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Machine Learning Journey

Welcome to my machine learning journey repository! Here, I document my learning progress as I delve into the fascinating world of machine learning.


In this repository, you will find the code, projects, and notes my journey learning machine learning. As I progress through the courses, I will be updating this repository with my assignments, projects, and any additional resources I find useful.

Tech Stack

During my machine learning course, I'm utilizing the following tech stack:

  • Python: The primary programming language used for machine learning tasks and projects.
  • Visual Studio Code (VSCode): My preferred integrated development environment (IDE) for writing, debugging, and running Python code.
  • Anaconda: Anaconda is a Python distribution that bundles various packages and virtual environments for scientific computing and data analysis.


As part of my learning journey, I will be working on various machine learning projects. Some of the projects I have completed or I am working on include:



To set up your environment for machine learning development, follow these steps:

  1. Download Anaconda: Visit the official Anaconda download page at Anaconda Distribution and download the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).

  2. Follow Installation Instructions: Follow the installation instructions provided by the Anaconda installer. Make sure to select the option "Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable" during the installation process.

  3. Install Required Packages: After installing Anaconda, open a terminal or Anaconda Prompt and run the following commands to install the required packages:

conda install pandas jupyter numpy matplotlib scikit-learn tensorflow keras pytorch


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