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File metadata and controls

34 lines (27 loc) · 1.22 KB


A git-powered janky blog engine written in node, and ready to push to Heroku. Express 3.x using Jade for the view engine and Compass for styles. Heavily -inspired by- leveraging ideas from toto, but with several changes specific to my needs.

How's it work?

  • An article is composed of a header section of YAML, and a body section of Markdown.
  • You commit a new article using git, and then push it to Heroku to publish it to the world!
  • The janked routes inspect the articles directory and render views of the articles published.
  • You hack on it to make it do things you want it to do.

Git started

$ git clone git:// my-jank
$ cd my-jank
$ heroku create my-jank
$ git push heroku master

Publish a new article

I put together a simple script to aid in starting a new article, that way you don't have to recall the proper format..

$ node new_article.js
$ ... fill out the following questions
$ vim articles/2012-08-14-my-new-article.txt
$ git commit -a -m 'publishing my new article'
$ git push heroku master


Heroku, you're awesome.

Toto, you're inspirational.