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Publishing Console apps as OCI images

The .NET SDK enables generating container images and pushing them to a registry. These instructions are part of a container workshop, which details fundamental workflows for using .NET in containers.


Create app

Create an app.

mkdir webapp
cd webapp
dotnet new web

Login to the container registry

By default, the .NET SDK reads the same credentials as Docker Desktop.

The following pattern is used, for Docker Hub:

docker login -u richlander

Publish image

The following properities (as demonstrated in the following command) can be used to build and push an image to a registry.

dotnet publish -t:PublishContainer -p:ContainerRepository=richlander/webapp

We can then validate that presence of the image in the target registry.

$ docker pull richlander/webapp
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from richlander/webapp
31ce7ceb6d44: Pull complete 
21ed37441576: Pull complete 
f87b1143177b: Pull complete 
0cb5225f39cb: Pull complete 
52da8af220c2: Pull complete 
a46f02466b30: Pull complete 
1d379052e72a: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:9b00505738b0247d5bf17fc1d2da0a7e73cb2647a4109ab15cb7bbe647b206f5
Status: Downloaded newer image for richlander/webapp:latest