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Republic of Estonia Information System Authority X-ROAD European Union / European Regional Development Fund / Investing in your future

X-Road v6 monitor project - Reports Module


The Reports module is part of X-Road v6 monitor project, which includes modules of Database module, Collector module, Corrector module, Analysis module, Reports module (this document), Opendata module and Networking/Visualizer module.

The Reports module is responsible for creating different reports about X-Road v6 members subsystems (datasets usage). The execution of the reports module can be either performed automatically (via cron job) or manually.

Overall system, its users and rights, processes and directories are designed in a way, that all modules can reside in one server (different users but in same group 'opmon') but also in separate servers.

Overall system is also designed in a way, that allows to monitor data from different X-Road v6 instances (in Estonia ee-dev, ee-test, EE, see also X-Road v6 environments.

Overall system is also designed in a way, that can be used by X-Road Centre for all X-Road members as well as for Member own monitoring (includes possibilities to monitor also members data exchange partners).

The module source code can be found at:

and can be downloaded into server:

sudo su - reports
# If HOME not set, set it to /tmp default.
export TMP_DIR=${HOME:=/tmp}
export PROJECT="X-Road-opmonitor"
export PROJECT_URL="${PROJECT}.git"
if [ ! -d "${TMP_DIR}/${PROJECT}" ]; then \
    cd ${TMP_DIR}; git clone ${PROJECT_URL}; \
else \
  cd ${SOURCE}; git pull ${PROJECT_URL}; \


reports module diagram



  • The reports module needs access to the Database Module (see ==> Database_Module <==).
  • The reports module needs access to the X-Road Central Server (http, port 80).
  • The reports module needs access to the reports public publishing server (via rsync or scp, port 22 (SSH)).
  • The reports module needs access to the SMTP to announce member/subsystem contacts about reports created and published (port 25 (SMTP)).


No incoming connection is needed in the reports module.


This sections describes the necessary steps to install the reports module in a Linux Ubuntu 16.04. To a complete overview of different modules and machines, please refer to the ==> System Architecture <== documentation.

Install required packages

To install the necessary packages, execute the following commands in the terminal:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install pymongo==3.4.0
sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev
sudo pip3 install matplotlib==2.0.2
sudo pip3 install pandas==0.20.3
sudo pip3 install Jinja2==2.9.6
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python-lxml python-cffi libcairo2 \
    libpango1.0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libffi-dev shared-mime-info
sudo pip3 install WeasyPrint==0.39
sudo apt-get install libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev \
    liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev python3-tk
sudo pip3 install Pillow==4.2.1
sudo pip3 install tinycss==0.4
sudo pip3 install requests==2.14.2

Most libraries follow the "MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH" schema, so the guideline is to review and update PATCH versions always (they mostly contain bug fixes). MINOR updates can be applied, as they should keep compatibility, but there is no guarantee for some libraries. A suggestion would be to check if tests are working after MINOR updates and rollback if they stop working. MAJOR updates should not be applied.

Install reports module

The reports module uses the system user reports and group opmon. Also, the user has to have ability to push generated reports into publishing server via rsync / scp. To allow this, ssh keys have to be exchanged. To create group, user and exchange ssh keys, execute:

sudo useradd --base-dir /opt --create-home --system --shell /bin/bash --gid reports reports
sudo groupadd --force opmon
sudo usermod --append --groups opmon reports

Additionally, key-based, password-less accesses between modules are needed:

# Generate keys
sudo --user reports ssh-keygen -t rsa
# Set publishing user and publishing server values, also home directory in publishing server before usage
# Appending public key to a remote file via SSH
# Alternatively, administrative user might be used for that
# export publishing_user=""; export publishing_server=""
sudo --user reports /bin/cat ${HOME}/.ssh/ | \
    ssh ${publishing_user}@${publishing_server} "/bin/cat >> ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys"

The module files should be installed in the APPDIR directory, within a sub-folder named after the desired X-Road instance. In this manual, /srv/app is used as APPDIR and the sample is used as INSTANCE (please change sample to map your desired instance).

