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File metadata and controls

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Repository Service for TUF Worker

repository-service-tuf-worker is part of Repository Service for TUF (RSTUF)

Getting Started

These instructions will cover usage information and for the docker container.


In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.

Other requirements include:

  • repository-service-tuf-api service
  • Compatible broker and result backend service with Celery. Recomended: RabbitMQ or Redis
  • PostgreSQL server
  • Online key (see Online Key details below)

Online Key

The RSTUF Worker requires an online key which is used for signing the TUF metadata when a target is added or removed.

Here are some things you need to know:

For more information read the Deployment documentation.


Container Parameters

docker run --env="RSTUF_STORAGE_BACKEND=LocalStorage" \
    --env="RSTUF_LOCAL_STORAGE_BACKEND_PATH=/metadata" \
    --env="RSTUF_BROKER_SERVER=guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672" \
    --env="RSTUF_REDIS_SERVER=redis://redis" \
    --env="RSTUF_SQL_SERVER=postgresql://postgres:secret@postgres:5432" \ \

Environment Variables


Broker server address.

The broker must to be compatible with Celery. See Celery Broker Instructions

Example: guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672


Redis server address.

The result backend must to be compatible with Celery. See Celery Task result backend settings

Example: redis://redis


RSTUF requires PostgreSQL.

Example: postgres:secret@postgres:5432

  • Optional variables:

    • RSTUF_SQL_USER optional information about the user name

      If using this optional variable:

      • Do not include the user in the RSTUF_SQL_SERVER.
      • The RSTUF_SQL_PASSWORD becomes required
    • RSTUF_SQL_PASSWORD use this variable to provide the password separately.

      • Do not include the password in the RSTUF_SQL_SERVER
      • This environment variable supports container secrets when the /run/secrets volume is added to the path.




Redis Server port number. Default: 6379


Redis Server DB number for Result Backend (tasks). Default: 0

Important: It should use the same db id as used by RSTUF API.


Redis Server DB number for repository settings. Default: 1

This settings are shared accress the Repository Workers (repository-service-tuf-worker) to have dynamic configuration.


Select a supported type of Storage Service.

Available types:

  • LocalStorage (container volume)
  • AWSS3 (AWS S3)
LocalStorage (container volume)

    • Define the directory where the data will be saved, example: storage

    The name of s3 bucket to use.


    The access key to use when creating the client session to the S3.

    This environment variable supports container secrets when the /run/secrets volume is added to the path. Example: RSTUF_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=/run/secrets/S3_ACCESS_KEY


    The secret key to use when creating the client session to the S3.

    This environment variable supports container secrets when the /run/secrets volume is added to the path. Example: RSTUF_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=/run/secrets/S3_SECRET_KEY


    The name of the region associated with the S3.


    The complete URL to use for the constructed client. Normally, the client automatically constructs the appropriate URL to use when communicating with a service.

NOTE: The AWS3 supports all boto3 environment variables.


Timeout for publishing JSON metadata files. Default: 60.0 (seconds)

This timeout avoids race conditions leading to publishing JSON metadata files by multiple Worker's services. It guarantees that the metadata is consistent in the backend storage service (RSTUF_STORAGE_BACKEND).

In most use cases, the timeout of 60.0 seconds is sufficient.


Select a supported type of Key Vault Service.

  • LocalKeyVault (container volume)

NOTE: You can start the worker service without a keyvault backend, but you need to configure one before the bootstrap ceremony.

LocalKeyVault (container volume)

    Define the path for the container volume mounted Example: RSTUF_LOCAL_KEYVAULT_PATH=/var/opt/repository-service-tuf/key_storage


    Define the key(s) with format <file>,<password>,<(optional) type>

    • file: defines the key file

      • base64|<key content in base64> allows to inform directly the key content. It will dynamically manage and write a key file in RSTUF_LOCAL_KEYVAULT_PATH (write permissions required).

        Requires content as base64.

        Example: RSTUF_LOCAL_KEYVAULT_KEYS=base64|LnRveC8KdmVudi8KLmlkZWEvCi52c2NvZGUvC...,strongPass,rsa

    • password: credential used to load the key

    • (optional) type: The key type. Default: ed25519

      [Note: At the moment RSTUF Worker supports ed25519, rsa, ecdsa]

      Example: RSTUF_LOCAL_KEYVAULT_KEYS=online.key,strongPass,rsa

    Accepts multiple keys separated by ":".

    It accepts multiple keys, but RSTUF supports the usage of only one online key for signing.

    The Local Key Vault will find the key that matches the online key defined in the root metadata.

    Allowing multiple keys is helpful for performing metadata/key rotation without disruption.

    Example: RSTUF_LOCAL_KEYVAULT_KEYS=online.key,strongPass:online-rsa.key,newStrongPass,rsa

    This environment variable supports container secrets when the /run/secrets volume is added to the path. The content must be in the standard format <file>,<password>,<(optional) type>

    Example: RSTUF_LOCAL_KEYVAULT_KEYS=/run/secrets/ONLINE_KEY_1:/run/secrets/ONLINE_KEY_2


Directory path for online signing key file. Expected file format is unencrypted PKCS8/PEM.

Make sure to use the secrets management service of your deployment platform to protect the private key!

Replaces RSTUF_KEYVAULT_BACKEND and related settings.


  • RSTUF_ONLINE_KEY_DIR=/run/secrets
  • RSTUF worker expects related private key under /run/secrets/<file name>


Custom Worker ID. Default: hostname (Container hostname)

(Optional) DATA_DIR

Container data directory. Default: /data

Persistent data

  • $DATA_DIR. Default: /data


The repository-service-tuf-worker uses supervisord and uses a supervisor.conf from $DATA_DIR.

It can be used to customize/tuning performance of Celery.