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Predicting bitrate ladder using pre-trained DNN features

This Repository contains code and data relating to the "Efficient Bitrate Ladder Construction using Transfer Learning and Spatio-Temporal Features" paper, presented in IEEE MVIP 2024.


The paper is available on IEEEXplore. A preprint is available here.


To install the prerequisites on Ubuntu:20:04 using miniconda3:23.10.0-1 run the following:

apt update
apt install gcc g++ libgl1-mesa-glx libsm6 libxext6
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda env create -f env_part01.yml
conda env update -n torch_env -f env_part02.yml --prune
conda activate torch_env

You might need to change prefix: in both env_part01.yml and env_part02_yml based on the installation directory of conda.

How to train

To perform training you need to download the following files from here and put them into the repository:

  1. Download the Slowfast model weights (SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.pkl) and store it under data/checkpoints/Kinetics.
  2. Download the video (videos_dataframe.csv) and encode (encodes_dataframe.csv) information tables and store them under data/dataframes.
  3. Download and extract the DNN features (features.tar.gz) and store them under data/features.

The data folder should look like this:

├── checkpoints
│   └── Kinetics
│       └── SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.pkl
├── config
│   └── SLOWFAST_8x8_R50.yaml
├── dataframes
│   ├── encodes_dataframe.csv
│   └── videos_dataframe.csv
└── features
    ├── deep_features
    │   ├── spatial_features
    │   │   ├── inception_v3
    │   │   │   └── Mixed_7c.cat_2
    │   │   │       └── mean_std
    │   │   ├── resnet50
    │   │   │   └── layer4.2.relu_2
    │   │   │       └── mean_std
    │   │   └── vgg16
    │   │       └── features.29
    │   │           └── mean_std
    │   └── temporal_features
    │       └── slowfast
    └── fused_features
        ├── inception_v3_Mixed_7c.cat_2_mean_std__resnet50_layer4.2.relu_2_mean_std__slowfast
        ├── inception_v3_Mixed_7c.cat_2_mean_std__resnet50_layer4.2.relu_2_mean_std__vgg16_features.29_mean_std__slowfast
        ├── inception_v3_Mixed_7c.cat_2_mean_std__slowfast
        ├── inception_v3_Mixed_7c.cat_2_mean_std__vgg16_features.29_mean_std__slowfast
        ├── resnet50_layer4.2.relu_2_mean_std
        ├── resnet50_layer4.2.relu_2_mean_std__slowfast
        ├── resnet50_layer4.2.relu_2_mean_std__vgg16_features.29_mean_std__slowfast
        ├── slowfast
        └── vgg16_features.29_mean_std__slowfast

After downloading the data, you can run the following command to train the model on the extracted spatial and temporal features:

python3 src/

The training outputs will be stored in data/results/train. After training you can use the following command to do inference:

python3 src/ -inference

The inference outputs will be stored in data/results/inference. Finally, you can use the following command to construct the actual and predicted bitrate ladders:

python3 src/

The final result tables will be stored in data/results/final.

Project information

This repository is associated with Work Package 2 (WP2) of the project FALCON. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101022466.


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