export APPDIR="/srv/app"
export INSTANCE="sample"
# Create log and heartbeat directories with group 'opmon' write permission
sudo mkdir --parents ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}
sudo mkdir --parents ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/logs
sudo mkdir --parents ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/heartbeat
sudo chown root:opmon ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE} ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/logs ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/heartbeat
sudo chmod g+w ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE} ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/logs ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/heartbeat

Copy the reports module code to the install folder and fix the file permissions:

# export APPDIR="/srv/app"; export INSTANCE="sample"
sudo cp --recursive --preserve ${SOURCE}/reports_module ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}

Usage of reports module

Reports module includes generation of two types of reports: monthly reports (about every memberCode / subsystemCode usage statistics) and Factsheet creation process.

It is important to note that it can take up to 7 days for the ==> Collector module <== to receive X-Road v6 operational data from security server(s) and up to 3 days for the ==> Corrector_module <== to clean the raw data and derive monitoring metrics in a clean database collection. This means that if monthly reports are to be generated, the cron job should run after the 7th day of the month (eg 10 days).

Monthly Reports about memberCode / subsystemCode usage


Settings for different X-Road instances have been prepared and can be used:

# export APPDIR="/srv/app"; export INSTANCE="sample"
sudo rm ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/reports_module/
sudo ln --symbolic \
    ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/reports_module/settings_${INSTANCE}.py \

If needed, edit necessary modifications to the settings file using your favorite text editor (here, vi is used):

# export APPDIR="/srv/app"; export INSTANCE="sample"
sudo vi ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/reports_module/

These are the settings that must be definitely set:


# --------------------------------------------------------
# Configure general report settings
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Set publishing user and publishing server values, also home directory in publishing server before usage
reports_publishing_user = ""
reports_publishing_server = ""
reports_publishing_directory = ""
REPORTS_TARGET = "{0}@{1}:{2}/{3}/".format(reports_publishing_user, 

# --------------------------------------------------------
# Configure notifications
# --------------------------------------------------------
# e-mail from where the reports will be sent
SENDER_EMAIL = "yourname@yourdomain"
# the SMTP host used for sending reports
SMTP_HOST = 'smtp.yourdomain'
# the smtp port used for sending reports

These are the settings that will work with default values set but can be changed while needed:

APPDIR = "/srv/app"
INSTANCE = "sample"
# Reports output directory
REPORTS_PATH = "{0}/{1}/reports/".format(APPDIR, INSTANCE)

Available languages for the reports are:

en - english
et - estonian

The relevant translation files are in the folder reports_module/lang.

The external files and additional scripts required for reports module


External file ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/reports_module/external_files/riha.json is generated within ==> Collector module <== because it has access to the necessary X-Road Central Server (or Security Server if needed) and is made available for Reports module through remote copying. It is required for:

  1. generation list of possible reports, sub-module reports_py, get xRoadInstance/meberClass/memberCode/subSystemCode combinations
  2. complement reports with member and sybsystem names and their translations in human-readable format, sub_module
  3. sending out notifications, complement e-mail with member and sybsystem names and their translations in human-readable format, also getting receiver e-mail and name, sub_module

Sample of ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/reports_module/external_files/riha.json

    "x_road_instance": "sample",
    "subsystem_name": {
      "et": "Subsystem Name ET",
      "en": "Subsystem Name EN"
    "member_class": "MemberClassA",
    "email": [
        "name": "Firstname Lastname",
        "email": "yourname@yourdomain"
    "subsystem_code": "SubsystemCodeA",
    "member_code": "MemberCodeA",
    "member_name": "Member Name"

This script is needed to get start and end dates of previous month and needs to output the following: start_date(YYYY-MM-DD) end_date(YYYY-MM-DD)

For example: 2017-05-01 2017-05-31

TODAY=$(date '+%F') # or whatever YYYY-MM-DD you need
THIS_MONTH_START=$(date -d "$TODAY" '+%Y-%m-01')
LAST_MONTH_START=$(date -d "$THIS_MONTH_START -1 month" '+%F')
LAST_MONTH_END=$(date -d "$LAST_MONTH_START +1 month -1 day" '+%F')

