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File metadata and controls

156 lines (96 loc) · 8.43 KB


NUCLEAR uses a configuration file to specify all their required parameters. Users must decide what job to perform: (i) a molecular hotspot determination or (ii) an oligonucleotide search.

For a hotspot search, the sections [inputs], [mcss_files], and [spots_params] are the only ones that should appear in the configuration file. If an oligonucleotide search is requested, then the mandatory sections are [inputs], [mcss_files], [zones_params], [search_params], and [minimization].

Below, all section parameters have been described.

Section [inputs]

  • input_dir: Path to the directory containing MCSS explorations
    Acceptable Values: A valid path
    Recommended Value: None
    Description: Specifies the path to find the .crd files of MCSS docking results. NUCLEAR will check if this path exists.

  • output_dir: Path to the output directory
    Acceptable Values: A valid path Recommended Value: None
    Description: Specifies the root path where NUCLEAR writes results. NUCLEAR will check if this path exists, in which case the program will stop to avoid overwriting previous results.

  • prot_coords: Path to the receptor.pdb
    Acceptable Values: A valid path
    Recommended Value: None
    Description: Specifies the path to the receptor.pdb coordinates file. NUCLEAR will check if this path exists and that the receptor file format is .pdb.

  • ncores: Number of cores for parallelization
    Acceptable Values: integer >= 1
    Recommended Value: N (where N is the maximum number of cores available)
    Description: Specifies the number of cores used to construct the matrix of clashes.

Section [mcss_files]

[mcss_files] is a mandatory section that contains no parameter. Instead, users must specify one or more tuples of three blank-separated columns. Note that one of the two last columns (or both) must be N (unrestricted) to avoid ambiguities in the selection of the fragments' poses from docking distributions.

1st column (string): The name of the .crd file (extension included). Only include the name, but not the path, which was already specified in the input_dir parameter.

2nd column (float): Maximum score to be considered in the corresponding MCSS distribution. Fragments' poses having a higher score will not be considered.

3rd column (integer): Number of poses to be considered in the corresponding MCSS distribution.

Section [spots_params]

  • prot_sel NUCLEAR receptor selection
    Acceptable Values: [ all | heavy | protein ]
    Recommended Value: protein
    Description: Selection of receptor atoms considered when calculating receptor-ligand contacts. Options are limited to all: all atoms in the prot_coords file, heavy: non-hydrogen atoms in the prot_coords file, and protein: protein atoms in the prot_coords file.

  • frag_sel NUCLEAR fragment (ligand) selection
    Acceptable Values: [ all, all_nopatch, heavy, heavy_nopatch ]
    Recommended Value: all_nopatch
    Description: Selection of fragment atoms considered when calculating receptor-ligand contacts. Options are limited to all: all atoms in the ligand.crd file, all_nopatch: all atoms except patch ones in the ligand.crd file, heavy: non-hydrogen atoms in the ligand.crd file, and heavy_nopatch: non-hydrogen atoms except patch ones in the ligand.crd file. Patch atoms (not used when constructing oligonucleotides) are defined as:['C5T', 'O5T', 'O1P', 'O2P', 'H5T1', 'H5T2', 'H5T3'].

  • inter_dist Inter-atomic distance (in Angstroms) for contacts calculation
    Acceptable Values: float > 0.0
    Recommended Value: 3.5
    Description: Inter-atomic distance under which a contact between a ligand atom and a protein atom is declared.

  • density_cut In hotspots detection, clusters of fragments' poses having a density value under this cutoff get filtered out
    Acceptable Values: 0.0 < float < 1.0
    Recommended Value: 0.05
    Description: Clusters having a density value under this cutoff get filtered out. The density of a cluster is calculated as the number of poses it contains divided by the number of distinct residues involved in the contact. This magnitude is then normalized to the 0-1 interval.

  • merge_cut In hotspot detection, cluster seeds having a similarity value under this cutoff provokes their clusters to merge
    Acceptable Values: 0.0 < float < 1.0
    Recommended Value: 0.25
    Description: In hotspot detection, cluster seeds having a similarity value under this cutoff provokes their clusters to merge. The similarity metric employed is the Tanimoto index (lowest values correspond to more similar seeds).

Section [zones_params]

  • prot_sel< idem to what is described in section [spots_params]>
  • frag_sel< idem to what is described in section [spots_params]>
  • inter_dist< idem to what is described in section [spots_params]>

Section [search_params]

  • top_N Number of top-N best-scored sequences to be returned
    Acceptable Values: integer >= 1
    Recommended Value: 1000
    Description: Number of top-N best-scored sequences to be returned. The sequence score is calculated as the summation of the scores of each composing nucleotide.

  • seq_min_size Minimum number of nucleotides in returned sequences
    Acceptable Values: integer >= 2
    Recommended Value: 2
    Description: Minimum number of nucleotides in returned sequences. When seq_to_search is not all, this value must equal the number of nucleotides specified in the seq_to_search parameter.

    • seq_max_size Maximum number of nucleotides in returned sequences
      Acceptable Values: integer >= seq_min_size
      Recommended Value: N
      Description: Maximum number of nucleotides in returned sequences. Users can retrieve the maximum number of linkable nucleotides by setting this to N. When seq_to_search is not all, this value must equal the number of nucleotides specified in the seq_to_search parameter.
  • seq_to_search Sequence of nucleotides to search
    Acceptable Values: [ all, colon-separated string of resnames ]
    Recommended Value: all
    Description: Sequence of nucleotides to search. If not all, the oligonucleotide sequence specified must comprise colon-separated strings corresponding to each nucleotide resname, as found in the corresponding .crd files. The underscore _ specifies any nucleotide. When seq_to_search is not all, parameters seq_max_size must equal seq_min_size, and both must be set to the Number of nucleotides specified in seq_to_search.

  • path_to_search Atomic selection of receptor's residues to search
    Acceptable Values: valid string selection (defined in agreement to ProDy syntax)
    Recommended Value: all Description: Atomic selection of receptor residues. Only contacts containing these residues indices will be considered.

  • max_dist_O3C5 The maximum distance between O3' and C5' atoms that may link consecutive nucleotides.
    Acceptable Values: float > 0.0
    Recommended Value: 4.5 A
    Description: The maximum distance between O3' and C5' atoms that may link consecutive nucleotides.

  • clash_dist Minimum distance to declare an atomic clash
    Acceptable Values: 0.0 < float < max_dist_O3C5 Recommended Value: 2.0 A
    Description: Minimum distance to declare an atomic clash. When atoms of different nucleotides inside an under-construction sequence are closer than this distance, a clash is declared, and the nucleotide provoking the clash is discarded from the sequence.

Section [minimization]

  • minimize Produce CHARMM input files for minimization?
    Acceptable Values: [True, False] Recommended Value: True Description: If set to True, this option makes NUCLEAR to produce CHARMM's minimization input for every oligonucleotide sequence produced.

  • prot_topol Path to the CHARMM topology file required for minimization
    Acceptable Values: A valid path Recommended Value: None Description: Path to the CHARMM topology file required for minimization.

  • prot_param Path to the CHARMM parameter file required for minimization
    Acceptable Values: A valid path Recommended Value: None Description: Path to the CHARMM parameter file required for minimization.