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Extend Tekton Pipeline with Kube Linting Task

Let's enable the kube-linter task in our pipeline.

  1. Kube lint has a tekton task on Tekton Hub so let's grab it and add the Task to our cluster. Feel free to explore what the Task will be doing

    curl -sLo /projects/tech-exercise/tekton/templates/tasks/kube-linter.yaml \
    # commit this so ArgoCD will sync it 
    cd /projects/tech-exercise
    git add .
    git commit -m  "鈽庯笍 ADD - kube-linter task 鈽庯笍"
    git push
  2. We could run the kube-linter task with all default checks in our pipeline but this would fail the build. So let's do the naughty thing and run with a restricted set of checks. Add the following step in our maven-pipeline.yaml (stored in /projects/tech-exercise/tekton/templates/pipelines/maven-pipeline.yaml).

        # Kube-linter
        - name: kube-linter
          - fetch-app-repository
            name: kube-linter
            - name: source
              workspace: shared-workspace
            - name: manifest
              value: "$(params.APPLICATION_NAME)/$(params.GIT_BRANCH)/chart"
            - name: default_option
              value: do-not-auto-add-defaults
            - name: includelist
              value: "no-extensions-v1beta,no-readiness-probe,no-liveness-probe,dangling-service,mismatching-selector,writable-host-mount"

    Be sure to update the maven task in the pipeline as well so its runAfter is the kube-linter task 馃挭馃挭馃挭

    鉀凤笍 NOTE 鉀凤笍 - If you've completed Sonarqube step, you need to set runAfter as analysis-check

    You should have a pipeline definition like this:

         - name: kube-linter
         - fetch-app-repository
         - name: maven
             name: maven
           runAfter: <== make sure you update this 馃挭馃挭
             - kube-linter # check the NOTE above鉂椻潡 this could be `analysis-check` as well.
             - name: WORK_DIRECTORY
             value: "$(params.APPLICATION_NAME)/$(params.GIT_BRANCH)"
  3. Check our changes into git.

    cd /projects/tech-exercise
    # git add, commit, push your changes..
    git add .
    git commit -m  "馃悺 ADD - kube-linter checks 馃悺"
    git push
  4. Trigger a pipeline build.

    cd /projects/pet-battle-api
    git commit --allow-empty -m "馃悺 test kube-linter step 馃悺"
    git push

    馃獎 Watch the pipeline run with the kube-linter task.


Breaking the Build

Let's run through a scenario where we break/fix the build with kube-linter.

  1. Edit maven-pipeline.yaml again and add required-label-owner to the includelist list on the kube-linter task:

            - name: includelist
              value: "no-extensions-v1beta,no-readiness-probe,no-liveness-probe,dangling-service,mismatching-selector,writable-host-mount,required-label-owner"
  2. Check in these changes and trigger a pipeline run.

    cd /projects/tech-exercise
    # git add, commit, push your changes..
    git add .
    git commit -m  "馃悺 ADD - kube-linter required-label-owner check 馃悺"
    git push

    If you get an error like error: failed to push some refs to.., please run git pull, then push your changes again by running above commands.

    Make an empty commit to trigger the pipeline.

    cd /projects/pet-battle-api
    git commit --allow-empty -m "馃┐ test required-label-owner check 馃┐"
    git push
  3. Wait for the pipeline to sync and trigger a pet-battle-api build. This should now fail.


  4. We can take a look at the error and replicate it on the command line:

    cd /projects/pet-battle-api
    kube-linter lint chart --do-not-auto-add-defaults --include no-extensions-v1beta,no-readiness-probe,no-liveness-probe,dangling-service,mismatching-selector,writable-host-mount,required-label-owner


  5. The linter is complaining we're missing a label on our resources - let's fix our deployment by adding an owner label using helm. Edit pet-battle-api/chart/values.yaml file and add a value for owner:

    # Owner value
    owner: <TEAM_NAME>
  6. In helm land, the _helpers.tpl file allows us to define variables and chunks of yaml that can be reused across all resources in a chart easily. Let's update our label definitions in there to fix the kube-lint issue. Edit pet-battle-api/chart/templates/_helpers.tpl and add the owner label like this in two places - where we define "pet-battle-api.labels" and where we define "mongodb.labels" append it below {{ .Release.Service }}

    owner: {{ .Values.owner }}

    So it looks like this:

         {{- end }} {{ .Release.Service }}
         owner: {{ .Values.owner }}
         {{- end }}
  7. We can now trigger the Pipeline with the new version. Edit pet-battle-api pom.xml found in the root of the pet-battle-api project and update the version number. The pipeline will update the chart/Chart.yaml with these versions for us. Increment and change the version number to suit.


    You can also run this bit of code to do the replacement if you are feeling uber lazy!

    cd /projects/pet-battle-api
    mvn -ntp versions:set -DnewVersion=1.3.2
  8. We can check the kube-linter command again and check these changes in:

    cd /projects/pet-battle-api
    git add .
    git commit -m  "馃悐 ADD - kube-linter owner labels 馃悐"
    git push

    馃獎 Observe the pet-battle-api pipeline running successfully again.