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Adding parametric compilation for QVM and QPU (#39)
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* Fixes the plugin to support pyquil 2.16

* bump pyQuil version

* added rewiring

* Fixed qubit measuring order

* store compiled program

* remove partial rewiring

* return partial

* fix wiring key error

* First draft of porting to QubitDevice

* Modifying BasisState such that it uses the wires passed (instead of enumerate); rename CCNOT to Toffoli; fix test for test_qvm

* Fixing qvm and qpu and their tests

* Fixes for the wavelength simulator and tests

* Fixing WavefunctionDevice and NumpyWaveFunction Device; added functionality to raise an error for QVM analytic=True case (test included)

* Increasing shots for QPU tests

* Modifying comments, removing active_wires from test

* Update pennylane_forest/

Co-Authored-By: Josh Izaac <>

* Implementing feedback

* Docstring

* First draft

* Using keyword arguments for apply, fixing matrices that were used previously from default.qubit, increasing number of shots such that the stochastic tests will more likely pass

* Adding the lookup table, unit tests and a WIP integration test

* First draft of lookup table and parametric compilation (tests to be modified)

* Modifying the requirements file for the checks

* Making the parameter dictionaries instance attributes, such that there are no conflicts between devices

* Decreasing number of shots and adding flaky tests to stochastic test cases (each is tried 10 times and they need to pass at least once)

* Rename apply_wiring to remap_wires

* Adding timeouts that can be defined for qvms, adding tests

* Adding timeouts that can be defined for qpus, adding tests

* Adding tests for the mutable QNode cases

* Docstrings

* Tweak tests

* Remove no longer used instance attribute _eigs from QVMDevice

* Moving the compilation specific changes to to QVMDevice (as no other ForestDevice would have the concept implemented); restricting the QPU lattices in the qvm and qpu tests such that only 5 qubit devices are chosen; adding tests for coverage (e.g. BasisState not used as first)

* Move Variable attribute init to test

* Docstrings and refactor to apply_rotations

* Refactor QVMDevice such that generate_samples returns samples instead of returning and assigning it to dev._samples; adjusting the tests accordingly

* Docstrings to attributes and apply_rotations method

* Adding comments to parametric compilation logic

* Moving comments before if statements, renaming lookup_table

* Remove unused imports

* Modfying qpu test to be a parametrized test

* Adjust flaky runs

* Add comment to test

* Correct previous error

* Remove parameter_map and parameter_reference_map attributes from ForestDevice -> fixing the resulting failing tests by defining reset method in QVMDevice containing a resetting of these attributes; adding compiled_program property (and underlying attribute) which contains the latest compiled program (regardless of whether parametric compilation is turned on or off); refactor generate_samples and place comments inside; adding parametrized tests; adding tests for compiled_program

* Modify timeout for test where server failed to respond

* Timeout

* Update pennylane_forest/

Co-Authored-By: Josh Izaac <>

* Update pennylane_forest/

Co-Authored-By: Josh Izaac <>

* Update pennylane_forest/

Co-Authored-By: Josh Izaac <>

* Docstrings

* Reverting pennylane version requirement in requirements.txt

* Blacking

* Reverting requirements modification; version can be incremented upon release

Co-authored-by: Josh Izaac <>
  • Loading branch information
antalszava and josh146 committed Feb 1, 2020
1 parent c03085e commit 73369e7
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# dir menu entry, description, category)
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author, 'PennyLane-Forest', 'pyQuil plugin for the PennyLane quantum machine learning library.',
"PennyLane-Forest Documentation",
"pyQuil plugin for the PennyLane quantum machine learning library.",

# ============================================================

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34 changes: 25 additions & 9 deletions pennylane_forest/
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import uuid
import abc

import numpy as np

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# following gates are not supported by PennyLane
from pyquil.gates import S, T, CPHASE00, CPHASE01, CPHASE10, CPHASE, CCNOT, CSWAP, ISWAP, PSWAP

from pennylane import QubitDevice
from pennylane import QubitDevice, DeviceError

from ._version import __version__

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ class ForestDevice(QubitDevice):
_operation_map = pyquil_operation_map
_capabilities = {"model": "qubit", "tensor_observables": True}

def __init__(self, wires, shots=1000, analytic=False, **kwargs):
def __init__(self, wires, shots=1000, analytic=False, **kwargs):
super().__init__(wires, shots, analytic=analytic)
self.analytic = analytic
self.forest_url = kwargs.get("forest_url", pyquil_config.forest_url)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,21 +243,38 @@ def apply(self, operations, **kwargs):

# Apply the circuit operations
for i, operation in enumerate(operations):
# number of wires on device
# map the operation wires to the physical device qubits
wires = self.remap_wires(operation.wires)
par = operation.parameters

if i > 0 and in ("QubitStateVector", "BasisState"):
raise DeviceError("Operation {} cannot be used after other Operations have already been applied "
"on a {} device.".format(, self.short_name))

raise DeviceError(
"Operation {} cannot be used after other Operations have already "
"been applied on a {} device.".format(, self.short_name)
self.prog += self._operation_map[](*par, *wires)

# Apply the circuit rotations
self.prog += self.apply_rotations(rotations)

def apply_rotations(self, rotations):
"""Apply the circuit rotations.
This method serves as an auxiliary method to :meth:`~.ForestDevice.apply`.
rotations (List[pennylane.Operation]): operations that rotate into the
measurement basis
pyquil.Program: the pyquil Program that specifies the corresponding rotations
rotation_operations = Program()
for operation in rotations:
wires = self.remap_wires(operation.wires)
par = operation.parameters
self.prog += self._operation_map[](*par, *wires)
rotation_operations += self._operation_map[](*par, *wires)

return rotation_operations

def reset(self):
self.prog = Program()
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