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ADS Tools


You can install the ADS Tools via composer using the following steps:

  1. Add the following snippet to the repositories section of your composer.json file:
        "url": "",
        "type": "git"
  1. Add the package to your composer.json require list using:
    composer require dsg-innosource/ads-tools

Available Commands

Command Action
make:function Generates a SQL function using the database and function name provided
make:proc Generates a SQL stored procedure using the database and procedure name provided
make:sql-test Generates a SQL test file using the database, category, and test name provided
make:view Generates a SQL view using the database and view name provided
migrate:functions Creates all functions in the connected database
migrate:procs Creates all stored procedures in the connected database
migrate:rebuild Runs migrate:fresh and creates all views, stored procedures, and functions in the connected database
migrate:views Creates all generated views in the connected database
test:sql Runs all the available SQL test files and displays results