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Welcome to RepoBee's documentation!

If you are new to RepoBee, the fundamentals and userguide sections are must-reads. Developers looking to work on RepoBee, or fork it, are probably most interested in the modindex. Developers looking to create plugins should head over to the repobee-plug.

If you use the userguide in any way and feel like skipping getting_started, make sure to read config anyway! The rest of the guide assumes a configuration as described there.

The entire core CLI (i.e. without plugins) is also documented in the cli. This is both handy as reference material for existing users, and for prospective users to get a clear understanding of what RepoBee can do.


Having issues? Check the faq to see if you can find a solution for your problem.


Please open an issue over on the issue tracker if you find documentation bugs, have trouble understanding something or think something is missing. Especially when it comes to the userguide, which is intended to be as intuitive as possible, please do provide feedback if you get stuck.

fundamentals install userguide taquickstart faq cli contributing repobee_plug/index repobee_testhelpers/index code

Indices and tables

  • genindex
  • modindex
  • search