser has a command-line interface for validating and reformatting pyproject.toml files.

.. versionadded:: 0.2.0

.. extras-require:: cli
        :scope: CLI

.. latex:vspace:: -9px


.. latex:vspace:: -10px


.. latex:vspace:: -5px

.. latex:samepage::

        .. click:: pyproject_parser.__main__:check
                :prog: pyproject-parser check
                :nested: none

.. latex:vspace:: 15px

The :option:`-P / --parser-class <-P>` and :option:`-E / --encoder-class <-E>` options must be in the form <module_name>:<object_name>. or example, pyproject_parser:PyProject, which corresponds to :class:`pyproject_parser.PyProject`. The module_name may be any valid Python module, including those containing . .

.. latex:clearpage::


.. click:: pyproject_parser.__main__:reformat
        :prog: pyproject-parser reformat
        :nested: none


.. versionadded:: 0.5.0

.. click:: pyproject_parser.__main__:info
        :prog: pyproject-parser info
        :nested: none

.. latex:vspace:: 20px

:bold-title:`Example Usage:`

# Print the readme text
echo -e $(python3 -m pyproject_parser info project.readme.text -r | tr -d '"')

# Print the license filename
python3 -m pyproject_parser info project.license.file

# Get one of the project's URLs
python3 -m pyproject_parser info project.urls."Source Code"

# Install the build-system requirements with pip
pip install $(python3 -m pyproject_parser info build-system.requires | jq -r 'join(" ")')

# Dump one of the tool sub-tables
python3 -m pyproject_parser info tool.dependency-dash

As a pre-commit hook

pyproject-parser can also be used as a pre-commit hook. To do so, add the following to your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:

.. pre-commit::
        :rev: 0.10.0
        :hooks: check-pyproject,reformat-pyproject