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This document contains API specification for the web app.

Beside these endpoints, the web app must also implement Common Errors.


POST: /api/session

This endpoint is used by client to log in the user. Upon successful call, this endpoint returns access_token that will be used to authenticate subsequent API calls.

Notice that access_token has very short lifetime. In this system the lifetime duration is set to 20 seconds. So after 20 seconds the access_token will be expired.

When the current access_token is already expired, client must call Refresh Access Token to generate the new access_token using refresh_token from the response.

Currently only 2 users available in the system:

  • email:, password: 123456
  • email:, password: 123456


Since refresh_token will be used every time the client want to generate new access_token, it should be stored in client storage indefinitely.


  • email, String => The email for login into the system.
  • password, String => The password for given username.

Example Request:

POST /session
Content-Type: application/json

    "email": "",
    "password": "123456"

Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "ok": true,
    "data": {
        "user": {
            "id": 1,
            "email": "",
            "name": "Alice"
        "access_token": "933e89b1-980b-4c98-8d73-18f7ccfac25d",
        "refresh_token": "8eebef3c-03e0-4ead-b78e-27bac3fc43c3"

Error Responses:

  • Invalid Credentials (401)

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
        "ok": false,
        "err": "ERR_INVALID_CREDS",
        "msg": "incorrect username or password"

    Client will receive this error when it submitted incorrect combination of username & password.

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Refresh Access Token

PUT: /api/session

This endpoint is used by client to replace expired access_token with the new one.


  • Authorization, String => The value is Bearer <refresh_token>.

Example Request:

PUT /session
Authorization: Bearer 8eebef3c-03e0-4ead-b78e-27bac3fc43c

Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "ok": true,
    "data": {
        "access_token": "933e89b1-980b-4c98-8d73-18f7ccfac25d"

Error Responses:

  • Invalid Refresh Token (401)

    HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
    Content-Type: application/json
        "ok": false,
        "msg": "invalid refresh token"

    Client will receive this error when it submitted invalid refresh token. There are 2 causes of invalid refresh token: either the value is incorrect or the value is deemed expired by the system. In case client receiving this error, the client should redirect user to the login page.

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List Reminders

GET: /api/reminders?limit={limit}

This endpoint returns the upcoming reminders for the user. The reminders are sorted by remind_at in ascending order.


  • Authorization, String => The value is Bearer <access_token>.

Query Parameters:

  • limit, Integer, OPTIONAL => The maximum number of reminders to be returned. The default value is 10.

Example Request:

GET /reminders?limit=5
Authorization: Bearer 933e89b1-980b-4c98-8d73-18f7ccfac25d

Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "ok": true,
    "data": {
        "reminders": [
                "id": 1,
                "title": "Meeting with Bob",
                "description": "Discuss about new project related to new system",
                "remind_at": "1701246722",
                "event_at": "1701223200"
        "limit": 5

Error Responses:

No specific error responses.

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Create Reminder

POST: /api/reminders

This endpoint is used by client to create a new reminder. When the reminder is successfully created, the system will send email notification to the user when the reminder is due (when reminder_at is reached).


  • Authorization, String => The value is Bearer <access_token>.

Request Body:

  • title, String => Title of the reminder.
  • description, String => Description of the reminder.
  • remind_at, Integer => Unix timestamp in seconds when the reminder should be reminded to the user.
  • event_at, Integer => Unix timestamp in seconds when the event will occurs.

Example Request:

POST /api/reminders
Authorization: Bearer 933e89b1-980b-4c98-8d73-18f7ccfac25d

    "title": "Meeting with Bob",
    "description": "Discuss about new project related to new system",
    "remind_at": 1701246722,
    "event_at": 1701223200

Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "ok": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Meeting with Bob",
        "description": "Discuss about new project related to new system",
        "remind_at": "1701246722",
        "event_at": "1701223200"

Error Responses:

No specific error responses.

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View Reminder

GET: /api/reminders/{id}

This endpoint is used by client to view details of a reminder.


  • Authorization, String => The value is Bearer <access_token>.

Path Parameters:

  • id, Integer => Id of the reminder.

Example Request:

GET: /api/reminders/1
Authorization: Bearer 933e89b1-980b-4c98-8d73-18f7ccfac25d

Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "ok": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Meeting with Bob",
        "description": "Discuss about new project related to new system",
        "remind_at": "1701246722",
        "event_at": "1701223200"

Error Responses:

No specific error responses.

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Edit Reminder

PUT: /api/reminders/{id}

This endpoint is used by client to edit a reminder.


  • Authorization, String => The value is Bearer <access_token>.

Path Parameters:

  • id, Integer => Id of the reminder.

Request Body:

  • title, String, OPTIONAL => Title of the reminder.
  • description, String, OPTIONAL => Description of the reminder.
  • remind_at, Integer, OPTIONAL => Unix timestamp in seconds when the reminder should be reminded to the user.
  • event_at, Integer, OPTIONAL => Unix timestamp in seconds when the event will occurs.

Example Request:

PUT /api/reminders/1
Authorization: Bearer 933e89b1-980b-4c98-8d73-18f7ccfac25d

    "title": "Meeting with Bob",
    "description": "Discuss about new project related to new system",
    "remind_at": 1701246722,
    "event_at": 1701223200

Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "ok": true,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "title": "Meeting with Bob",
        "description": "Discuss about new project related to new system",
        "remind_at": "1701246722",
        "event_at": "1701223200"

Error Responses:

No specific error responses.

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Delete Reminder

DELETE: /api/reminders/{id}

This endpoint is used by client to delete a reminder.


  • Authorization, String => The value is Bearer <access_token>.

Path Parameters:

  • id, Integer => Id of the reminder.

Example Request:

DELETE: /api/reminders/1

Success Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "ok": true

Error Responses:

No specific error responses.

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