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Java Version Manager - jEnv


brew install jenv


  • Add following configs into ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
export PATH="$HOME/.jenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(jenv init -)"
  • restart shell
    • if using zsh source ~/.zshrc

Verify installation

  • jenv doctor
    • during the first initial setup, it is normal to have the following, it means jenv is correctly loaded jenvdoctor

Run the following if using maven (mvn)

  • ensure that JAVA_HOME is correct jenv enable-plugin export
  • make Maven aware of the java version in use & switch when project does jenv enable-plugin maven

Install different JDK versions

  • Install latest
    • brew install openjdk
  • Install Java 7
    • brew install --cask homebrew/cask-versions/zulu7
  • Install Java 8
    • brew install AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8
  • Install Java 9
    • brew install AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk/adoptopenjdk9
  • Install Java 10
    • brew install AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk/adoptopenjdk10
  • Install Java 11
    • brew install AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk/adoptopenjdk11

Configure JDK versions with jEnv

  • list all java versions installed /usr/libexec/java_home -V
    • if installed java version path is not listed, find the path, then add it with the same method below
  • Add JDK path jenv add <your_jdk_path>
    • e.g.: jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-14.0.1.jdk/Contents/Home

List all java versions jEnv is managing

  • jenv versions

Set system wide java version

  • jenv global 14.0

Set project wide java version

  • jenv local 11
  • this will create a .java-version file inside the current folder

Set shell instance java version (not required)

  • jenv shell openjdk64-

Check current java version being used

  • java -version