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Release v0.102.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 30 Jun 20:39


  • Scala: ellipsis are now allowed in for loop headers, so you can write patterns
    like for (...; $X <- $Y if $COND; ...) { ... } to match nested for loops. (#5650)


  • taint-mode: In some scenarios some statements were not being included in the
    CFG used by taint tracking, and as a result some expected findings were not being
    reported (i.e. false negatives). This affected mainly languages like Scala where
    traditional control-flow constructs are expressions rather than statements (or,
    seen in a different way, every statement returns a value). (#5652)


  • --verbose no longer toggles the display of timing information, use
    --verbose --time to display this information.