Correct necessary permissions

# export APPDIR="/srv/app"; export INSTANCE="sample"
sudo chown --recursive reports:reports ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/reports_module
sudo chmod --recursive -x+X ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/reports_module
find  ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/reports_module/ -name '*.sh' -type f | sudo xargs chmod u+x


Manual usage

Run the with member_code, subsystem_code (optional), member_class, x_road_instance, start_date, end_date and language parameters. Here's an example of the script call WITH the subsystem_code:

# export APPDIR="/srv/app"; export INSTANCE="sample"
sudo --user reports /usr/bin/python3 -m reports_module.report_worker \
    --member_code MemberCodeA \
	--subsystem_code SubsystemCodeA \
	--member_class MemberClassA \
	--x_road_instance sample \
	--start_date 2017-5-1 \
	--end_date 2017-5-31 \
	--language en

Here's an example of the script call WITHOUT the subystem_code (generates report about when query logs did NOT include subsystem_code):

# export APPDIR="/srv/app"; export INSTANCE="sample"
sudo --user reports /usr/bin/python3 -m reports_module.report_worker \
    --member_code MemberCodeA \
	--member_class MemberClassA \
	--x_road_instance sample \
	--start_date 2017-5-1 \
	--end_date 2017-5-31 \
	--language en

CRON usage

CRON usage includes 4 steps:

  1. Generate complementary data for reports from RIHA
  2. Run reports
  3. Publish reports
  4. Run notification manager

Add reports module as a cron job to the reports user.

sudo crontab -u reports -e

The cron job entry (executes in 10th day of month 12:34:

34 12 10 * * export APPDIR="/srv/app"; export INSTANCE="sample"; cd ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/reports_module; ./

Note: The prediction of 10th date comes from timeschedule:

  • X-Road Security Servers keep operational monitoring data up to 7 days, during this timeframe it must collected by Collector module.
  • We give extra 3 days to ensure all raw_messages are corrected, message pairs found, transferred into clean_data and marked as {"correctorStatus": "done"} by Corrector module.

To check if the reports module is properly installed in the reports user, execute:

sudo crontab -u reports -l


Check the availability of generated report(s) at the reports folder:

# export APPDIR="/srv/app"; export INSTANCE="sample"
ls -l --recursive ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/reports

The Report naming convention is the following: memberCode_startDate_endDate_creationDate_creationTime.pdf. For example: subsystemCodeA_2017-05-01_2017-05-31_2017-06-10_12-34-56-123456.pdf

The "startDate", "endDate" & the "creationDate" have the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. For example: 2017-05-31

The creationTime has the hour-minute-second-millisecond format: HH-mm-ss-MMMSSS. For example: 12-34-56-123456

Note about Indexing

Index build in background (see Database module, Index Creation might affect availability of cursor for long-running queries. Please review the need of active Collector module and specifically the need of active Corrector module while running Reports.

Monitoring and Status


The reports module produces log files that, by default, are stored at ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/logs

To change the logging level, it is necessary to change the logger.setLevel parameter in the settings file:

# ERROR - logs ERROR

The time format for durations in the log files is the following: "HH:MM:SS". For example:

"Finished process. Processing time: 00:00:56"


The Reports module has a heartbeat.json file. The settings (in the settings file) for the heartbeat files are the following:

HEARTBEAT_LOGGER_PATH = '{0}/{1}/heartbeat/'.format(APPDIR, INSTANCE)
REPORT_HEARTBEAT_NAME = "heartbeat_report.json"

So, for each MONGODB_SUFFIX (X-Road instance) a separate heartbeat will be generated.

The Reports module has a heartbeat.json file, by default, is stored at ${APPDIR}/${INSTANCE}/heartbeat.

The heartbeat files consist of the following fields:

timestamp - the timestamp when the heartbeat was updated
module - module name
msg - message
version - version
status - status

The statuses used in the Reports and Factsheet generation in the heartbeat are the following: