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laggron42 committed Aug 2, 2019
1 parent 4be3671 commit ae9ef69
Showing 1 changed file with 262 additions and 0 deletions.
262 changes: 262 additions & 0 deletions docs/warnsystem.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ You can check the warnings set on a specific member later with the
``[p]warnings`` command. This command also allows to edit the reason of the
warning, or delete them.

.. tip:: The warn level defaults to 1 if you omit it.

warn 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,6 +386,266 @@ You can also stack them like this:
* ``[reason]``: The reason of the warn. Omitting this will set the reason as
"No reason set.".



.. code-block:: none

Warn multiple members at once. This advanced command allows you to filter
members to warn with UNIX-like arguments, called flags.

Each "flag" is one more condition for the search. For example, ``[p]masswarn
--has-role "New Member" --joined-after "16 june 2019"`` will filter the
member who have the "New Member" role **and** who joined after the 16th of
June of 2019. The search begins with all members on the server, then each
condition is checked on each member to know if it should be kept in the
masswarn or not.

You also have to tell to the bot what to do. Unlike the warn command where it
takes actions, sends a message to the member and one in the modlog, you can
decide what the bot should do, to make it faster or prevent spam.

* ``--take-actions`` will perform the action related to the warn (add the
mute role, kick or ban a member...)

* ``--log-modlog`` will send a message in the modlog

* ``--log-dm`` will send a DM to the member

.. warning:: You have to put at least one of those flags.

You can then put the optional ``--reason`` flag to set the reason of the
warning. Be sure to put it enclosed in quotes. If you're performing a level 2
or 5 warning, you can also use the ``--time`` flag to define the duration of
the mute/ban if you want to make it temporary, the format of the time is the
same as for the simple warnings.


Some flags needs an input with them, it can be a date, a set of
roles, a regex expression... We will explain how input works for those
flags. Note that if you need to put multiple words, you'll have to use quotes.

**Date imput**

For the flags ``--joined-before`` and ``--joined-after``, you will need to
put a specific date. A lot of formats are supported, here are some

* ``27 june 2018``
* ``13/2/18``
* ``august 2019`` (will be the first day of the month)
* ``2017`` (will be the first day of the year)
* ``monday`` (will be the first monday of the month)
* ``23 jun 12:00`` (you can also specify the hour)
* ``Wednesday, 19th of September of 2018`` (if you really want to lose
time, that works too)

**Role input**

The flags ``--has-role``, ``--has-any-role``, ``--has-all-roles``,
``--has-none-roles``, ``--above`` and ``--below`` requires you to type one
or more roles. You can provide the role ID or the role name, in quotes if
there are spaces. Here are some examples:

* ``--has-role Moderator``
* ``--has-any-role Member Staff "Nitro Booster" 168091848718417920``
* ``--has-none-roles "Reddit Moderator"``
* ``--below Administrators``

**Permission input**

The flags ``--has-perm``, ``--has-any-perm``, ``--has-all-perms`` and
``--has-none-perms`` requires discord permissions, formatted as provided
by the API. Here are the names you have to use:

.. code-block:: yaml
General permissions:
- administrator
- view_audit_log
- manage_guild
- manage_roles
- manage_channels
- kick_members
- ban_members
- create_instant_invite
- change_nickname
- manage_nicknames
- manage_emojis
- manage_webhooks
Text permissions:
- read_messages
- read_message_history
- send_messages
- send_tts_messages
- attach_files
- embed_links
- external_emojis
- mention_everyone
- manage_messages
- add_reactions
Voice permissions:
- connect
- speak
- stream
- use_voice_activation
- priority_speaker
- move_members
- mute_members
- deafen_members
Here are some examples:

* ``--has-perm send_messages``
* ``--has-any-perm manage_messages manage_channels manage_roles``
* ``--has-none-perms administrator manage_guild``
* ``--has-all-perms send_messages connect``

**Member input**

The flags ``--include`` and ``--exclude`` requires you to pass multiple
members, either with their name, their nickname, their name+tag, their ID or
by mentionning them. Here are some examples:

* ``--include "El Laggron#0260" 133801473317404673 Twentysix``
* ``--exclude aikaterna#1393 "Kowlin, That silver Yuumi main"``

**Regual expressions input (regex)**

The flags ``--name``, ``--nickname`` and ``--display-name`` requires
regular expressions. Not going to explain how those work here, you can
learn how to use those on `Python's guide
<>`_ and test your expressions
with `regex101 <>`_. Just keep in mind you have to
keep your expression enclosed in quotes.


