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Publish Options

The SDK offers publishing options to optimize app size and performance. They can be used with and are integrated with SDK container publishing.

For these examples, all relevant properties with be included in the project file. They can just as easily be used from the CLI.


The hello-dotnet app can be published as self-contained. We'll use a chiseled base image again and use ContainerRepository to name the image.

Project file:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <!-- Publishing properties -->


Note: The EnableSdkContainerSupport property is only needed for console apps. Apps that use the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web SDK (see first line project file) have this property set automatically.

Publish and run the app image:

$ dotnet publish /t:PublishContainer
$ docker run --rm hello-chiseled-trimmed
Hello, Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS!

Base image used:

Note: You can identify that the build is trimming the app with the following line.

Optimizing assemblies for size. This process might take a while.

Inspect the image.

$ docker images hello-chiseled-trimmed
REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
hello-chiseled-trimmed   latest    d5e16881e864   16 seconds ago   73.7MB

This image is a lot smaller than the default case.

As a reminder, the following is the default.

$ docker images hello-dotnet
hello-dotnet   latest    4f9032c723d1   14 seconds ago   193MB

Decrease size with InvariantGlobalization mode

The ICU dependendency can be removed using globalization-invariant mode. It is the largest dependency for most apps. Globalization is important for many apps, so it is important to use this mode with care. ICU is not used in the hello-dotnet app, so invariant mode can be enabled and the dependency can be removed.

InvariantGlobalization mode enables PublishTrimmed to remove a few more library methods, modestly decreasing the size of the underlying .NET libraries.

Project file:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <!-- Publishing properties -->


Note: The jammy-chiseled container family does not include ICU or tzdata. The jammy-chiseled-extra family used in the previous example contain the globalization libraries. The following commands demonstrate that.

$ docker run --rm anchore/syft
NAME             VERSION                   TYPE   
base-files       12ubuntu4.5               deb     
ca-certificates  20230311ubuntu0.22.04.1   deb     
libc6            2.35-0ubuntu3.6           deb     
libgcc-s1        12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04     deb     
libicu70         70.1-2                    deb     
libssl3          3.0.2-0ubuntu1.14         deb     
libstdc++6       12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04     deb     
tzdata           2023d-0ubuntu0.22.04      deb     
zlib1g           1:1.2.11.dfsg-2ubuntu9.2  deb
$ docker run --rm anchore/syft
NAME             VERSION                   TYPE   
base-files       12ubuntu4.5               deb     
ca-certificates  20230311ubuntu0.22.04.1   deb     
libc6            2.35-0ubuntu3.6           deb     
libgcc-s1        12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04     deb     
libssl3          3.0.2-0ubuntu1.14         deb     
libstdc++6       12.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04     deb     
zlib1g           1:1.2.11.dfsg-2ubuntu9.2  deb

Publish and run the app image:

$ dotnet publish /t:PublishContainer
$ docker run --rm  hello-chiseled-trimmed
Hello, Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS on X64!

Base image used:

Inspect the image:

$ docker images hello-chiseled-trimmed
REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
hello-chiseled-trimmed   latest    d0962426a554   3 seconds ago   36MB

The image is now half the size, using InvariantGlobalization.

Native AOT

Native AOT compiles C# to native code and uses a much smaller build of CoreCLR, resulting in even smaller image sizes. The native AOT templates use InvariantGlobalization by default, so the examples will assume that configuration.

The project file uses PublishAot.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <!-- Publishing properties -->


Publish and run the app image:

$ dotnet publish /t:PublishContainer
$ docker run --rm  hello-aot
Hello, Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS on X64!

Base image used:

Note: You can identify that the build is compiling with Native AOT with the following line.

Generating native code

Inspect the image:

$ docker images hello-aot
hello-aot    latest    f3a375ea965c   14 seconds ago   14.8MB

The image is (less than) half the size again.

The project file above is missing a ContainerFamily property, instead relying on automatic behavior.

With Native AOT, the following base images are automatically used:

  • InvariantGlobalization == true:
  • InvariantGlobalization == false:

Native AOT dependencies

You will get this error if you don't have a native toolchain installed.

$ dotnet publish /t:PublishContainer
MSBuild version 17.8.0+6cdef4241 for .NET
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored /home/rich/hello-dotnet/hello-dotnet.csproj (in 254 ms).
  hello-dotnet -> /home/rich/hello-dotnet/bin/Release/net8.0/linux-x64/hello-dotnet.dll
/home/rich/.nuget/packages/microsoft.dotnet.ilcompiler/8.0.0/build/Microsoft.NETCore.Native.Unix.targets(199,5): error : Platform linker ('clang' or 'gcc') not found in PATH. Ensure you have all the required prerequisites documented at [/home/rich/hello-dotnet/hello-dotnet.csproj]

You can install the following packages, per

On Ubuntu, the following command will install the required components.

sudo apt install -y clang zlib1g-dev

If you don't want to install them (or cannot because you are on Windows), another pattern is discussed in Publish OCI image in SDK container.