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.. note:: These docs refers to the **beta 2b** version.
Make sure you're under the good version by typing ``[p]cog update``.

This is the guide for the ``instantcmd`` cog. Everything you need is here.

``[p]`` is considered as your prefix.


To install the cog, first load the downloader cog, included
in core Red.::

[p]load downloader

Then you will need to install the Laggron's Dumb Cogs repository::

[p]repo add Laggrons-Dumb-Cogs v3

Finally, you can install the cog::

[p]cog install Laggrons-Dumb-Cogs instantcmd

.. warning:: The cog is not loaded by default.
To load it, type this::

[p]load instantcmd


InstantCommands is designed to create new commands and listeners directly
from Discord. You just need basic Python and knowledge.

Here's an example of his it works:

.. image:: .ressources/EXAMPLES/InstantCommands-example.png

Here's a list of all commands of this cog:





This is the main command used for setting up the code.
It will be used for all other commands.

instantcommand create


[p]instantcommand create


Creates a new command/listener from a code snippet.

You will be asked to give a code snippet which will contain your function.
It can be a command (you will need to add the ``commands`` decorator) or a listener
(your function name must correspond to an existing listener).

.. tip:: Here are some examples ::

async def command(ctx, *, argument):
"""Say your text with some magic"""
await ctx.send("You excepted to see your text, "
"but it was I, Dio!")

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