Now it's time to list all of the flags.

* **Actions**

* ``--take-action`` ``take-actions`` *Defines if the bot should take an
action (add the mute role, kick/ban the member)*

* ``--send-dm`` *Defines if the bot should send a DM to the warned

* ``--send-modlog`` *Defines if the bot should send a message in the
modlog channel*

* ``--reason <text>`` *The reason of the masswarn, substitutions works*
* ``--time`` ``--length`` *The duration of the warn, for mutes and bans*

* **Member search**

* ``--select [member, ...]`` *Select multiple members to include in the
masswarn, they are not affected by your search*

* ``--exclude [member, ...]`` *Select multiple members to exclude from
the search, they won't be warned*

* ``--everyone`` *Includes everyone in the server, your search will
therefore not be committed, the ``--exclude`` flag will also not be

* ``--name <regex>`` *Only includes the members which names validates to
the given expression*

* ``--nickname <regex>`` *Only includes the members which nicknames
validates to the given expression, this excludes members without

* ``--display-name <regex>`` *Only includes the members which nicknames,
or name if nickname isn't set, validates to the given expression*

* ``--only-humans`` *Excludes all bots from the search*
* ``--only-bots`` *Only includes bots in the search*

* ``--joined-before <date>`` *Members who joined after the given date
will be excluded from the masswarn*

* ``--joined-after <date>`` *Members who joined before the given date
will be excluded from the masswarn*

* ``--last-njoins <number>`` *Includes the last x members of the server,
this is useful in case of a raid*

* ``--first-njoins <number>`` *Includes the first x members of the
server, if you want to purge the elders you monster*

* **Permissions search**

* ``--has-perm <permission>`` *Includes the members with the given
permission, this is based on roles, not channel permissions*

* ``--has-any-perm [permission, ...]`` *Includes the members who have any
of the given permissions*

* ``--has-all-perms [permission, ...]`` *Includes the members who have
all of the given permissions*

* ``--has-none-perms [permission, ...]`` *Include the members who have
none of the given permissions*

* ``--has-perm-int <number>`` *Includes the members whose permission
integer matches what you gave, you can calculate your permission
integer on the `permissions calculator

* **Role search**

* ``--has-role <role>`` *Includes the members who have the given role*

* ``--has-any-role [role, ...]`` *Includes the members who have any of
the given roles*

* ``--has-all-roles [role, ...]`` *Includes the members who have all of
the given roles*

* ``--has-none-roles [role, ...]`` *Include the members who have none of
the given roles*

* ``--has-no-role`` *Excludes the members with any custom role*

* ``--has-exactly-nroles <number>`` *Includes the members who have the
number of roles given, this doesn't count the @everyone role*

* ``--has-more-than-nroles`` *Includes the members who have more roles
than the number given, this doesn't count the @everyone role*

* ``--has-less-than-nroles`` *Includes the members who have less roles
than the number given, this doesn't count the @everyone role*

* ``--above <role>`` *Includes the members whose top role is above the
given role*

* ``--below <role>`` *Includes the members whose top role is below the
given role*


Enough info, time for explained examples.

* ``[p]masswarn 2 --take-actions --send-dm --send-modlog --reason "Potential
raid" --time 24h --joined-after "12 august 14:30" --has-no-roles
--only-humans`` This will mute for a day all members who joined after the
12th of august at 2:30 p.m. without roles and excluding bots. Everyone will
receive a message and this will be logged in the modlog.

* ``[p]masswarn 5 --take-actions --send-dm --reason "toxic potatoes"
--has-role Starbucks`` Just bans everone with the role "Starbucks"

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